
Web GIS在城市设施管理中的应用

Application Web GIS to FM

【作者】 胡继华

【导师】 谭建军;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 环境科学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 城市设施管理是电子政务和数字城市的重要组成部分,但是现有管理系统存在很多问题,主要表现在数据的完整性和现势性难以保证,数据的交换和共享困难,不能为领导决策提供支持等。 上述问题的产生有多方面的原因:没有通用的数据交换和编码标准,没有集成工作流技术、GPS等实时数据采集技术,系统建设时没有考虑到规划、设计等环节等。解决上述问题,我们必须全面了解城市设施管理的内容和规律,用Web GIS升级改造现有系统,建立通用数据交换标准和编码标准,采用组件式开发方法进行系统集成。 城市设施的生命周期包括规划、设计、施工、安装、运营、维护等环节。从这个角度本文阐述了电信、水、电等管线设施的管理内容和规律,指出城市设施实质上是多级的、分层的动态变化的网络体系。 接着本文分析了用Web GIS管理城市设施时的各种技术及其具体的应用,包括面向对象的技术、工作流技术、GPS技术、用关系数据库管理空间数据技术等。确定了XML标准为通用的数据交换标准和Web GIS的核心。 以面向对象的思想、软件工程理论为指导,本文提出了Web GIS管理城市设施的技术流程,包括准备、分析、设计、测试等环节。以广州电信设施管理信息系统为例,详细阐述了运用Web GIS技术来建设城市设施管理信息系统的核心部分——需求分析阶段和系统设计阶段,用UML语言对电信设施管理的内容和规律进行了再现和升华。结果证明,用Web GIS管理城市设施是可行的和适当的,能有效解决现有系统的各种问题,并能向后兼容。

【Abstract】 Jihua HuDirected by Jianjun TanFacilities management (FM) is an important part of computerized government affairs, but there are many problems exits in present FM, such as the difficulty to maintain the integrity and greenness of data, the handicap exits in data exchanging and data sharing, the shortness to provide evidence for decision-making, and so on.There are many reasons: no standard in data exchanging and data sharing, no integration of workflow technology and real time data collecting technology, and no plan when constructing system. To solve them, it is essential to fully understand the contents and laws of the management of urban facilities, to update current systems through Web GIS, to choose a standard for data exchanging and data sharing, to integrate related technologies through COM method.The life cycle of urban facilities includes planning, designing, construction, fixing, working, maintaining and other phase. Enlightened by this we provide detail information of the management of telecom, water supply, electricity supply, etc. and there comes a conclusion that the urban facilities is actually a dynamic network system with multi-layers.many technologies that will be used when urban facilities are managed through Web GIS are analyzed. They are Object-Oriented theory, workflow technology, GPS and the technology managing spatial data through relation database. XML is chose as the standard of data exchanging and the core of the implement of Web GIS.Directed by Object-Oriented theory and software engineering, a technical flow of development is provided for managing urban facilities through Web GIS, which includes preparing, analyzing, designing, test and other phase. At last, illustrated by the development of GuangZhou Telecom facility management, the details of analyzing and design is described, which is the core phase to construct FM, this phase revived the contents and laws of the management of telecom facilities. The later result improves that it is possible and proper to manage urban facilities through Web GIS, and those problems before are fixed.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】4
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