

Probe of Affective Education in Chinese Primary and Middle School

【作者】 王峥

【导师】 程凯;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 人是理性和非理性的统一体。情感作为人非理性层面的重要内容,是人之为人的必要条件。教育是培养人的活动,自然要关注入的情感。中小学阶段的学生是情感品质和能力形成的时期,教育起着至关重要的作用。因此,本文的研究范围是我国中小学情感教育。本文以思辨性的研究方法为主,同时辅以调查访谈,。经验总结等方法。 本文分为四个部分: 第一部分是情感教育的内涵、发展和意义。本文认为,情感教育是一种理念,是针对目前教育中重视认知、理性,忽视情感的状况而提出来的。它是教育过程的一部分,而不是一种特殊的独立的教育形式。它包括:在教育中关怀人的情感、幸福、价值和运用情感因素使教育成为更好的教育,更人性化的教育。情感教育思想在古代已有萌芽,经过近代的发展,到了当代情感教育的研究已开始展现出生机。情感教育是当今急剧变迁的社会和终身化学习社会的要求,对于人的全面发展和关怀人的价值、幸福有重要的意义。 第二部分是我国中小学情感教育中存在的问题和归因分析。通过文献资料和凋查访谈发现:学生的情感素质,教师的情感教育能力,都存在着问题。在教育的观念、内容、手段、模式和评价方面都反映出对情感教育的忽视。原因在于:传统文化的桎梏;认识和研究的缺乏;升学的压力和理性主义的影响。 第三部分是我国中小学情感教育的理论构想。提出要以当代哲学人学理性和非理性统一的人作为其人性论根基;以现代人文主义为价值取向;列举了按层次分的情感教育目标、按内容分的情感教育目标和课程中的情感教育目标;创造性地提出了情感教育的发生原理,即人有各种需要,而需要是情感产生的基础,那么,教育要培养人的情感,就要从满足人的需要着手。 第四部分是我国中小学情感教育的实践探索。首先是根据上文情感教育的发生原理,创造性地提出了情感教育的三个着手点。(1)人有归属、爱和尊重的需要,而这些需要得从人的社会交往中获得满足。因此,情感教育可从“交往”着手。(2)、根据人有探求的本能和需要,情感教育还可从保护培养学生的兴趣着手。(3)、人有自我实现的需要。它包括人的自我能力感、有用感、成就感和获得他人赞美的需要。所以,情感教育可从让学生体验到成功感着手。其次是提出了情感教育的途径。即在五育中融入情感教育(如通过情感体验性的德育、情境性的智育、暗示性的美育进行情感教育);创设环境以陶冶情感;设立专门的情感能力课。最后是把教材分为蕴涵显性、隐性、悟性、中性情感因素的四种类型,相对应的提出了展示、发掘、诱发、赋予情感四种教学策略。 最后,本文呼吁要加强对我国中小学情感教育的研究和探索。

【Abstract】 Human is the integrity of rationality and non-rationality. Affection, as an important part of non-rationality, is the prerequisite to be human. The activity of education is to train human. Naturally, education should focus on human’s affection. The quality and ability of affection will be formed during the primary and middle school period. Education will play a vital role. So, this thesis studies the affective education in Chinese primary and middle school.This thesis has four parts:Part I discusses the concept, development and significance of affective education. This thesis states that affective education is an idea. We put forward this idea because the current education emphasis too much on cognition and rationality, and just ignore affection aspect. It is a part of the educational process, not an independent educational form. It includes caring human’s affection, happiness through education and help education to be better through affective factor. The thoughts of affective education sprouted very early in ancient time. Then, it has developed during the latter-day. Nowadays it already emerged its vitality. Affective education is quite necessary to adapt the rapidly changing society, which require people to learn continuously during their whole life. It also has great significance for people’s complete development and happiness.Part II discusses the problems within Chinese primary and middle school affective education and the reasons. Through material study and investigation, we find that the affective qualities of students and the affective education abilities of teachers do have problems. In the aspects of educational view, content, method, model and evaluation, all of them reflect the ignorance of affective education. The reasons are: (i) circumscribed by traditional culture; (ii) lack of cognition and study; (iii) pressure to enter a higher school; (iv) side effect of rationality.Part III construct the theory of Chinese primary and middle school affective education. It states that the affective education should based on the idea that human is a whole integrity, an integrity of rationality and non-rationality. The value orientation of it should be contemporary humanism. It also lists different level aims, different content aims of affective education, and the affective educational aims of curriculum. This thesis creatively put forward the occurrencetheory of affective education. That is: Human has needs, and needs is the base of affection occurrence. So, to train people’s affection, education should set about from meeting people’s needs.Part IV is the practical probe of Chinese primary- and middle school affective education. (I) Based on the above occurrence theory of affective education, creatively states three point to begin affective education, (i) Human has needs to be loved, be respected and be a member of a group. These needs can be fulfilled though social communication. So, affective education can begin with "communication", (ii) Human has the instinct needs to probe. So, we can also begin with protecting and training students’ interests, (iii) Human has the needs to realize their value. This includes they need to feel they are capable, available, fruitful, and be praised by others. So. we can begin with helping the students to experience success. (II) Bring forward the ways to actualize affective education, that is: (i) amalgamate affective education idea with common moral education, intellectual education, esthetical education etc. (ii) make better environment to nourish affective education, (iii) set up special affective ability curriculum. (Ill) Classified educational materials into four categories, that is, materials with obvious or concealed affective factors, or affective factors need to be enlightened, or without affective factors, put forward four teaching tactics, that is. revelation tactic, excavation tactic, enlightenment tactic, endowment tactic.Finally, this thesis appeals to enhance the study of Chinese primary and middle school affective education.

【关键词】 情感情感教育
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G441
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1289