

A Research on the Pledge Rights

【作者】 汪峰

【导师】 高宏贵;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 质权是担保物权的三种基本形式之一,但过去我国的民事立法将质权归并于抵押权之内,抹刹了两者各自的特性。《中华人民共和国担保法》第一次确立了质权的制度,但法律上对其规定过于狭窄和抽象。与不但发展的我国市场经济进程的客观需要有相当差距。因此,对质权制度进行深入研究,不仅具有理论价值,更具有实践意义。故本文从担保物权法律的角度,对质权的概念与特征,动产质权的善意取得及实现、权利质权的种类、转质权的立法缺陷等方面进行简略探讨。 全文共分五个部分。首先通过质押与质权的比较分析,借鉴中国人民大学王利明教授的观点,给质权下了一个定义:质权是指债权人因担保其债权占有债务人或第三人供作担保的财产,于债务人不履行债务时,得以该财产的变价优先受偿的权利。并从质权法律关系、质权标的、质权的公示方法等方面对质权的概念进行了阐述。同时还介绍了理论界依据不同标准对质权所作的分类。重点将营业质权与一般质权进行了比较分析。该部分还对质权产生的悠久历史和现实作用进行了阐述,说明充分发挥质权的社会职能,建立和完善质权制度的重要性和必要性。 其次,根据我国《担保法》,最高人民法院《关于适用<中华人民共和国担保法>若干问题的解释》,以及近年来理论界的一些新的学术成果,从动产质权的成立,动产质押合同的形式和内容,动产质权的效力、动产质押法律关系当事人的权利和义务、动产质权的实现、动产质权的消灭、动产质权的善意取得等七个方面对动产质权进行了详尽的论析,提出了许多新见解。如在论述动产质权实现条件时,分析了我国《担保法》第七十一条的不足之处并提出了自己的见解:职权人只能在非自身的原因未能受到清偿时才能实现其质权;质权实现时质物价值超过约定价值的部分应归出质人所有;而质权人怠于行使质权而使质物价值下跌的,质权人应承担赔偿责任。再如在分析任意返还质。物的法律意义时,针对最高人民法院尽管在其司法解释中明确了“质权人将质物返 i”A 硕士学住论文 V不示y W订比’Sn正狠 还于出质人后,以其质权对抗第三人的,人民法院不予支持”,但没有明确此 种情况下,质权是消灭还是无效的缺陷,笔者提出了质权人将质物返还于出质 人或质物所有人的质权消灭的观点。 第三,以我国《担保法》为主,结合《公司法》、《票据法》、《著作权法》 等法律的相关规定,对权利质权的法定范围和种类进行了论述。在分析了权利 质权和动产质权的异同点后,阐述了权利质权的特点和种类。在证券质权的设 定既实现、一般债权质权出质人的权利特点、股份质权的设定及效力、知识产 权质权的处分限制、不动产收益质权的性质等方面提出了很多独到的见解。 第四,在比较中外法律体系关于转质权的不同规定后,对责任转质的构成 要件进行了深刻的分析,指出我国《担保法》及最高人民法院的司法解释不承 认责任转质的立法缺陷,提出了在我国建立责任转质的必要性和可能性,意在 进一步完善我国的质权制度。 第五,就质权与质权之间,质权与抵押权之问的关系作了进一步的论述和 研讨。在论述质权与质权的关系时,认为在一定条件下同一质物可以成立数个 质权,只要质物的价值大于原先所担保的债权苑围,出质人即可再行设质,但 在请偿顺序上一般以有效成立的先后顺序来确定。转质权和善意取得的质权是 例外。转质权人的质权虽然成立在后,但对于转质人的质权有优先的效力。第 三人因善意取得原则而取得的质权,也不受前位质权的限制,优先于前位质权。 文章的最后部分就质权与抵押权效力发生争议的问题进行了阐述。阐明了在权 利质权与权利抵押权的效力发生争议时以登记先后确认其效力。在动产质权与 动产抵押权发生争议时,按先押后质或先质后押来确认其效力。

【Abstract】 The pledge right is one of the three basic froms of the guaranty rights. In the past, our civil legislation merged the pledge rights into mortgage and blotted our individual features. "The Guaranty Code of the People’s Republic of China" first establishes the system of the pledge rights .But its contents are so narrow and abstract that it cannot keep up with the development of market economy in out country. So, in this sense ,it’s worthwhile to do some researches towards the system of the pledge rights .In this thesis ,from the legal angle of the guaranty rights, the author sketchily probes into the conception and characteristics of the pledge rights ,the realization and innocend acquirement of the pledge rights over movables ,the types of the pledge rights over rights, and the legislative defects of sub-mortgage.This thesis is divided into five parts .In the first part, through the comparison between mortgage and the pledge rights ,and drawing lessons from Wang Limin (professor of China People’s University)’s idea ,the author gives a definition to the pledge rights :It’s the rights that when the debtor doesn’t fulfill his obligation ,the creditor can be given the legal rights to take possession of a house or some other property as a security for payment of money lent .Then the author makes further explanation to the pledge rights from the which analyzes the legal meaning of returing the security wantonly ,although the Supreme Court made it clear that "after the creditor returned the security to the debtor ,and comfronts the third person based on the pledge rights ,the court will not support it " ,thecourt didn’t explicit whether the pledge rights dies out or is invalid .The author poses out when in this situation ,the pledge rights dies out.Third ,based on the Guarantee Code and Citing the related articles from the Corporation Code ,the Receipt Code ,the Insurance Code and the Copyright Code ,the author discusses the range and classification of the pledge rights over rights.Also in this part ,the author gives some new ideas about the set and realization of the pledge rights over security creditor’s rights ,the characteristics of the pledge rights over genral creditor’s rights ,the set and effect of the pledge rights over stock ,the punitive restrictions in the pledge rights over knowledge and the characters of the pledge rights over immovables’profit.Fourth, after comparing China’s sub-mortgage with the outer world’s, the author fully analyzes the requisites to constitue a liability sub-mortgage .In order toconsummate the system of the pledge rights, the author points out the defects in our legislation and poses that we should set up the liability sub-mortgage in our country.In the last part, the author gives a further study in the relation between two pledge rights and between the pledge rights and angle of the kegal relation of the pledge rights ,the base price of the pledge rights anon the pubic showing methods of the pledge rights .At the same time ,the author introduces the different classification of the pledge rights ,and lays emphasis on the comparison between the business pledge rights and the general pledge rights ,And also ,in this part ,throngh the explanation of the history and function of the pledge rights , the author illustrates the importance and necessarity of the system of the pledge rights .Next , according to the Guarantee Code of our country , the supreme Court’e explanations on the Guarantee Code and some new ideas in recent years ,the author comments on the pledge rights over movables from the seven areas below :the establishment of the pledge rights over movables ,the form and content of its contract, its effect, the rights and duty of the creditor and debtor, the realization of the pledge rights over movables , its abolishment and the innocent acquirement of the pledge rights over movables and poses many fresh ideas. For example :when commenting on therealization of the pledge rights over movables ,the author analyzes the seventy-first article in the Guarantee Code

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】3
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