

Culture of Poverty and Culture Poverty

【作者】 熊丽英

【导师】 刘远传;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从文化哲学角度,对“贫困文化”和“文化贫困”进行了比较研究。 “贫困文化”和“文化贫困”是两个不同的概念。“贫困文化”是特指处于贫困环境中的穷人所具有的特定文化体系,是直接根源于经济贫困的文化。贫困文化研究的范围很广,不能只局限于人们的文化知识水平、教育程度、思想观念等方面的抽象分析。中国贫困文化有别于奥斯卡·刘易斯所阐述的西方发达国家的贫困文化,表现在:中国贫困文化滋生的环境具有多样性,相应地中国贫困文化也就有农村贫困文化和城市贫困文化、区域性贫困文化和个体性贫困文化等不同的类型;中国贫困文化不能与消极的问题文化划等号;中国现阶段,贫困文化的主体主要是处于贫困状态的贫困者,也包括一部分脱贫致富者等。“文化贫困”标示的是特定文化的一种低水平低层次的状态或特征。文化贫困既有绝对形态,也有相对形态。绝对文化贫困是指人们对文化的占有量严重匮乏,不能维持最基本的日常文化生活。相对文化贫困是指一定社会的文化与社会、经济的发展不相适应,文化对社会的协调和制约功能弱化或丧失。文化贫困的基本内容有:知识贫困;文化生活单调落后;价值观的低层次性或价值观念的缺失;信仰迷失或困惑、精神空虚;文化学术的原创性和学理性缺失;文学艺术的品位低、粗俗化,审美价值的缺失;社会生活方式的贫困等。文化贫困的主体既可以是个人、群体也可以是国家和社会;既可以是生活贫困者也可以是物质生活富有者。概括而言“贫困文化”和“文化贫困”相区别的地方至少有以下几方面:其一是二者研究的角度不同,贫困文化研究主要是一种文化研究;文化贫困研究则是一种贫困研究;其二是二者的主体对象不同;其三是二者的基本内容和研究方法也有别。 当然,我们也应看到,“贫困文化”和“文化贫困”也有内在的联系,表〔Z巳目目弓Z】b习叫卜S卜,卜了 \”一/Mn门RL 了卜已\二 现为:第一,贫团文化的基本特征之一是文化贫困。在中国现阶段,贫困落后 地区的文化贫困主要表现为:知识贫困,文盲半文盲人口多,人们求知欲低; 思维迟钝,思想保守,习惯于旧式生活方式;生产兴趣弱化,劳动积极性不高, 等待、依赖心理较为明显;精神空虚,得过且过,缺乏理想和追求,没有进取 精神;文化娱乐设施严重缺乏,生活单调;价值观念陈旧,观念更新极慢:情 绪低落,自卑感强,行为松散。第二,贫困文化不能合理改造和提升,即使物 质、经济条件改善了,文化贫困仍然不能消除,甚至还会出现新的文化贫困。 在一些富裕的甚至小康村就可看到,人们虽然脱贫致富,有的过上了小康生活, 但文化却极为贫困,社会风气污浊,精神文明衰败。第三,改造贫困文化和消 除文化贫困相互相成。只有合理改造贫困文化,才能逐渐消除文化贫困,特别 是绝对文化贫困;只有致力于消除文化贫困,才能真正摆脱贫困文化。 因此,中国社会主义文化建设的双重任务是:改造贫困文化和消除文化贫 困。中国贫困文化的两面性,决定我们必须对其合理地改造,而不能简单地否 定。消除文化贫困,在我国既具有重要的现实意义,又具有长远的战略意义。

【Abstract】 This article is an attempt to probe into a comparative study of "culture of poverty"and "culture poverty" from an angle of culture of philosophy."Crfture of poverty" and "culture poverty" are two different concepts. "Culture of poverty" , a culture originating directly from economic poverty, refers to a particular culture system to people in poverty. As far as this research is concerned, it is not appropriate to confine our study simply to an abstract analysis of people’s ideas, education as well as their intellectual level. "Culture of poverty" in China dififers fiom that in the developed countries of the west as explained by Oscar Lewis. Owing to the diversification of the environment of the "culture of poverty" in China, we can either divide it into "rural culture of poverty" and "urban culture of poverty" or separate it into "regional culture of poverty" and "individua! culture of povertv". In China "culture of poverty" is not the simple equivalence of the passive "problem culture". Currentlv, the subject of "culture of povertv" is the people who are financially needy or people who have just shaken off poverty. As a matter of fact, "Culture poverty" is the state or characteristics of the low level of a particular culture. Culture poverty has its absolute form and its relative form. Absolute culture poverty means that people seriously lack culture information, which cannot keep up with the basic everyday culture life, while relative culture poverty means that when the culture of a society cannot fit in with the economic development of the society, coordination and constraint of the culture from the society will be less functional or even functionless. The contents of culture poverty are roughly as follows: knowledge poverty, dull and backward cultural life, low standard of values or lack of values, belief disorientation or confusion and spiritual barrenness, lack of originality and principle of culture academia, low or vulgar quality of literary artsand lack of aesthetic value, and poverty of social life style. The subject of culture poverty can be an individua! , a community, or even a nation , whether poor or rich. To 歶m up, the difference between "culture of povertv" and "culture poverty" now goes without saying. Firstly, they are studied from difFerent angles: the former is focused on culture while the latter is focused on poverty; secondly, the research subjects are difFerent; thirdly, their research contents and approaches are different.However, culture of poverty and culture poverty are internally related to each other. Firstly, one of the characteristics of culture of poverty is culture poverty. In China, culture poverty in the impoverished and backward areas mainly includes such features as poor knowledge, large population of illiterates and semi literates, low desire for knowledge, being conservative, getting accustomed to out-dated life style, low interest and enthusiasm in labor and production, passive attitude of reliance on others, lack of ideal and aspiration, lack of entertainment equipment and living a dull life. It is common for our people to have out-dated ideas and narrow minds. They tend to be low, timid and loose. Secondlv, even if the material and economic conditions are improved, without the reform as well as the upgrading of culture of povertv, there will always be new culture povertv. This could be seen in the 鑑歟 of some pretty well off villages. Although people have eliminated poverty and lived a well-off life there, they are in bad need of a culture, a less-corrupt social environment, and a less-degenerated spiritual civilization. Thirdly, to reform culture of poverty and to eliminate culture poverty is complementary. Only when culture of poverty is rationally reformed can culture povertv, especiallv absolute culture poverty, be eliminated; only when we concentrate efforts on culture poverty elimination can culture of poverty be truly done away \vith.Tberefore, the dual tasks of China’s socialist construction lie in refonning culture ofpoverty and elimina

【关键词】 文化贫困文化贫困文化贫困
【Key words】 CultureCulture Of PovertyPovertyCulture Poverty
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