


【作者】 谢勇君

【导师】 毛汉领;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 由于数控机床在生产部门的使用越采越普遍,所以普及和推广数控技术是当前的一个重要问题。但数控加工设备价格很高,直接用昂贵的数控机床进行数控培训,很不经济。现有的能联机加工的数控培训系统都是基于DOS操作系统,其用户界面可视化程度差,而新开发的基于Windows的数控培训系统又只限于在电脑屏幕上进行加工仿真,不能进行实际加工切削。因此,研制成本低、可实际联机加工、可视化程度高的数控培训系统具有重要的现实意义。 本课题的工作目标是以FANUC这一典型数控系统作为模拟对象,设计基于Windows98、能实际联机加工、可视化的开放式数控培训系统。论文围绕这个目标的实现从硬件和软件两方面进行了探讨。 系统硬件采用了高性能PC机和运动控制卡相结合的模块化结构,论文中给出了具体的硬件结构框图,并对教学三坐标数控铣床的设计进行了说明。系统软件基干Windows操作系统,采用Visual C++6.0以及面向对象、模块化的程序设计方法,分数控系统软件和CAD/CAM软件两大模块进行编写。 关于数控系统软件设计,本文给出了数控系统的用户层、编译层和 广 凸 土 《 枉 士 《 伍&久控制层这三个模块的软件结构框图,并对各模块内的功能小模块如:数控代码的编译、模拟加工、同步仿真、操作面板状态监控、插补、自动/单段加工、手动、回零等模块列出了详细的程序设计流程图。针对数控系统的多任务性要求,讨论了多线程的编程技术,给出了用多线程技术实现多任务并行处理的的方洁和实际应用的程序例子。本文创新性地提出了虚拟数控操作面板和虚拟机床原点的构想,探索了其具体实现的方法和步骤,并给出部分程序源代码。 对于CADCAM一体化软件设计,本文首先论述了CAD汇AM培训的重要性,并说明了实现CADCAM一体化的原理,然后对图形接口处理、图形再现和自动编程的程序设计进行了讨论,并提供自动编程的实例。 论文的最后总结了本系统的特点,创新之处及其不足之处,对以后的开发提出了几点可行的、较合理的建议。

【Abstract】 The Numerical Control (NC) machine tool is widely used in manufacturer at present, so it is important to popularize and generalize the CNC(Computer Numerical Control) technique. However, NC machine tools are too expensive to be used for CNC training directly. Moreover, the existing CNC training systems based on DOS are poor in vision, and those based on Windows can not be used in practical machining. Therefore, it is very significant to develop a cheap, convenient and highly visual CNC training system.The object of this project is to develop a visual and open-architecture CNC training system which simulates FANUC CNC system and can be used in machining practically. This paper discusses both the hardware design and the software design of this system.In this article, the structure diagram of the system’s hardware is given, in which a high quality PC and a motion control card are adopted, and the design of a three -coordinate milling machine is presented as well.The system’s software developed with Visual C++ 6.0 and modular programming approach includes two modules: CNC system software and CAD/CAM software.As for CNC system software , the software structure diagrams of user layer module, compilation layer module and control layer module are given. Meanwhile, the program flow diagrams of all kinds of sub-function modules are showed, such as the compilation of NC codes, simulate machining,synchronous simulation, the state monitor of operating panel, interpolation, automatic machining, manual moving, returning origin and so on. Regarding the multi-task of CNC system, this paper discusses the multi-thread technique and shows a practical example. The author creatively builds two concept: virtual CNC operating panel and virtual machine tool origin, and has studied methods and procedures to realize them, giving some program codes as well as.As to the integration of CAD and CAM technique, the significance of integrated CAD/CAM training and the principle of integrated CAD/CAM are disserted at first, and then, the program designs of graphic interface, graphics reappearance and automatic programming are discussed. At the same time , a example of them is provided.At the end of this paper, the characteristics and the disadvantages of the system are analyzed, and several feasible and reasonable suggestions for future development are put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TG659
  • 【下载频次】193