

The Structure of Asia-Pacific in the Early Period of 21th Century and the Strategic Choices of China

【作者】 郭艳

【导师】 夏安凌;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 国际环境是一国制定对外战略的重要因素。而基于主要力量间的对比形成的世界格局或地区格局,在很大程度上影响着国际社会的发展方向。因而,正确把握格局发展的方向,是一国制定对外战略的基础。冷战结束后,世界格局由美苏两极争霸向多极化方向发展。由于格局的支撑点是相互竞争和较量的主要国家或国家集团的力量,而美国一超独大的局面在短期内不会改变,而且美国图谋利用各种手段独霸世界,从而使21世纪初世界格局多极化的发展有可能遭遇重大挫折。 中国是一个具有全球政治影响力的大国,未来世界格局和亚太格局的发展对中国的外交战略选择影响极大。中国地处亚太地区,对亚太事务的影响十分广泛。中国在维护亚太地区的和平与稳定,促进地区的经济合作与交流等方面,发挥了自己独特的作用。 由于亚太地区的宗教、文化、经济发展水平、国家体制等方面都存在较大差异,从而使亚太地区呈现出特有的多样性和复杂性,同时亚太地区大国密集且竞争激烈。因此,笔者认为,21世纪初的亚太格局总体上将与世界格局的发展同步,但同时也会呈现出一些独有的特点:一是中国在亚太格局中的分量加重,二是尽管亚太成为“冷战遗产”的主要地区,但多极化态势较之其他地区更为明显,并逐步向多极均势的方向演变。在此格局下,中国为了在未来的亚太格局乃至世界格局中谋求较为有利的位置,合理的亚太战略目标应是创造有利于经济发展的和平亚太环境、保持经济的持续增长和维护国家安全以及维持在亚太地区作为一个主要大国的经济和政治影响。为了实现上述战略目标,中国需要有一种统筹兼顾的、慎重的国际战略。从总体上说,中国仍应以邓小平同志提出的“韬光养晦、有所作为”的战略思想为指导,在具体做法上:首先是努力改善大国关系,推动多极化的发展;其次是积极推动地区多层次合作机制的健全与完善;最后是继续推行稳定周边战略。 单极与多极之间的矛盾是冷战后世界政治的特征之一。面对复杂的国际形势,中国最大限度维护国家利益的努力无疑会遇到一些困难。但是,多极化毕八 硕士学位论文 \不孟和/*V厂厂n11卜IS竟是不可逆转的。笔者相信,中国合理的战略选择不仅将为中国的发展、地区乃至世界的和平与稳定创造一个良好的环境,而且将有力地推动多极化的发展。

【Abstract】 The international environment is an important factor for a country to lay down its diplomatic strategy .The world structure or regional structure,based on comparison of major powers,has been greatly influencing the development of inernational society .After cold war,the world structure has been developing from the bipolarization to multipolarization .However,the United States,as the most powerful country in the world,is trying to make use of all means to dominate the world, which has become an obstacle that is frustrating the development of multipolarization.China, a major power that has great influence on the world politics,intends to be a polar member in the process of the multipolarization.Although China has achieved much progress in the overall strengh,she is still a major regional power in the Asia - Pacific area,and its national interest centers in this area.In order to have a favourable international envionment,China should know the complicated situation of Asia - Pacific structure well. When considering its diplomatic strategy, Therefore, China must have strategic adjustment according to the varities of the comparisons of the major powers.In the author’s opinion,the genenal structure of Asia - Pacific in the early period of 21 th century will develop with the world structure simultaneously,but it has its own characteristics:the first one,the status of China has been ascending in the structure of Asia - Pacific ;the second one ,although the Asia - Pacific area is the main region of ColdWar.Its multipolarization tendency is more obvious than other areas,and has evolved towards the balance of multipolarization. In order to have a favourable position in the structure of Asia - Pacific ,China should have the guidance of Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic strategy ideas.The reasonable diplomatic strategy of China will not only creat a favourable environment for its development,the peace and stability of Asia - Pacific,but also promote the development of the multipolarization.

【关键词】 格局多极化战略选择
【Key words】 structuremultipolarizationstrategic choices
  • 【分类号】D822
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