

Application of Bluetooth System in Home Gateway

【作者】 刘世宏

【导师】 蒋大林;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 电路与系统, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文详细的介绍了蓝牙系统在家庭网关中的应用。论文遵循整体设计的思路对系统方案进行阐述,突出了方案设计过程的连贯流畅的特点;从理论到实际应用的论述,不仅清晰的阐述了系统方案的原理与实现,更重要的是在论述的过程中体现出完整的工程思想。文章首先从理论上论证了网络构建的可行性,定性的对小区内部网络的流量模型以及硬件的选择方案进行了分析,从而为后面的系统实现打下良好的理论基础。全面地理解和分析协议之间的关系以及透彻的理论分析才是保证工程正确实施的法宝,文章接下来从蓝牙技术的协议的基本理论以及蓝牙与COLDFIRE芯片协调使用等方面论述了基本协议实现的方法以及原语等概念。最后文章就软硬件的具体实现方法以及基本函数的调用也做了详尽的讲解。演示系统的具体实例方法分析具体实现了无线蓝牙系统的图像传输功能。 整个论文的内容清晰,思路正确。可以为今后继续的研究工作提供指导性建议。

【Abstract】 Bluetooth system being application in family gateway have dissertated in the theme. The theme follows by the clue of discussing the system scheme with rules of integer design, which stands out the fluent feature of process of design. In both sides of theory and realization, the theme not only introduces the basic principle and implement, but embodies the thinking in project. Firstly the feasibility of building community LAN have demonstrated; Secondly stream model of internal network determined in nature, at the same time the selected hardware project are analyzed. What’s mentioned above will be the base of the succedent discussion. Thirdly, Bluetooth protocol^ cooperation of Bluetooth and coldfire chip> and primitive language have asserted in detail. Finally, material implementation of software and hardware even maul function which system needed are interpreted. Implementing wireless delivering picture with bluetooth system is a concrete sample. The whole theme carries out keeping the consist in content, taking thinking in focus. I wish the theme can be to advantage hi the latter development.

【关键词】 蓝牙HCI USBlinux下驱动
【Key words】 BluetoothUSB interfaceDriver under linux
  • 【分类号】TN925.93
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】259