

Innovative Physical Education Research

【作者】 郭潇

【导师】 王崇喜; 赵宗跃;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的迫近,我国体育教育面临着新的机遇和挑战。为学生的终身体育与健康打下基础,传承和创新体育文化,同时培养学生的创新精神和创新能力成为体育教育的最新理念。“由于今后国家中小学体育课程标准只是从教学目标方面提出了明确要求,而不涉及到具体教学内容,这给广大的学校和体育教师提供了一个选择教学内容和实施新教学方法的空间和余地”。所以广大学校和体育教师面临着新的机遇——上述新的理念支撑和自主创新的空间。面临挑战是,不仅观念的转变需要时日,而且各地经济条件和师资力量存在差异,有待加强。 体育课程的时空开放性、综合实践性和身心共同发展的特征有利于学生的创新个性的发展。同时,学生创新个性的发展也有利于体育课程的创新。一个不愿意自我超越和创新的人是不可能拥有终身体育能力的,也就谈不上身心健康的持续发展和参与体育文化的创新。目前我国体育课程与教学观念依然存在很多误区,加之教学内容滞后、教学组织形式单一、教学方法陈旧以及诸多外在因素的影响,导致现有的体育课程与教学无法发挥出有利于学生创新个性发展的得天独厚的优势,无法发展学生的创新精神和创新能力,甚至于压抑学生创造力的发展。体育教育如何培养学生的创新精神和创新能力成为新世纪体育教育改革中引人注目和亟待研究的重要课题,笔者简称其为体育创新教育研究。 本文以创造教育学、哲学、逻辑学、心理学、社会学作为课题研究的理论基础,运用文献资料法、访谈法、调查法、系统科学方法、逻辑方法、数理统计的方法,对大中小学公共体育与健康课程以及体育专业领域的学生创新精神和创新能力培养的现状、基本理论和整体的设计实施进行了系统的研究。 关于体育创新教育的基本理论,本文从体育创新、体育创新能力的内涵构成等方面加以阐述,指出体育创新教育是以创新精神和创新能力培养为核心价值取向的有利于受教育者创新个性和创新能力自由全面发展的体育教育教学实践。它主要涉及大中小学体育与健康课程和体育专业教育两个领域,且各有侧重,有着不同的目标和内容体系。, 本文在对我国体育创新教育现状分析的基础上,进一步分析了我国体育创新教育的研究进展情况。通过参考与本研究相关的研究成果和自己的调查研究发现,在体育课程和教学中,教师普遍忽视对学生创新思维能力的培养;创新性教学的方法和策略还未被广泛学习和运用;综合体育课程和研究性体育课程开发缺乏。目前体育创新教育研究还只是理论的引进、初创阶段,实践研究规模小、层次低,缺乏综合系统研究。 本研究确定了体育教育过程中进行创新教育的总体思路,探讨了体育创新教育的目标设计、内容设计、课程发展、教学发展、评价发展等问题,另外专门探讨了研究性体育课程信息化发展中的多媒体教学问题,最后对体育创新教育的进一步发展提出了策略和建议,并展望了体育创新教育的未来前景。 本课题将初步构建大中小学公共体育与健康课程和体育专业教育领域学生创新精神和创新能力培养的体育创新教育理论构架。

【Abstract】 With the approaching of knowledge economy times, physical education faces new opportunities and challenges. It’s becoming the newest incept to lay a foundation of students’ physical education and health, to carry on and innovate physical culture and to cultivate students’ innovation spirit and ability. Since the standard of physical education course in primary school and middle school in our country makes definite demands according to the teaching objectives, not concerning the concrete teaching contents, thus it gives the schools and teachers much space and room to select teaching contents and conduct their teaching methods. [1] So with the support of new concepts and independent innovative space, schools and physical education teachers face new opportunities. It takes time to convert concepts. Furthermore, there are many differences between teachers and the economic conditions in different areas. This kind of situation needs strengthening, so we face challenges.The openness of times and space, the comprehensive practical ness and the character of corresponding development of body and soul in physical education course facilitate the development of students’ creative personality. At the same time, the development of students’ creative personality facilitates the changing of physical education course. One who is unwilling to surmount himself and bring forth new ideas will not possess the ability of physical education, so there will be no continuous and healthy development of body and soul and the participation of innovation of physical culture. Today, there are still many misleading areas in physical education course and teaching concepts. Moreover, teaching contents are backward; teaching organizational from is simplistic; teaching methods are outdated, and there are still many other external factors. All these result in the disadvantages of physical education. For instance, the teaching and the physical education course now available cannot give full play to the advantage of developing students’ creative personality, and cannot develop students’ innovative spirit and ability, and even inhibit students creative capability. How to cultivate students’ creative innovative spirit and ability in physical education is becoming a very important subject that is a noticeable and important problem. It needs prompt solution in physical education reform in the century. The author briefly calls it innovative physical education research.This article is based on the courses of creative educational science,philosophy, logic and sociology. In this article, literature -material method, visit and talk method, investigation, systematic and scientific method, logic method, mathematical statistic method are used. This article gives a systematic research on public physical education and health course in primary and middle schools, on the present situation of cultivating students’ innovative spirit and ability and on the fundamental theory of innovative physical education in the respects of connotation make up of RE innovation and innovative ability and so on. It points out that innovative physical education is the teaching practice which centers on the cultivation of creative ability and spirits and which facilitates free and comprehensive development of creative personality and capability of the educated people. It mainly touches upon two fields, one is physical education and health course, and the other is professional physical education. Two fields have different developing emphases, objectives and content systems.The article further analyzes the research process of innovative physical education on the basis of the analysis of the present implementation of creative physical education. By referring to the research results with this article and personal investigation, it is found that teachers generally neglect the cultivation of students’ creative thinking in physical education course and teaching, that creative teaching methods and strategies have not been popularly learned and used, and that comprehensive a

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】810