

Research On The Adult Higher Education Teaching-QuaIity Internal-Assurance in General University

【作者】 王传永

【导师】 杜以德;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的目的在于以我国普通高校成人高教教学质量内部保证研究的状况概览为基础,通过对成人高教教学质量内部保证研究的背景透视,剖析相关的基本理论问题,吸纳国内外最新的相关研究成果,探索适合我国国情富有成效的成人高教教学质量内部保证策略,并期待抛砖引玉。 从这一目的出发,在本研究中,我们在普通高校这一层次上,以学校为单位,试图从内部组织管理的角度入手研究我国普通高校成人高教的教学质量内部保证问题。 本研究紧紧围绕“普通高校成人高教教学质量内部保证”这一总论题,分四部分展开研究。 第一部分,作为研究的起点,透视了我国普通高校成人高教教学质量内部保证研究的背景,阐明我们的研究是在一个怎样的背景中展开的。 由于知识经济社会对高质量人才的大量需求,而普通高校普通高教因多种因素的制约满足社会需求的能力有限,普通高校的成人高教依据其灵活的形式获得了人们的青睐,价值凸显。但是面临国内外市场的激烈竞争,教学质量与其生存与发展息息相关。反观我国普通高校成人高教教学质量现状,问题重重,并不令人乐观,急需加强质量内部保证。审视我国普通高校成人高教教学质量内部保证实践,却发现策略乏力,劳而无获或收获甚微,人们期盼理论研究能给以指导,答疑解惑。可喜的是,国际高等教育质量保证运动的蓬勃进行,为我们研究我国普通高校成人高教教学质量内部保证研究提供了新的视角和可资借鉴的经验。 第二部分意在通过概览普通高校成人高教教学质量内部保证研究 现状,指出其成功之处,点明其不足,为整个研究奠定基础. 审视目前我国普通高校成人高教教学质量内部保证研究现状,可 以发现有很多地方值得借鉴,比如理论研究工作者已经开始将研究重”心由质量内部保证的方法和技术向质量内部保证的一些基本理论问题 转移;对质量内部保证方法和技术的探索也由单一的措施向系统化过 渡。但是也存在一些不足,表现在着眼于质量内部保证的方法和技术 的研究,但是没有重视对质量内部保证的主体和客体的研究;而对于 质量内部保证的方法所做的体系化努力,却停留于理论性的体系的建 构而非操作性的机制的探索,尚需深入;此外,也是最重要的一点在 于没有及时吸纳“全面质量管理”、“学习型组织”等国外最新的管理 理念,研究的方法论滞后.因此,要实现普通高校咸人高教教学质量 内部保证研究的突破,首先需要实现理论基础的创新. 第三部分试图阐明进行成人高教教学质量内部保证研究的理论基t 础,梳理了一些基本概念包括质量、成人高教教学质量、质量保证以 及成人高教教学质量内部保证,阐释了本研究赖以进行的一些基本原 理包括三论(系统论、信息论、控制论)、教学质量产生模式说以及全 面质量管理的理论。 对成人高教教学质量内涵的界定建基于质量内涵的界定。我们认 为,所谓成人高教教学质量,是指成人高等教育教学活动满足国家、 社会、教育系统、个人当前和未来需要所具有的各种特性的总和,是 国家、社会需要适应度、成人高等教育教学目标达成度、个体发展促 进度的辨证统一。 广义的“质量保证”,一般用于指称一种以标准化的组织质量管理e____ 系统为基础的质量管理模式.本研究取其的广义内涵界定成人高教教 学质量内部保证,认为所谓普通高校成人高教教学质量内部保证,就 是普通高校从自身出发,按照特定的人才培养目标,遵循咸人高教教 育教学规律和国家法规,根据成人高教的教学特点,在开展咸人高教 教学的过程中,所采取的确保成人高教教学达到相应的质量标准的各 2 1 种政策措施和运作机制的总和。 吸纳“三论’的基本原理,在成人高教教学质量内部保证的过程 中应坚持整体观,通过要素优化,实现整体优化;其实施需要在开放 中求发展,在闭合中求高效;要重视信息反馈,及时采取控制措施.巴 借鉴教学质量生成模式说,成人高教教学质量保证需要全面考虑所有 的影响困素;对质量保证的方案进行系统设计;把“人”视为质量保 证中的关键因素。受启发于全面质量管理,教学质量保证需要从保证 结果质量向保证因素质量转变;注重质量保证的全面性,全过程性和 全员性等。 第四部分则从观念、技术、条件三个层面入手建构了成人高教教 学质量内部保证的策略,包括观念导向策略、系统?

【Abstract】 The aim of the research is exploring effective tactics for the adult higher education teaching-quality internal-assurance. So we analyze the surroundings that we confronted, clarify the basic theoretical problem having something to do with the research, and absorb the new research achievements in the current world promptly, based on inspecting the present situation of the theory-research of adult higher education teaching-quality internal-assurance in general university.Based on this aim, we try to research the problem that how to assure the adult higher education teaching-quality from the angle of internal management in general university.Surrounding the thesis of adult higher education teaching-quality internal-assurance in general university, the research consists of four parts.Part one. We analyze the surroundings that we confronted.The value of the adult higher education in general university become outstanding and obtain the favor from the people, because the general higher education can’ t satisfy the much need of the talented-person coming from the society that knowledge-economy orientated limited to many factors. The existence and development of the adult higher education is decided by it’ s teaching-quality confronted the fierce international competence. We found disappointedly that the adult higher teaching-quality dissatisfied and internal-assurance lacking of effect in generaluniversity, however. The practice expects the instruction of theory. We also found gladly that the movements of international higher education quality-assurance are flourishing developing, and provide the lessons and experience that we can use for reference in our research.Part two. We want to establish the whole research through inspecting the present situation of the theory-research and using the forerunner’ s lessons and exerpriences for reference.We found much advantage that we can draw from when we analyze the present situation of the theory-research. For example, they have began shift the core of the research from the method of quality-assurance to the basic theoretical problem that have something to do with the research, and the exploring on the method of quality-assurance change from the single measures to systematical measures. But there are some defects among the present situation of the theory-research. First, they can’ t define the main-body and the object of the adul t higher education teaching-quality assurance; and then, their efforts on the method of quality-assurance lack of depth and not only need exploring the building of the quality-assurance’ system, but also need improving the mechanism of the system. At last, they never absorb the new research-achievements such as the total-quality-management or the learning-organized-system’ s law; methodology of the research is backward.Part three. We try to describing theoretical basement of the research, so we define some basic concepts such as the quality, the adult higher education teaching-quality, the quality-assurance, and the adult higher education teaching-quality internal-assurance in the first, and then, we analyze some basictheory necessary to the research, such as the system-theory, the information-theory, the cybernetics, the theory of the produce-pattern of the teaching-quality, the total-quality-management.We define the essence of the adult higher education teaching-quality based on defining the essence of the quality. So-called the adult higher education teaching-quality means that it’ s all characteristics satisfied the need of the present and the future of the nation, the society, the adult higher education system, the person as well. It is dialectical unity of the satisfied-degree of the need of the nation’ s and the societies, the reached-degree of the adult higher education teaching-goal, the promoted-degree of the personal development.We think that the quality-assurance belonging to a kind of standardized-quality-management pattern based on the quality-management system in broad sense. So-called the adult

  • 【分类号】G724
  • 【被引频次】6
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