

Studies on the Relationship between High-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunits and Quality Characters of Gansu-grown Spring Wheats

【作者】 马小乐

【导师】 尚勋武;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究选用了甘肃省河西地区的52个春小麦品种(32个地方品种、15个育成品种和5个引进品种),在已经分析其高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit,HMW-GS)组成的基础上,测定了这些品种的蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、干面筋含量、面筋指数、SDS沉淀值等理化特性以及面团弹性(P)、延伸性(L)、变形功(W)、形成时间(TPr)、稳定时间(T01)和衰减程度(D250)等面团流变学特性。对这些品种的HMW-GS和品质性状的变异情况、HMW-GS与品质性状之间的关系、具有不同HMW-GS的品种间品质的差异和同一HMW-GS品种间的品质差异进行研究。结果表明: (1)在所有品质性状中,SDS沉淀值和蛋白质含量与其它品质性状呈极显著正相关。所以,在育种中可将沉淀值或蛋白质含量做为早代选择的重要指标,具有简便、快速的特点。 (2)Glu-1位点的亚基评分结果与面筋指数、沉淀值、P、TPr、Tol呈极显著正相关。因此,Glu-1位点的亚基测定和评分结果可以预测品种的品质状况。 (3)高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基数目的多少与其品质优劣有关,亚基数目越多,面粉筋力越好。 (4)采用不同品质指标评价小麦HMW-GS对品质的贡献,得出的结果不同。采用SDS沉淀值评价时:A1位点的亚基1=2*>Null;D1位点的亚基5+10>10>2+12=2+11=11=2+10;刚位点的亚基22>17+18=7>7+8=13+19=7+9>13+16。而采用面团形成时间评价时为:A1位点2*>1>Null;B1位7=22>7+8=7 +9>13+16—17+18>13+19;DI位点 5+10>2+11=10>2+12—11>2+10。经 W评 价时为:AI位点为2Ol刚ull;BI位点的亚基顺序为7>22>7+9>7+8=17门> 13+19>13+16;DI位点的亚基顺序为 5+10>2+12>2+11>10>2+10>11。但无 论采用哪种品质评价标准,GluD位点中5+10亚基对的品质优于其他亚基, 二+ic亚基的品质最差;o11从1位点中2*或1亚基均优于N山1。0ill-BI位点 的亚基在不同品质指标间比较复杂。但从差异显著性看,以W均值的评价结 果更具有唯一性,而且它是面粉筋力的直接评价指标,因此,该评价排序的 意义更明确。 O)在供试品种中,具有亚基5刑 的品种的品质显著优于其他品种。其 中甘春20号、武春二号在品质测试中表现优良,因此,将这两个具有优质亚 基组成的品种作为亲本,与其它高产品种杂交,可望培育出高产优质的新品 种。

【Abstract】 The composition of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) of fifty-two spring wheat varieties which were mainly popularized in Hexi area in Gansu Province, including thirty-two local varities, fifteen bred varieties and five intro- duced varieties, had been ananlyzed. And the quality characters of these varieties were investigated such as: flour protein content, wet-gluten content, dry-gluten content, gluten index, SDS-sedimentation value and alevograph-consistency parameters (flexibility, extensibility, dough development time, dough stable time and bake power). Simple correlation ananlysis was applied to determine the relationship among these quality characters. Relationships between the HMW-GS composition and quality characters were studied. The result showed as follows:(l)There were significant and positive correlations between SDS-sedimentation value and other quality characters. The protein content had the same correlations with other traits as SDS-sedimentation value. Therefore SDS-sedimentation value or protein content could be applied in the early generation of the breeding, especially those varieties with higher SDS-sedimentation value, will be important in the good quality breeding wheat.(2)There were significant and positive correlations between subunit quality scores and quality characters such as gluten index, SDS-sedimentation value, P, TPr, Tol. So Glu-1 loci quality scores could be used to predict the quality of thevarieties.(3)The amount of subunits of HMW-GS affected the quality of varieties. More subunits, high quality.(4)The results were different when using different quality traits to determine the effects of the subunits. When using SDS-sedimentation value, Glu-Al loci was: l=2*>null; Glu-Dl loci was: 5+10>10>2+12=2+ll=ll=2+10; Glu-Bl loci was 22> 17+18>7+8=13+19=7+9>13+16. And when using dough development time, Al loci was 2*>l>null; Bl loci 7=22>7+8=7+9>13+16=17+18>13+19; Dl loci was: 5+10 >2+ll=10>2+12=ll>2+10. While taking bake power, Al loci was 2*>l>null; Bl loci was 7>22>7+9>7+8=17+18>13+19>13+16; Dl loci was 5+10>2+12>2+ll> 10>2+ 1O11. Whichever quality trait was adopted, some high quality subunits such as 5+10, 1 or 2* were related with high quality. It showed that the optimum method was using W.(5)The quality of the varieties with 5+10 subunit such as Ganchun No.20 and Wuchun No.2 was much higher than that of the others. So they could be used as the parents to cross with the cultivars with high yield. And it was possible to breed varieties with high yield and good quality. We suggested that SDS-PAGE should be adopted hi early generation of the breeding, together with grain protein, SDS-sedimentation value and other quality traits to improve the quality of wheat varieties in China.

  • 【分类号】S512.12
  • 【被引频次】15
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