


【作者】 韦志勇

【导师】 韦志中;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 民商法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 传统民法理论认为违约金同时兼具赔偿性与惩罚性,以赔偿性为主,惩罚性为辅,更有学者提出违约金只能是赔偿性的。笔者认为,违约金的本质在于惩罚性。学术界对违约金惩罚性的种种责难,很大程度上乃所取的划分违约金的标准不当所致。考察违约金的起源与演变可以得出这样一个结论,即违约金是作为一种威慑债务人不得违约的工具而出现的,后世普遍认为的违约金同时兼具赔偿性与惩罚性是对违约金惩罚本性的歪曲。传统民法赋予违约金担保债务履行的功能,但将违约金视为损害赔偿的预定无异于缘木求鱼,只有完全是惩罚性质的违约金才能实现债的担保功能。违约金惩罚性的本质使其与损害赔偿有了根本的区别,故违约金只能是惩罚性而不能包容赔偿性。民法并不排斥惩罚性的民事制裁措施,违约金只具惩罚性亦未违反民法的公平正义。承担违约责任的方式有多种,违约金只具惩罚性无损整个违约责任体系总体上的赔偿性。在我国当前的社会经济环境中,建立只具惩罚性的违约金制度更有着积极的意义。

【Abstract】 Accornding to traditional theory in civil law,penalty has been endowed with both compensationness and punitiveness, and some scholars even believecd only the compensationness exixted in it . But , as my own opinion , the nature of penalty relys on its punitiveness . The main reasons of the academic to reproach the punitiveness penalty is just because there is an undue criterion which was taken to define the nature of damages . By studying the origin and evolution of the rule of penalty, we can find they was used only as tools to prevent debtors from breaking contracts, and the later universal opinions which endowed penalty compensationess and punitiveness had distorted the punitiveness of damages . In fact, it is impossible to set penalty as compensatory damages for fulfilling the tradditional guarantee funtion of debt in civil law , and only punitive damages can fulfill this task . Because the punitiveness of penalty makes the damages have an essential distinguishion from compensatory damages , penalty should not include any compensatory funtion . The civil law doesn’t ostracise civil compulsory measures with punitiveness, and punitive penalty also haven’t broken the principle of fairness and justice in civil law. There have many mathods of bearing civil libility in breaching contracts, enduing penalty only one punitive character doesn’t infringe the compensation’s character of the civil liability’s system in breaching contracts in general. It is necessary to establish a rule of punitive penalty in the social ecomical conditions of todays’ China .

【关键词】 违约金性质赔偿性惩罚性
【Key words】 penaltynaturespunitivenesscompensationness
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】305