

Research on the Reform of the Educational Administration System in Cambodia

【作者】 陈皓

【导师】 孙绵涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济与管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 教育行政体制改革是当今世界各国教育改革面临的共同问题。当前,柬埔寨王国政府和教育、青年与体育部已拟定行政战略改革计划。所以,研究教育行政体制改革的问题对于指导我国教育行政体制改革具有十分重要的意义。本论文具体分析了柬埔寨王国的国情和国家行政改革战略,对于教育行政管理科学化和现代化的有关理论作了研究,比较了不同体制国家教育行政体制改革的经验,为柬埔寨王国教育行政体制改革提供了一些具体的策略。本文主要探讨: 第一部分,教育行政体制的基本理论,即教育行政体制的概念及其内容和基本类型,主要阐述了教育行政体制是什么及其特性等根本问题; 第二部分,世界不同体制国家的教育行政体制,在理论上比较分析中央集权制(法国教育行政体制)、地方分权制(美国教育行政体制)、合作制(日本教育行政体制)的优点和缺点及改革中的中国教育行政体制的基本模式与主要特点; 第三部分,柬埔寨教育行政体制改革的对策,这部分是论文的主体部分,它包括:柬埔寨教育行政体制的历史沿革及其特点、教育行政体制改革的必然性、教育行政体制改革的基本原则、教育行政体制改革的基本内容和教育行政改革的模型选择。

【Abstract】 At present, the Reform of Educational Administration System is a problem ofcommon concern for every country in the world, especially, in underdeveloped and developing countries. Recently, the Royal Government of Cambodia has made the Strategic Planning of Administrative Reforms. According to the above spirit, the research on the Reform of Educational Administration System is a major matter to provide the guidance not only for Administrative Reform in our country, but also for Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The procedure of the research is based on:1. Modernization theories relevant to educational administration and management;2. Comparison with and analysis of countries, which have different models of educational administration and management;3. Actual situation and Strategic Planning of Administrative Reforms in Cambodia. In that case, the study mainly makes an inquiry into:Part I: Considering the fundamental theories related to the System of Educational Administration and Management, it is suggested that theory and concept provide the system of educational administration, the significance of its contents, and the basic models with their characteristics.Part II: Comparatively analyzing the three models of the system of educational administration and their central features for each type such as: Centralized System of Educational Administration/Vertical System (System of Educational Administration in France), Decentralized System of Educational Administration/Horizontal (System of Educational Administration in United States of America) and Deconcentralized System of Educational Administration/Cooperated System (System of Educational Administration inJapan), and the Reform of Educational Administration System in China with its characteristics.Part III: This is the most important part, in which countermeasures for the Reform of Educational Administration System in Cambodia are established. It’s composed of: History of Cambodian Educational Administration System and its special features, Necessities for the Refonn of Educational Administration System, Principles for the Reform of Educational Administration System, Contents for the Reform of Educational Administration System and Model Selection for the Reform of Educational Administration System.

  • 【分类号】G532.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】424