

The Political Sociology Analysis of China State Regime Construction from 1949 to 1960

【作者】 马翠军

【导师】 张涛;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中共党史, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中国自清末新政开启的现代国家政权建设进程,在1949-1960期间大大强化并趋于完成。从某种程度上说,1949-1960中国国家政权建设体现出中国近代政治发展的内在规律,并构建了其后的中国政治体制运作模式。本文采用政治社会学方法,在社会结构和国家政权建设的关系中,分析1949-1960中国国家政权建设是如何进行的,为什么那样进行,以及确立的政治体制是如何运作的。 本文共分三部分: 第一部分:国家政权建设的分析框架。国家政权建设是指国家权力不断瓦解传统地方权力结构,确立新的政治体制和政治文化,实现政权的官僚化和合理化的过程,它包含三方面的问题:一是国家官僚体制建设,现代国家政权是以官僚体制为工具来推行国家权力的,国家政权在官僚体制建设中形成新的规则和运行秩序,体现了新的国家与社会关系;二是国家能力建设,国家能力是指推行国家权力应具备的社会经济基础;三是合法性建设,将政治权力的行使变成“合法”权威,使国家权力的推行不至遭到民众的抵抗。国家官僚体制、国家能力、合法性这三者作为一个有机整体构建起国家政权建设的分析框架。 第二部分:1949-1960中国国家政权建设的逻辑起点。文章指出制约1949-1960中国家政权建设的社会结构因素有三点,一是20世纪初以来,新兴政治权力相对社会和经济力量独立运作;二是20世纪上半叶城乡社会结构的二元分离;三是50年代初期造成的社会阶层与行业孤立化,在此基础上文章认为1949-1960中国国家政权建设的逻辑起点是:中国共产党作为独立的政治权力支配国家政权建设;以城市为重心的经济发展策略实现城乡社会整合;依托计划流通体制实现国家能力的提高;以马克思主义意识形态和官僚体制的职能社会化实现政权建设的合法性。 第三部分也是论文的主体部分:1949-1960中国国家政权建设的政治社会学分析。该部分通过国家官僚体制建设分析、国家能力建设分析和国家政权合法性建设分析三个层次进行。 国家官僚体制建设分析,首先解释中国共产党如何形成单一的政治核心和权力中心 并在此基础上确立政权主体结构党政二元化、垂直同质和条块结合的体制模式。进而对二元主体下的体制发展和体制运作模式进行分析,指出在党政同构的体制中,中国的体制发展特征是政治运动与体制建设的同步进行:运作模式则是以条为主,条块结合。 国家能力建设分析主要通过城乡社会一体化能力和社会经济发展能力两个方面进行解释。对前者而言,主要要解决城乡分离的社会结构,如何将分散的农村纳入以城市以主导的经济发展轨道上来,从而形成农村税收国家化、统购统销制度和户籍管理制度。后者主要是解决如何实现社会资本总量的扩张和再生,提高国家汲取能力。为此必须形成和推进产业间的互惠交流,营造更大的利益空间,而在市场能力不足的情况下,实行计划流通体制则成为必然。 合法性建设分析通过扩大执政基础和官僚体制职能社会化两方面解释。对前者而言,中共通过意识形态全民化,构筑起社会统一的政治文化,同时满足社会各阶层利益要求,扩大执政基础。对后者而言,合法性建设在于既有利于推行国家权力,又能满足基层民众需求。而在低度整合的基层社会,国家体制无法直接深人请况下、在衣村确媲层政权、在狮确立单位制就成为必然。国家政权建设与基层政权和单位制建设的同步性是 1949-1960中国国家政权建设的一大特征。 回顾整个20世纪,如果我们摒弃意识形态的偏见,排除政治动荡和特殊国际关系的影响,我们看到的将是中国国家政权建设的整体性和渐进性。20世纪中国的国家政权建设和政治发展始终处于稳定的社会经济结构的把握下。

【Abstract】 The process of modern state regime construction began from the New Deal in the late Qing-dynasty in China, and it was greatly strengthen and nearly finished from 1949 to 1960. The China state regime construction from 1949 to 1960, to some extent,embodied the inner regularity of the China recent times political development, also constructed the later China political system operating way. This thesis uses political sociology method, from the relationship between the society structure and state regime construction, analyses how to construct the China state regime construction, Why it was that, and the formed political system how to operate.This thesis mainly has three parts:The first part: Analysis frame of state regime construction. State regime construction means that state power collapses traditional local power structure, and sets up new political system and political culture, in order to realize regime’s bureaucratization and rationalization. So the state regimes construction includes three respects: The first is state bureaucracy system construction, modern state regime depends on this system to promote state power. The second is state ability construction. It means the society-political-economy base used to promote state power. The third is legitimacy construction. It means that the state power promotion can’t be resisted by people and turn the political power into "legitimacy" authority. As an organic integrity, State bureaucracy system, state ability and legitimacy form the analysis frame of state regime construction.The second part: the logic start of China state regime construction from 1949 to 1960. This thesis states three facters about society structure to confine China state regime construction. The primary is independence operating of the new political power frome the beginning of 20th century. The next is city-county two demition structure made during the first half of 20th century. The last is the isolationization of subdivisions and trades within a class of people forming in the first peorid in 1950s1. On these basic facters. This thesis indicates the logic start of China state regime construction from 1949 to 1960: As a isolation political power, CPC controled the state regime constrution. The economic divelopment strategy by focusing on city, thecity and county have been integrated. The state ability has been raisen by planed-exchanging system; Regime consruction legtimacy has been realized by CPC’s ideology and function socialization of bureaucracy system.The third part: the main portion of this thesis is the political sociology analysis of China state regime construction from 1949 to 1960. Every one of state bureaucracy system, state ability, and state regime legitimacy will be analysed by three steps.Analysis of state bureaucracy system construction. This part states CPC how to form the political core and power center, and on this base, the political system was set up. The political system includs that the main body of regime is the two dimentions of Party and goverment, the system is vertical and same nature, the vertical trades system and locat goverment are combined. The next step, this thesis states that the unique qualitties of China system development is political move ment and system construction operating at the same time. The operating form is that the vertical system is main, but vertical system and local goverment are united.The state ability construction will be analysed by city-county integration and society economy development. The former is to solve the isolated city-county structure, how to make the counties enter the economy development ortribut by focusing on cities. So that the county tax nationalizatin, state purchasing and selling system and domicile amanagement system have been formed. The later is how to make the society capital total amount dilated and regenerated, and raise the state drawing ability. For this aim, the inter benefits and exchanging between all the trades must be promoted, in order to make bigger benefits space. But in the situatio

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D60
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】564