

Discussion on Teaching Model of Physical Education

【作者】 潘凌云

【导师】 王健;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国中小学体育教学的改革有了长足的进步,在理论和实践上都做了大量的工作,取得了丰富的成果,收到了良好的效应。尤其是近几年来,我国体育教学思想、体育课程目标和教学任务的研究日趋成熟,那么,如何真正使之从议论层面走向实践层面,已成为亟待思考的问题。笔者认为,正是缘于体育教学模式在体育理论体系中的地位和作用——体育学科基础理论和体育教学实践之间的桥梁,使我们给予体育教学模式以热切的关注。 本文以教学模式的基础理论为依据,分析了国内外中小学体育教学模式的特点,并着重指出中国体育教学模式建构之不足。在此基础上,按照系统理论的思想和观点,以现代教育教学理论为指导,结合我国学校体育教学现状,提出了建构新型体育教学模式的若干思考。 论文内容包括四个部分: 第一部分讨论了教学模式、体育教学模式的概念; 论文第二部分从主导模式和模式群两个层面,对中外体育教学模式进行比较,以期为我国体育教学模式的重构提供启发。对美国、日本及德国等代表性国家的体育教学模式进行分析,总结其先进之处。作者认为,国外体育教学模式不排除技术学习和身体的锻炼,但又不局限于此,教学过程中极为重视学生的主体地位和通过主体性的体育学习所获得的对体育的基本认识和志向性。同时认为国外体育教学模式的针对性很强,体育教学非常重视能力的培养。同时从主导模式和模式群两方面,对我国现行体育教学模式进行了反思。从体育教学过程结构这一角度出发,分析了我国体育教学模式的现状,指出其建构之不足,即学生主体性的缺失,忽视能力的培养等; 在前文论述基础上,论文第三部分分析了新型体育教学模式的课程理论基础以及现代教学论基础,以主体性教学观为视野,进而归纳出我国新型体育教学主导模式的设计思想,并提出体育教学模式群结构优化的对策。 近几年来,在中国的体育教学改革实践中,某些地区已进行了体育教学模式的探索性研究和实践,出现了一些有特色的教学模式,这些模式的研究和实 dA 硕士学位论文 赃疏了饼 帆n阻’STHE” 践,需要用理论来归纳、总结和分类,以促使其得到深入和推广。所以,论文 第四部分介绍了几种典型的主体性体育教学模式,如快乐体育教学模式、成功 体育教学模式、体育小群体教学模式等,以期能为体育教学提供有益的参考, 能对广大体育教师的教学实践有所启发和帮助。

【Abstract】 Since our country implemented reform and open policy, the reforms of P.E teaching in primary and secondary school has made great progress and done much work both in theory and in practice .Especially in recent years, the research on P.E teaching idea, P.E teaching curriculum target and teaching task are getting more and more ripe. Then, how to lead it from theory to practice has been a pressing problem that must be thought over. The author believes that it is just because of P.E teachingmodel’s status and function in P.E theory system-------the bridge between P.Ediscipline’s basic theory and teaching practice that we pay close attention to it.Based on the fundamental theory of teaching model, this article analyses the characteristic of P.E teaching model of primary and secondary school in China and other countries, especially the shortcoming of China’s. Then, according to the ideology and viewpoint of system theory, contemporary P.E curriculum and P.E teaching theory, the author suggests some strategies of constructing new type P.E teaching model, linking with the current situation of P.E teaching in our country.The article includes four parts:The first part gives a very general account for P.E teaching model’s fundamental theory, such as its concept and function. So the whole article has a reliable basis of theory.From dominant model and model groups two sides, the second part analyses the P.E teaching model in some countries (America, Japan and Germany for example) whose P.E teaching is relatively developed and summarizes their advanced aspects, the purpose of which is to offer some inspirations for the reconstructing of new type P.E teaching model. The author holds that the P.E model abroad pays close attention to the main body梥tudent, the knowledge and interests through active study. The model abroad has definite aim and they also pays close attention to the ability of the students .It aiso introduces the P.E teaching model in China, points out its shortcoming .Then in the third part the author offers some tactics of reconstructing teaching model. The author analyses the curriculum theory, contemporary teaching theory and then generalizes several characteristics that new type dominant RE teaching model should possess. Besides, this article offers some advice on how to make the RE teaching models’ group more reasonable, such as a variety of models and so on.The fourth part of the article briefly introduces some typical RE teaching models, such as happy-teaching model, discovering-teaching model, successful-teaching model etc, so as to bring valuable reference, and to make some revelations and helps to the practice of teaching for RE teachers.

  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】3050