

Foregrounding--An Effective Means of Realizing the Attractive Function of English News Headlines

【作者】 叶燕

【导师】 高晓芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 新闻标题是新闻中最重要的组成部分。它总结新闻的主要内容,以便读者一目了然,确定是否继续阅读。英语新闻标题语言特别,与其它文体有较大的差异。因此,了解其语言特点不仅能够帮助新闻写作者提高标题写作水平,而且还能够帮助广大英语新闻阅读者更好地理解新闻内容,欣赏其语言艺术美。 虽然许多学者研究过英语新闻标题,但他们只是单一地谈论其特色及写作技巧,没有从理论上具体分析。本文试图在前景化理论的基础上系统、全面地讨论新闻标题文体特色。 前景化理论是目前文体学领域的热门话题。本文对该理论进行了总结。“前景化”本为美学术语,用来指绘画中从背景中突出的部分。二十世纪三十年代,布拉格学派借用该术语描述语言中的变异现象。后来,利奇认为:语言前景化的获得不仅要归功于语言的变异,而且,还要归功于那些没有变异,但也十分突出的语言现象。韩礼德是功能主义的代表,他主张从功能的角度分析语言,他认为“前景化”应为“有动因的突出”。也就是说,只有在语境中产生功能的变异或规则性突出的语言才能达到前景化效果。文体即前景化。 功能主义者认为,功能和语境决定文体特征。在实用文体中,语篇是在情景语境中产生的。某个突出的语言形式特征只有在情景语境中起突出作用,才是被激活的,才能产生文体效应,才能称为文体特征。新闻标题有许多功能,其最主要的功能是吸引功能。本文引用了信息度理论来说明,为了吸引读者的注意力,新闻标题的语言简炼、可读性强、艺术味道浓厚、新颖奇特。 语境可分为语言语境和非语言语境。新闻标题是新闻的一部分。因此,我们不能离开新闻这个语言语境而单单只谈论标题。本文运用了主位化理论讨论标题和新闻之间的关系:新闻标题是新闻的主位,标题和新闻互为影响。 非语言语境是语场,基调和方式共同作用而形成的。从语场的角度看,新闻标题可以报道任何领域中发生的事件,如政治,经济,军事,文化,科技,医疗等等。从基调的角度看,新闻标题是“记者——大众”的关系。由于目的不同,有的新闻标题郑重严肃,以简洁的语言总结新闻内容:而有的标题则带有艺术味道,主要用来给人艺术的享受。从方式的角度看,新闻标题是以书面形式出现在报纸上。 为了在这佯的语境下实现其吸引功能,新闻标题写作者们在书写、字、句、语义各层面上“变异”。也就是说,变异从语言形式深入到语言内容,从语言的表层意义深入到里层意义。书写是通过有形的符号,达到吸引的目的,通过多样的标题排列形式,标点符号的采用以及故意错误地拼写单词,新闻英语标题在书写层面上变异。新闻标题词汇特别,其特别之处在于运用缩略词,简略词及新闻生造词来缩小单词。省略是新闻标题句法上的显著特征。为了简洁,标题中的功能词大量删减。只要意义传达无误,文以简洁为贵。标题中修辞手法的大量运用。使标题艺术蛙力无穷。比喻是最普通,最重要的一种修辞手法。我们一般是在单词层面上研究它。其实,我们也可以从句子角度进行考察,这就是所谓的语法隐喻。本文具体地讨论了在新闻标题语言中大量出现的语法隐喻。 语音,字,句各层面上的“过分规则性突出”也帮助新闻标题达到了前景化效果,达到了吸引读者的目的。头韵和尾韵念起来琅琅上口,单音节短词和动词简洁生动,肯定句直截了当,引用句确凿可信。他们大量地运用于英语新闻标题中。 为了证实前景化是实现英语新闻标题吸引功能的有效手段,本文列举了大量的例证并且在有的地方用数据作了说明。在选择例证时,本作者遵循以下4个原则,l)例证来源于国内外知名大报。国内英文报纸无论作者还是读者都容易获得;而国外报纸则是原汁原味,是我们学习的模板。2)绝大部分例证来源于最新报纸。这样有利于作者分析,读者理解。3)例证选择随意。只有这样,才能保证说所选例证代表了新闻标题的一般特点。4)例证来源的日期及出处,在例证后的括弧内表明,以证实例证的可信度。 英语学习者们被鼓励去“学会英语”,而不是“学习英语”。课堂上的学习环节固不可少,然而,课外的英语学习也同样重要,或者说更重要。创造一个英语学习氛围,阅读报纸和杂志是必不可少的一步。因此,学习英语新闻标题的文体特色对理解新闻,体会英语语言艺术美大有帮助。

【Abstract】 The news headline is the fundamental part of any piece of news. It informs readers of the main idea of the news so that they could determine whether to read on or not. The language of English news headline is very special and differs a lot from other styles of writing. Thus, to know the stylistic characteristics of it is of great significance to English newsreaders for it will help them to understand the news better and enjoy the beauty of language. It’s also helpful to those English news contributors for it will help them to improve their writing ability of news headlines.Though many scholars have discussed the stylistic features and the skills of writing news headlines, no theories have been given to support their discussion. This dissertation is an attempt to analyze the stylistic features of English news headlines systematically and comprehensively on the basis of the theory of foregrounding.Foregrounding, which arouses spirited discussion among stylists nowadays, is accepted and summarized in this paper. The concept of foregrounding originally belongs to painting to mean those outstanding parts against background. In the 1930’s, Prague School linguists applied it to linguistics to emphasize the importance of deviation which is so special that draws people’s attention. Later, Leech and Short develop it to include both the deviant features as well as those which are not deviant, but nevertheless striking. Halliday, an authority on linguistics, develops the theory further now and regards it as "motivated prominence " from the angle of function. It implies that only when the deviant features as well as those which are not deviant, but nevertheless striking features, functioning in the context could they be taken as "foregrounding". That is to say, foregrounding is style.Fuctionlists believe that language function and its context determine the stylistic features. In any practical variety, only when language features are performing their various functions in the situational context, are they characterized,activated and foregrounded, and becoming the stylistic features of the article.As far as language function is concerned, the news headline is designed to fulfill many functions, among which attractive function is the most important one. The news headline is the beginning of the news, so it serves to attract readers’ attention in a condensed or an artistic way. The theory of informativity is introduced in this paper. It indicates that the language of news headlines should be brief, readable, aesthetic, new, strange and special.Context could be classified into linguistic context and non-linguistic context. News headlines emerge from news, so news is the linguistic context of news headlines and deserves discussions. A news headline can be the theme of a piece of news. In the paper, the theory of themarization has been employed to analyze the relationship between news and the news headline.Non-linguistic context attributes to the collective work of field, mode and tenor. Concerning field, the news headline covers a wide range, for example, politics, economy, military, culture, technology, medicine etc. Any topics in any field could be reported. From the angle of tenor, the relationship in the news headline is between reporters and the public. Due to different purposes, some news headlines just summarize the news briefly and seriously, and some have an artistic flavor and act as lures to attract the public. As to mode, the news headline is carried by newspapers in written form.To achieve attractive function in such a context, news headline designers deviate language at graphological, lexical, syntactical and semantic levels, which develops from language form to language content, from the meaning of language on the surface to the meaning of it in a depth. Graphological deviation catches readers’ eyes by visual means. With the help of various headline set-ups, punctuation and deliberately misspelling of some words, readers’ interest is aroused. Lexicon in news headline is special in that some

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