

Study on Genetic Diversity of Tibetan Mastiff Based on the Blood Protein Polymorphisms

【作者】 兰小平

【导师】 崔泰保;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术(PAGE),对河曲藏獒(n=44)、青海藏獒(n=42)、青海藏狮犬(n=5)和青海土种犬(n=12)共4个群体的103只犬的血红蛋白(Hb)、运铁蛋白(Tf)、慢-α2-球蛋白(Sα2)、白蛋白(Alb)、后白蛋白(Po)、前白蛋白(Pr)、脂酶(Es-1和Es-2)和淀粉酶(Amy)等血液蛋白基因座的多态性进行了研究,结果表明,在四个被测犬群中,Tf、Sα2、Po、Es-1和Es-2五个基因座上存在多态性,其中Tf和Po分别由3个等位基因所控制,Sα2和Es-2分别由2个等位基因所控制,Es-1位点上出现Es-1A,、Es-1B、Es-1C和Es-1D4个等位基因,而Hb、Alb、Pr和Amy基因座均呈现单态。从9个血液蛋白位点的Nei氏平均基因杂合度(H)所估计的群体内遗传变异来看,藏獒的群体内遗传变异相对较大(0.2723),而普通犬群体则较小(0.2160)。对河曲藏獒和青海藏獒群体间遗传分化程度的分析结果表明,藏獒群体内的平均基因多样度(Hs)为0.2722,总群体的基因多样度(HT)为0.2772,群体间的基因多样度(DST)为0.0052,群体间的基因分化系数(GST)为0.0187,说明藏獒群体中血液蛋白的遗传变异只有1.87%是由群体间的差异所致,而其余的98.13%则是来自群体内的遗传变异,这一结果表明河曲藏獒与青海藏獒群体间的遗传分化程度较低。并且,其根据欧氏遗传距离用非加权算术平均数聚类法(UPGMA)对藏獒和世界上其它犬种的聚类结果表明,藏獒具有与我国其它犬种、日本犬种、韩国京都犬、西班牙犬种以及比格犬等欧洲犬种不同的起源。

【Abstract】 Study on Genetic Diversity of Tibetan Mastiff Based on the Blood Protein PolymorphismsPresented by Lan XiaopingFaculty of Animal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070Supervised byAssociate Prof. Cui TaibaoFaculty of Animal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070A total of 103 blood samples was taken from four populations of Hequ Tibetan Mastiff, Qinghai Tibetan Mastiff, Qinghai Tibetan KyiApso and native dogs of Qinghai and analyzed on the blood protein polymorphisms by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Genetic variations were observed in Tf, S a ,, Po, Es-1 and Es-2. There were three alleles at the loci of Tf and Po, two alleles at the loci of S a 2 and Es-2, genetic variations of Es-1 is controlled by four alleles. The degree of genetic variability estimated by Nei’s expected average heterozygosity for the 9 blood protein loci was relatively higher in Tibetan Mastiff (0.2723) than that in native dogs (0.2160). The average genetic diversities within Tibetan Mastiff populations (//$) and in the total Tibetan Mastiff (Hj) population are 27.22% and 27.72%, respectively. The average genetic diversity between Tibetan Mastiff populations (Z>sr) is 0.0052. The genetic differentiation of total Tibetan Mastiff population (GST) is 0.0187, which indicated that there is less variation (1.87%) among Tibetan Mastiff populations and the genetic differentiation is very limited between Tibetan Mastiff populations. Furthermore, A dendrogram was constructed by unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean(UPGMA)based on Eucledean genetic distances among the populations. It is suggested that the Tibetan Mastiff descended from different origins of dogs from other Chinese breeds, Japanese dog breeds, Spanish dog breeds, Korean Jindo and Beagles.

  • 【分类号】S829.21
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】112