

【作者】 李中国

【导师】 李如密;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 教学模式是教学理论与教学实践之间的中介,其研究对于教学理论的完善和教学实践的深化具有十分重要的意义。近年来,伴随教学模式研究的不断深入和成人教育的迅猛发展,成人教学模式的发展也有了较大的变化,表现出涉猎领域广泛、注重科技应用、突出教学主体、关注学生层级以及强调师生互动等特征。然而,受社会发展阶段、人们素质水平以及成人教育自身发展状况的制约,成人教学模式的发展尚存有研究成果零乱、系统性不强、模式研究过于空泛、成人特色难以体现等现象,这严重影响了成人教育发展的速度、质量和方向。为此,加强成人教学模式的研究,提高其教学质量已经成为成人教学改革的关键。 “骨架”型成人教学模式是以医学解剖学人体骨胳系统的外在形态及其各自相应部位的组织器官在人体生命中的地位和作用为依照,组织教学内容;在教学中,教师通过对不同层级的知识“骨架”的讲授,质疑以及师生讨论交流等,使学生在短时间内把握知识的整体结构及其内在联系,进而有效地指导学生学习的教学理论模式及其寸行性的实施方案。它是在知识经济的挑战下,在全面分析我国目前成人教学发展的状况和系统总结函授面授教学经验的基础上,以系统科学、认知的——组织的学习理论为指导,紧密结合成人身心发展的特点和社会化要求构建而成的。它以优化教学结构为核心,教学方向明确,启发指导性强,具有简约性、系统性、直观性、互动性以及高效性等特征。 知识经济社会,知识更新速度的加快,学习什么,怎样学习?成为困惑人们的主要问题。无可质疑,函授教育一直是我国成人教育的重要教育形式之一。它最初以信函方式沟通师生活动,时至今日,已经发展到以面授教学为主导、学生自学为主体的多环节、易操作、时效性强、普及率高的教学组织形式。纵观其发展历程,创新是其青春常驻的源泉,社会需求是其永不枯竭的动力。针对我国目前社会发展 的初期阶段和综合国力较弱的现实,成人函授教育还将长期存在,但 要使其源泉不断,动力不竭,优化面授教学环节,务必作为函授教育 改革的重点.咏 生活节奏的加快、社会竞争力的增强、成人社会角色的日趋复杂 等,导致了成人学习时间、空间、内容、方式的多变性;为了适应这 些变化,创新设计新型独具成人特色的教学模式系统,是促进社会发 展、满足成人学习需求的基本前提。 系统科学从部分与整体的有机联系中揭示了整个系统的运动规 律,它强调教学要把其构成要素组织优化,形成具有独主功能和运动 规律的整体,才能收到各个要素所不具有的新功能。与其相应,认知 的——组织的学习理论则主张学习在于构成一种完形,是改变一种完 形成为另一种完形,认为知识的结构是围绕着一些关键概念所构咸的 网级 学习须以网络为主等。 “骨架”型成人教学模式从知识系统的整体出发,简约、系统地《 构成了不同层级的知识网络体系。知识“骨架”中居于“颅骨”和“胸 廓”相应位置的知识要点构成知识“骨架”的核。G,与其他部位的知 识点相比,清晰明了,使人一目了然。教师在教学中以不同层级的知 识“骨架”为主要讲授内客,遵循由浅入深、由简到繁、由整体到部 分的讲授原则,符合人类认知的发展规律.另外,“骨架”型成人教学 模式的互补性特征,有助于发挥学生的主动性和创造性,激发学生在 生产和生活中创造性地进行学习,增强师生间的交互作用。 “骨架”型成人教学模式的实施是一个师生活动既相互独立,但 又紧密联系的过程;不同的教学阶段,均有教与学相对应的重要环节。 在组织准备中,教师通过统观整体,把握目的H广泛调研,明确差 距一一>筛选内容,合理定位一一>仿真模拟,分层设计一一>制作课件, 系统评价等环节,构成一个相对独立的闭合系统Z 与之相应,学生通 过明确学习目的H找出知识不足--提出疑难问题下一>假设解题方一 案一一>实施自我评价等环节,也形成一个层次分明、思维清晰的准备 系统,二者在独立运行中,都以对方的存在为条件,环环相扣,步步 2 3 相通,共同为后期教学创造了充分条件。 在运行过程中,教师通过设问质疑,创设问题情景一一>分析讲解, 呈现知识“骨架”一系统概观,强化知识“骨架”等环节展开教学。活动;学生则以逐一诊治,把握不足一>潜心思考,组织内化+巩 ?

【Abstract】 The teaching model is the medium of teaching theory and teaching practice. It’s research is of great significance for the improvement of teaching theory integration and the deepening of the teaching practice. In recent years, with the depth of the research of the teaching model and the rapid development of the adult education, great changes have taken place in the development of the adult teaching model. It has the tendency of connecting extensive fields, emphasizing the application on technology, laying stress on teaching main body, paying close attention to the students’ strata and emphasizing the interaction between teachers and students. However, because of the limitation of the social development, the level of people’s quality and the self-development of adult education, the development of adult teaching model still has the problems as being disorder in research result, being unsystematic, being empty in research model, and being in lack of adult characteristics. This has greatly affected the speed, quality and the direction of the comprehensive development of adult education. Therefore, it is vital for the reform in adult teaching to strengthen the research of the adult teaching model and raise the teaching quality.Based on the external shape of the medical anatomy of the human "bony" system and the status and function of all the organizing organ in human body, the "skeleton" type of adult teaching model organizes the teaching contents. In teaching, the teacher makes students grasp the whole structure of -the knowledge and its inner connection in a short time by means of teaching, questioning and discussing between teachers and students and thus guides the students efficiently to study the teaching theory model and the feasible plan. Under the challenge of the knowledge economy, and on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the conditions of the Chinese adult teaching and a systematic summary of the correspondence teaching and the personal teaching,the "skeleton" type of adult teaching model has been constructed, which is directed by the systematic science, congnitive and organizing learning theory,and is closed related with the characteristics of the adult development,and the demands of the society.lt has the core of optimizing the teaching structure, a clear teaching aim,a strong enlightenment,and the characteristic of simplicity, systematicality, directness, interactivity and high efficiency ,etc.In the society of knowledge economy, with the speed of the replacement of the knowledge, what to leam and how to learn becomes a main frustrating problem. There is no doubt that the correspondence teaching is one of the most important educational forms in Chinese adult education. At the beginning, the activity between students and teachers is realized by mails, later,it has evolved into an organizing teaching form with face-to-face teaching as the guide, and the students’ self-teaching as its main part. This kind of teaching form has the advantages of being easily-controlled, high effiency and having high popularizing rate. From the long run of its development, one can see that creation is the source of the long-standing and the social requirement is its unexhausted driving force. In view of our country’s reality of being in the early stage of social development and of the weak comprehensive state power, -the adult education will exist for a long time. However, if we want to make its source continuous and its driving force unexhausted, the optimization the teaching process becomes the key of reform in the correspondence education .The high speed rhythm of life, the severe social competition, and the increasing complexity of the adult social roles, result in the varieties of adult’s learning time, space, content and method. In order to adapt to the changes, creating a new type of teaching model system with adult characteristics becomes a basic premise of promoting the social development and satisfying the adult learners’ requirement.Systematic science reviews the operating rules of whole system

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