

Study on the Attributional Style of University Students and Its’ Relation with Mental Health, Creativity, Future Achievement Ability

【作者】 张学军

【导师】 何蔚;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 归因指根据行为或事件的结果,通过感知、思维、推理等内部信息加工过程而确定造成该结果的原因的认知活动。归因的结果影响个体的情绪、动机及随后的应对行为。个体在进行多次归因后会逐渐形成自己独特的归因方式。开展大学生归因方式研究不仅可以加深对大学生心理状况的了解,而且可以指导其形成科学正确的归因方式,提高其心理健康水平,促进其个性的健康发展。 本文在对归因及归因方式的内涵、发展历程、测评手段进行述评的基础上,开展了两个问题的研究,1.参考国内外学者的方法,编制大学生归因方式问卷(ASQU),并以此对368名大学生的归因方式进行了初步的探讨;2.用自编的ASQU问卷和16PF问卷考察了大学生归因方式与其心理健康、创造性、未来成就能力等人格特质的关系。研究结果表明:1.大学生在对正性事件进行归因时,倾向于做出内在的、整体的和可控的归因;在对负性事件进行归因时,则倾向于做出内在的、局部的和可控的归因。2.在不同的归因维度上存在着性别、城乡的差异,具体来说,男女生在正性、负性事件的内在外在性维度上、负性事件的整体局部性维度上存在极显著的差异,即在对正性事件进行归因时,男生更倾向于做出内在的归因:在对负性事件进行归因时,男生更倾向于做出局部的归因;城乡不同来源的大学生在负性事件的整体局部性维度上有显著差异,即来自乡村的大学生更倾向于作局部的归因。文、理科及独生、非独生大学生在不同归因维度上均无显著差异。3.大学生的心理健康人格因素与负性事件的内在外在性维度、整体局部性维度、可控不可控维度呈显著负相关,创造性人格特质与对正性事件归因的内外在性维度和可控不可控维度有显著的正相关,未来成就能力人格特质与归因方式的除了负性事件的内外在性维度的每一维度都有显著相关。最后,依据本研究结果,提出了以下建议:1.养成积极合理的归因习惯,保持和促进心理健康;2.利用归因研究结论,培养自身创造性和未来成就能力;3.教师要充分发挥主导作用,引导和指导学生进行恰当归因。

【Abstract】 Attribution is a cognitive process, in which one determines the cause of a result by perceiving, thinking, and reasoning. The result of an attributing would affect the emotion, motivation, and afterward activity of the attributor. After many times’ attributing, one could have his distinctive attributional style. So, study on the attributional style of university students not only let us knowing more about their mental state, but also instruct them to get scientific and correct attributional style, improve the level of their mental health, and promote the healthy developing of their individuality.Based on the review of the intension of attribution and attributional style, the antecedents and development of attributional style, this paper studied two questions. That is: 1. Referring the ways that other scholar had used to draw up an attributional style questionnaire, and test 368 university students with it. 2. To investigated the relation between the university students’ attributional style and their characteristic of mental health, creativity, and future achievement ability. The result showed that: 1. University students all tend to make an internal, global, controllable attribution when facing a positive situation, and an internal, specific, controllable attribution when facing a negative situation. 2.Male university students tend to make an internal, global, controllable attribution when facing a positive situation, so as the females. Male university students tend to make an external, specific, controllable attribution when facing a negative situation, while the females an internal, specific, controllable attribution. 3.University students from cities tend to make an internal, specific, controllable attribution when facing a negative situation while the students from countryside an internal, more specific, controllable attribution. They made the sameattribution when facing a positive situation. 4.There is not significant difference between the attributions of different majors and singleton or not. S.There are significantnegative correlation between the personality attributes of mental health and the dimensions of internal-external, global-specific, controllable-uncontrollable of negative situation. There are significant positive correlation between the personality attributes of creativity and the dimensions of internal-external, controllable-uncontrollable of positive situation. And there are significant correlation between the personality attributes of future achievement ability and each dimension of two situations except the dimension of internal-external of negative situation. At last, according to the result of this study, this paper gave some suggestions to the forming of a better attributional style of the university students as follows: 1.Developing a positive rational attribution habit to keep and promote university students’ mental healthier. 2.Taking advantage of the results of study of attributional style to cultivate the productivity and future achievement ability of oneself. 3.Teachers should bring his leading role into full play to guide the students to attribute correctly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】1995