

【作者】 支国明

【导师】 陈松乔; 王建新;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 远程教育作为现代教育技术的形式,有效地牵引着教育资源的优化,给教育思想与技术带来了革命性的变革,已经成为现代教育的必然要求。远程教育要得以顺利、高效的实施,必然离不开高效的管理与支撑平台环境。随着网络技术,特别是Internet技术的发展和普及,基于Web的远程教学已经成为远程教育的重要方式和发展方向。结合中南大学的具体软件与硬件环境,以及远程教学的实际需要,构建基于Web的远程教学管理系统,作为各种基于Web的多媒体课件运行的支撑、管理环境是进行远程教学的最佳选择之一。本文详细介绍了这种基于Web的远程教学管理系统的设计及开发。 系统分为登录控制、系统管理、网上测试、实时聊天、作业管理及自由论坛六个功能模块,采用三层结构的Brower/Server模型,使用ASP作为中间件实现,并支持基于Microsoft NetMeeting技术的音频交互与电子白板交互,实现了对异步远程教学及同步远程教学的支撑与管理。用户只需通过浏览器即可运行本系统。 系统服务器端基于Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server操作系统,使用Internet Information Server 5.0作为Web服务器,数据库服务器为Microsoft SQL Server 2000。采用ASP技术作为动态Web技术,用以在服务器端直接执行脚本(VBScript或JScript)动态生成网页,或与ActiveX组件结合方便地实现多种功能。后台数据库技术采用了基于SQL语言的桌面原则—ODBC(Open Database Connectivity)技术,通过ODBC提供的通用语法接口,实现应用程序从不同的数据源访问数据。使用ADO(ActiveX Data Obiects)技术访问后台数据库,ADO作为一个应用程序级的数据访问对象与ASP结合,在服务器端通过OLE DB数据提供者来存取和操纵各种关系型及非关系型数据库中的数据。在数据库记录操作过程中,根据不同的应用要求分别选择纯SQL语句和存储过程两种方式进行。在一些需要分页显示数据的模块中,采用了记录集多页显示技术。系统采用了多级安全机制,在Web服务器、数据库服务器、ASP脚本中都进行了相应的安全设置。此外,对于整个系统的性能优化技术也进行了探讨及研究。 论文分别从系统的设计目标与教学模式、系统开发采用的技术方案、系统的设计与实现、系统的关键技术及程序设计技巧、系统安全与性能优化等几个方面对系统进行了详细的说明。

【Abstract】 As a representation of contemporary education, remote education, which has brought the traditional education revolutionary ideas and technologies and optimized the educational resources, has been the trend of the contemporary education. Remote education can’t run well without an efficient management platform. With the development of Internet technology, Web-based remote education has been the latest tendency of remote education. And taking into account the conditions of software and hardware in Central South University, it is the best choice to design and develop a Web-based remote education management platform to support different kinds of multimedia courseware based on Web.The paper introduces the detailed process of the design and development of the platform of management and supporting system consisted of an asynchronous education management and supporting system and a synchronous one.The system is divided into six parts: control of loging in, system management, test through network, real-time chating, homework management and free forum. Using Microsoft NetMeeting technology to realize the synchronous remote education, the system was designed with the three-tier Brower/Server model, which uses ASP as the middle-ware. And the server contains the Web server and the Database server. The platform is Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server (with IIS 5.0) and MS SQL Server 2000.The system is developed by ASP technology, a kind of new technology of the Web dynamic technologies, which can form homepage dynamically using the server scripts and implement-many functions when being used with the ActiveX components. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), a technology that uses SQL to communicate with a data source through ODBC drivers interpreting the SQL and translating it for use with a particular database format, and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) which enables users to write an application to access and manipulate data in a database server through an OLE DB data provider is used to access background database. It also discusses the technologies in the multilevel Security and performance optimization of the system.The paper introduces the system from the following aspects: the design target and teaching model, the technology project of development, the design and implement, the key technologies, the security and optimization of performance.

【关键词】 远程教育Browser/ServerASP中间件ODBCADO
【Key words】 Remote EducationBrower/ServerASPmiddle-wareODBCADO
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】418