

The research on the personality traits influencing flying cadets’ emotional stability

【作者】 肖玮

【导师】 苗丹民; 皇甫恩;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 应用心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 情绪稳定性(emotional stability)是从事航空航天等高应激、高认知负荷和高危险性职业活动所必须的基本心理品质,是这一特殊环境和条件下完成高技术作业的前提和条件。飞行成绩好坏、飞行特情的处理能力均与飞行员的情绪稳定性水平密切相关。因此,有效地对情绪稳定性进行预测及个性影响因素与飞行学员情绪稳定性关系研究就显得十分重要。 本研究以353名民航飞行学员为研究对象,通过文献回顾和研究目的分析,确定了本研究情绪稳定性的操作性定义;结合该操作性定义,通过与63名飞行专家的访谈和工作分析建立了飞行学员情绪稳定性效标评价系统;从明尼苏达多项人格测验(MMPI)、艾森克人格测验(EPQ)、成人内外控量表(ANSLE)中筛选有关维度和题目构成情绪稳定性人格特 可囚罩E大学硕士宇位论文 征测验量表;在前人研究的基础上编制情境认知评价问卷;选用内田-克 莱佩林测验(UK测验)作为气质测验工具。并选择招飞心理测验成绩、 理论学习成绩、筛选考核成绩、单飞成绩以及空中作业行为评价作为被试 的作业绩效指标;用上述工具评价了被试倩绪稳定性的有关人格、飞行情 境认知评价、作业绩效等个性特征;通过统计分析,筛选出能够反映倩绪 稳定性的有效预测指标。 本研究主要发现:(l)建立了飞行学员情绪稳定性效标评价体系和影 响情绪稳定性的个性特征的测量方法:(2)倩绪稳定性与飞行学员空中作 业水平和飞行成绩有显著相关;(3)MMP MAS、ip卜A、认知评价中 的“考试态度”、“职业态度”/‘自我评价”和 EPQN有显著相关;门) 在情绪稳定性人格特征评价中,M:Nl,I-MAS和 EPQN与倩绪稳定性评 价效标的“情绪总评”和“飞行紧张”两个因子有显著相关;(5)在倩境 认知评价指标中,“自我评价”与倩绪稳定性评价效标的“倩绪总评”、“飞 行操作”两个因子有显著相关:(6)在UK测验中,“兴奋性”和“偏差 指数”与倩绪稳定性评价的3个效标因子均有显著相关;(7)空中作业、 单飞成绩、招飞成绩与倩绪稳定性效标的3个因子均有显著相关;(8)在 验证性研究中,用综合评定方式对18名飞行学员排队并分组,对其倩绪 稳定性总体评价有较好预测效果;(9)应激状态下的作业绩效是倩绪稳定 性评价的最有效指标。 理论验证发现:()情绪稳定性可分为高应激状态下的倩绪稳定性和 一般状态下的倩绪稳定性。从个性特征角度来看,从个性角度来看,对一 般状态下情绪稳定性的评价主要是EPQ-N,另外MMPI的焦虑、外显焦 虑、ANSLE和认知评价中的考试态度、职业态度、自我评价等指标也从 不同角度反映了飞行学员平时的情绪稳定性特征;对高应激环境下的情绪 稳定性评价的敏感指标主要包括:高应激环境下的作业水平、情境认知评 2 窜回罩医大学硕士坎位论又 价的自我评价、气质类型测验(UK)的兴奋性和偏差指数等。因此在评 价情绪稳定性时,一定要综合评价,全面衡量;(2)UK测验的兴奋性指 标可以反映被试的反应性;而反应性的高低和被试在较高应激水平时的倩 绪稳定性和作业能力有关:(3)初步建立了心理稳定性模型。 研究结论:情绪稳定性是飞行学员极为重要的一项心理品质,它直接 影响飞行学员在应激环境下的作业水平,而人格(气质)。认知评价等个 性特征是情绪稳定性的重要影响因素。

【Abstract】 Emotional stability is basic psychological character which is essential for such professional activities as aviation and space, etc. which are high dangerous and high cognitive workload. Meanwhile it is precondition that the high tech tasks are accomplished under the special condition and circumstances as well. The flying achievements and the ability to deal with flying emergency are close related to the pilot’s emotional stability. Therefore, studies on effective prediction of emotional stability and the relationship between the flying cadets’ emotional stability and the influencing personality traits are very important.There were 353 flying cadets of civil aviation as subjects in this research. Firstly, through the literature search and analyse on the research’s purpose, determined the operating definition of emotional stability. Secondly, through the interviews with 63 pilots and job analyse of flight, the evaluating system of criteria on flying cadets’ emotional stability has been founded, integrating the operating definition. Thirdly, some dimension and some questions concerned were selected from MMPI, EPQ and ANSLE. And on the basis of former study, questionnaires on situational cognition were worked out. And UK test was chosen as a judgment test of temperament.The subjects’ scores of psychological admission test for flying cadets and the achievements of academic study, and of the selected flying test and of the first-single flying test were available as working performance. The subjects’flying operation in cabin were evaluated by their flying coaches as well. Fourthly, the subjects’ personality traits, the traits of the situational cognition and the working performance were evaluated with the battery mentioned above. Lastly, the effective predicated indexes were selected with statistical method.The main results:1. Found the evaluating system of criteria on flying cadets’ emotional stability and the measure of personality traits influencing emotional stability.2. Found the significantly relationship between the emotional stability and the flying performance in cabin.3. EPQ-N was found to be significantly correlated to MMPI-MAS, MMPI-A, attitude towards test, attitude towards flight and self-cognition.4. Among the indexes of personality, the significantly correlationship between MMPI-MAS, EPQ-N and 2 factors of criterion, ’the general emotional stability’ and ’flying tension’ were found.5. Among the situational cognitions, ’self-cognition’ was found to be significantly correlated to ’the general emotional stability’ and ’emotional expression in flight’.6. In UK test, the significantly correlation was found among ’excitability’, ’disorder’ and all the 3 factors of criterion.7. The significantly correlation among flying operation, scores of psychological admission test for flying cadets and all the 3 factors of criterion were found.8. A comprehensive evaluation with the indexes above got a satisfied predicted conclusion on another samples, 18 flying cadets.9. Among all of the indexes, working performance under stress condition was the most effective.Theory proved:1. Emotional stability consists of two kinds, one is under high stress and another is in general condition. Only viewing from personality, emotional stability in general condition can be evaluated with EPQ-N, MMPI-MAS and ’excitability’ and ’disorder’ of UK test. As for the emotional stability in general condition, the effective evaluating indexes include working performance under high stress, self-cognition, ’excitability’ and ’disorder’ of UK test. Therefore when the emotional stability is evaluated, the integrated methods must be used.52. The excitability of UK can reflect the subjects’ temperamental reaction, and the degree of reaction is related to their emotional stability and working performance under high stress.3. build up a basic model for psychological stability.Conclusion: Emotional stability is a vital psychological character for flying cade

  • 【分类号】B845
  • 【被引频次】5
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