

The Distribution and Management System of Geoscience Information based on IIMS

【作者】 俞晓

【导师】 李灿平; 王绪本;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 地学信息包含了广泛的自然资源信息,我国目前已经拥有了大量的地学信息资源,但由于种种原因,这些数据没有得到充分的利用,没有发挥出它的应用价值。 地理信息系统(Geographical Information System,简称GIS)是处理地理空间数据的信息系统。随着分布式计算技术、面向对象的构件技术、网络技术的迅速发展,以及Internet在社会生活中的日益普及,出现了与WWW相结合的GIS——WebGIS并迅速成为目前GIS发展的最重要的方向。WebGIS对于GIS的网络化、全球化和真正实用化具有重大意义。 尽管WebGIS能与Web Server有机结合,但WebGIS只能对服务器中的某一个数据库进行连接、访问,不具备对网络上的所有有效数据进行检索的目录服务功能。而地学信息所涉及的面非常广,数据量非常大,种类多而且数据格式非常复杂,获取和应用它所消耗的人力物力也非常可观。因此通过网络对地学信息进行共享和重复利用将具有重要意义。 本系统通过利用目前比较先进的技术——“好图系统”OKMap与“信息综合管理系统”IIMS相结合,完成了WebGIS的矢量发布,以及分布式数据库的访问读取功能。一方面,在客户端,利用OKMap、Java、Applet等技术实现了网络GIS的矢量发布,使用户能够在网上轻松愉快的对拥有地学信息的GIS图形进行放大、缩小、平移、鹰眼、1:1图显示等基本操作。同时还提供用户对属性数据的分布式查询功能,使用户透明的利用网络上不同数据服务器中的地学信息。另一方面,在服务器端,系统利用IIMS管理并维护相关地学信息的元数据库,通过JSP以及JavaBean接收客户端用户发出的查询请求,最终实现分布式提取地学数据功能。同时通过监控用户访问数据记录信息,可使管理人员对系统的负荷以及用户需求做出判断,并加以管理维护。

【Abstract】 Geographic system contains wide range of nature resource information. There are large numbers of geographic information resource. According to variety of reasons, the data has not been made satisfying use of yet. The value of data should bring into play.GIS is the information system which could deal with space data. With the rapidly developing of distributed computing technique , component technique of OOP N network technique and prevalence of internet in society living, WEBGIS--combination of WWW and GIS , is rapidly becoming the most important of development of GIS. WEBGIS play important role on network globalization and true utilization of GIS.Though WebGIS and Web Server could integrate perfectly, WebGIS could only connect and visit one database without the serving function of searching all the data in effect on network. Because the Geographic information involve in many research area and should be spent much time on with large numbers of data, it is so important for us to use geographic information repeatedly by network.The system finished the vector issue of WebGIS and reading function ofdistributed database by the advanced technique at present ------combination ofOKMap (a WebGIS system based on Java technique) and IIMS (Information Integrated Management System). On the one hand, clients could execute basicoperation such as zoom out, zoom in, moving horizontally, hawk-eye and 1:1-display easily on GIS graphics by network with technical of OKMap, Java, Applet, JavaBean and so on. At the same time , system provide distributed searching function on attribute data for clients which make user using geographic information on different database server in network transparently. On the other hand, systemrealization the distributed function of extraction finally by receiving request of query of user with IIMS and metadata database involved, further more system could make manager estimating system endure and requirement of user for management and maintenance by monitoring record information of user’ s visiting.

【关键词】 IIMSOKMap网络地理信息系统分布式数据库Java
【Key words】 IIMSOKMapWebGISDistributed DatabaseJava
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【下载频次】79