

The Literary Idea of Baskhtine

【作者】 王春辉

【导师】 崔茂新;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 文艺学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 米哈伊尔·米哈伊洛维奇·巴赫金是一位享有世界性声誉,颇有传奇色彩的学者和思想家。虽然,巴赫金一生命运多舛,他的学术思想也随之而长期遭受禁锢,但是,思想的生命力是最顽强的,巴赫金那精湛绝伦的思想学说最终穿越了由战争和劫难造成的重重忘却,在巴赫金的萧瑟晚年,从那座略显得孤寂的小阁楼走向了世界。在文学理论的领域内,巴赫金提出了一系列令人瞩目的观点,独树一帜地阐发了他对文学的认识和理解,让人类的思想别开洞天。本文拟将对巴赫金的文学观念作一番归纳、总结和分析。 一 导言:研究现状述评及论题的提出 自二十世纪六十年代以来,巴赫金之学术思想在世界性的范围内传播开来,日益成为国际学术界的焦点这一。我国学术界自八十年代开始逐步深入地介绍和研究巴赫金的生平与著述,在许多领域内有了较大的开拓和深化,涌现了一些较有理论分量的研究成果。巴赫金的学术遗产日益得到深刻而全面的研究,对巴赫金丈学思想的挖掘便是成果之一。 在文学理论的领域内,巴赫金标新立异,提出了一系列卓而不凡的理论问题,如“对话理论”、“复调理论”、“狂欢化诗学”等一系列常为后人借用派生的原创性思想,为文学理论的建设和发展提供了t 重要启示.但是,研究者大多是各取所需,仅仅是想当然地引用巴赫 金关于文学的思想观点,却难以对巴赫金的文学思想有一个全景式的 帐和理解,从而导致了理解的片面化.而且,虽然有许多学者、研 究者将巳赫金尊奉为二十世纪最伟大的文学理论家之一,但是,却很 少有收文学理论的层面上阐明巴赫金的文学观,而一个没有文学观 的文学理论家是不可思议的. 基于此,论文将从巴赫金的丰厚著述中,抽绎、归纳出被具体 结论掩盖起来的文学观,把具有普遍性意义的理论现点联结起来,形 咸系统化的结构,建构起巴赫金的文学观念,并将站在文学观的高度 来关注、发掘巴赫金文论思想的现实主义.以企还原一个名副其实的 文学理论家. 二 文学文本:腑盟调 1、一般文本理论述评 如果对当代西方文本理论的研究进行一番仔细的历史性考察就 会发现,在运用文本这一概念进行理论建构和实际批评的文学研究流 派,大多具有孤立自足、自我保护的狭隘理论缺陷,如俄国形式主义、 结构主义、解构主义、接受主义、新马克思主义、新历史主义等.但 是,文本绝不仅仅是可以一个独立自足的语言结构体,也不会仅仅作 为社会、文化的载体而存在,文本富有深逮的诗性内涵,这是文本的 生命力和活力之所在.否则,文本最终只能沦为一堆冰冷僵硬的语言 材料的堆砌物.而巴赫金的文本理论恰拾在这个层面上突破了孤立自 足的狭隘局限,他以“对话主义”和“超语言学”为其理论根基,无 论从内容上还是形式上,都对文本进行了全新的阐释,视角独到,剖 析深刻,不同凡响. 2、对话的文本 在巴赫金对文本进行的理论阐释中,“对话性”是其显要的特征 之一.在巴赫金看来,“文本”绝不是一堆冰冷僵硬的语言材料的堆 2 砌物,也不是一个可以独立自足的封闭的语言结构体,而是一个充斥 着不同声音和意识的对话的场.巴赫金对文本的对话性的揭示和阐 发,得益于他精深独到的研究视角和深逮宽广的学术视野. (I)巴赫金对文本进行了人文学的研究 巴赫金对文本问题进行了人文学科的研究和阐释.巴赫金视“文 本”为人文学科的“第一性实体”,是记录人文思想和精神的“符号 综合体”。而且,巴赫金从人文思想总是对他人思想的应答这一特殊 性出发,进而将文本界定为“表述”,是个人不可重复的思想的表达, 具有潜在的应答性、双声性和对话性。在本质上,文本成为对话语中 的一方,一个组成部分,一个话语结构体. 以此为依据,巴赫金认为,作为整个人文学科的一个部门,文 学,或者说整个文学活动克满了对话性,充斥着说者和听者互相交错、 相互作用的关系,成为一个对话的场.而作为其物化实体的文学文本 也理所当然地克满了对话性,在文本内部,克斥着不同声音、不同意 识的对话与交流. (2)巴赫金对文本进行了“超语言”的研究

【Abstract】 Subject: Literary and Artistic science Granduate Student: Wang Chunhui Supervisory tAssociate Professor Cui MaoxinThe thesis is about the literary idea of Bakhtine. Mikhail Bakhtine is a great man of letters of 20th century. Bakhtine’s theory of literature and art is original, and now, his idea is very popular in the world .一. The Preface: the present situation of study and the advance of thesisSince sixties of 20th century, Bakhtine’s theory has spreaded in the world . Bakhtine’s name came into China in 1980. From then, Many scholars introduce Bakhtine’s theory to the Chinese in many aspects. Chinese scholars have acquired much achievement in the study obout Bakhtine. But, there are still inadequate aspects. For example, though many literature theorists have great enthusiasm on Bakhtine’s literary theory, nobody has answered what was the literary idea of Bakhtine. In fact, a literary theorist without the literature idea can not exist. And because the literature idea of Bakhtine is absent, the study about Bakhtine can not advanced more. So this thesis wants to conclude the literature idea of Bakhtine from his rich and generous writings, and restore a literary theorist who is worthy of the name.二. Literary Text: dialogue and polyphonyIn 20th century, the theory of literary text is popular. Different fromsome theorists who study the literary text isolatedly, Bakhitine gave a new interpretation to the literary text. On the one hand, Bakhtine studied the literary text under the backgrownd of humane studies, he regarded the text as the record of humane theory, on the other hand, Bakhtine used the theory of Meta-linguistics to study the literary text ,he thought that the literary languaage was double-voice.So Bakhtine asserted that the literary text have different sound and different idea, all the sound and idea carry on dialogue and exchangement continually, and as a result, the literary text appears polyphonic characteristics.三. IN Literary Movement: carnival ceremonyBakhtine thought that the literature is a part of the culture, and the study of literature should be under the background of the culture. Form the perspective of culture, Bakhtine studied the literature. Bakhtine studied carnival culture that have developed in a steady stream, he found that the carnival culture have great effect on the literature, the language and the shape of carnival are transformed into literary imagine, and formed a type of carnival. The type and the language of carnival give a aesthetics style of carnival to the literature, and bring a free feeling to the human. As a result, Bakhtine established his famous theory that was called "Carnival Poetics" . This theory has produced great impact on the study of the literature.四. Ending: the significance of Bakhtine’s theoryBakhtine asserted that the literary text is the text of dialogue and polyphony, and the literary movement is a carnival. His theory renew the view about the literature, and his theory has a spirit of equality and dialogue, so his theory will give the literary theory a new motive power to expand. Of course, Bakhtine’s theory will bring important inspiration to the Chinese theory of literature.

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