

【作者】 王红燕

【导师】 陈志刚;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 90年代计算技术最引人注目的进展之一是计算环境从集中走向分布,在此过程中,分布式网络计算的概念被提了出来,它是对传统计算模式的一次变革,其最大好处是实现了数据分布和计算分布的高度结合。在众多分布式计算模式中,多层客户服务计算模式更是一枝独秀,它已经越来越多的被应用到分布式应用系统的实践中。多层分布式应用系统是在大型应用中被广泛采纳的结构方式,无论从灵活性、可扩展性还是运行的高效性等几个方面上看,都有传统系统无法比拟的优势,因此很值得我们去研究。 本文围绕构建分布式应用系统的设计原则,介绍了多层分布式应用系统的各种设计方法,并着重探讨了多层分布式应用技术在数字化人口管理信息系统中的具体实现;本文同时介绍了该系统实现中的一些关键技术,并对系统开发中不容忽视的问题——性能优化和安全机制进行了特别阐述。 文章从课题的背景入手,简要概述了计算机网络计算模式的演化过程,指出了传统C/S模式的固有缺陷,同时介绍了开发多层分布式应用系统的方法、设计原则和实现技术;在阐明数字化人口管理系统的总体框架和设计方案之后,详细介绍了运用统一建模语言(UML)为系统建模、辅助系统分析的过程;详细阐述了基于三层分布式应用系统的应用服务器和客户端在Delphi中的具体实现方法;探讨了数字化人口管理信息系统中的关键技术,如图像处理、汉字拼音识别、分布式数据库维护;另外,还对系统的性能优化和安全机制做了深入的分析和研究;最后对所从事的项目开发工作进行了阶段性总结,并对如何提高多层分布式应用系统的开发质量提出了一些个人见解。

【Abstract】 In the nineties, one of the most conspicuous advances is that computing environment is tending towards distributing from centralizing. During this time, the conception of distributed network computing is put forward. It is a transforming to the traditional computing model, and makes a good combination between the data distributing and computing distributing. Multi-tier Client/Server architectures are marvelous in the so many distributing computing models, which has been more and more used in the many multi-tier distributing systems. Multi-tier distributing system is an architecture that is usually adopted in the large-scale application system. Compared with the traditional client/server architecture, it has more advantage in the flexibility, expansibility and efficiency. So it is very worth for us to research.According to the design principle of realizing distributing application system, the paper introduces all kinds of design methods of multi-tier distributing system, and emphatically discusses the concrete implementing of the multi-tier distributing application technology in the Digital Resident MIS. It also discusses the key technologies of this system and especially expounds security and optimization of this system, which should not be neglected in the system development.This paper begins with the source and research situation of the related subjects. A brief history of the evolvement of network computing is presented and inhered defects of traditional C/S mode are pointed out. It also introduces the method, principle and implementing technology to realize multi-tier structure. After introducing the main frames and design scheme of the Digital Resident MIS, it presents the procedure of system modeling using UML to analysis the system. It also illuminates the concrete method in the Delphi to implement the middle-tier and client. At the same time, some key technologies used in the system have been embodied in the paper, such as Image Processing, Chinese characters spelling recognition and the maintenance of the Distribute Data Base. In addition, it makes a deep research on security and optimization of this system. At last, it summarizes the research results and puts forward some viewpoints on how to improve software quality of the multi-tier distributing systems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【下载频次】228