

【作者】 陈高路

【导师】 莫耀祖;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 机械设计与理论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 与世界各国一样,我国汽车维修业的发展是伴随着汽车工业的成长而逐步发展起来的。总的来说,我国汽车维修业发展起步晚,但发展十分迅猛,就市场供给能力而言,我国汽车维修业的供给已经接近饱和,这意味着我国汽车维修业开始进入质量竞争期。近年来,我国汽车维修企业的数量急剧增加,到1999年年底,全国汽车维修企业的数量已经达到31万个,且每年以平均6%的速度递增,其中具备总成大修能力的一类汽车维修企业1万家,具有二级维护能力的二类汽车维修企业约6万家,其余的就是规模小,水平参差不齐的汽车修理站,从业人数已经超过240万人。全行业每年的营业收入在300亿元左右。 汽车维修市场因此日益扩大,各种类型的汽车维修企业也越来越多,汽车维修市场的竞争日趋激烈。市场竞争不仅仅是技术和质量的竞争,更主要的是企业的观念、形象、管理、服务等全方位的竞争。传统汽车维修企业由于其生产模式、管理方式和企业形式很难适应现代汽车维修企业的发展,必将被具有现代观念、采用现代维修技术、实施科学管理的现代维修企业所取代。 而当今时代,飞速发展的计算机使各行各业越来越抗拒不了它的魅力,因而将计算机与汽车联系起来,利用计算机来实现对汽车维修企业的科学管理,在现阶段及将来一定时期内为中国汽车业及计算机界提供了一个新的研究课题。本课题在对个别维修企业实地调查、查阅大量相关资料的基础上,拟以实用性、易用性、可靠性、安全性为基本原则,以设计能覆盖汽车维修企业主要业务环节、适合大中小型各类维修企业的实用的计算机管理系统为总体目标。 本课题从分析汽车维修企业的各种数据需求和功能需求入手,着手对数据库依次进行概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计和物理结构设计。再根据功能需求分析和系统设计的总目标,对系统的总体结构和各子系统的结构进行设计。然后确定系统环境的硬、软件支撑,按照设计好的系统结构,对系统菜单、窗口对象、各控件按钮、数据窗口对象等可视化界面和各功能模块的程序进行设计。在解决好系统所需要实现的各种查询、更新、打印、统计等基本功能的基础上,重点解决如何利用计算机来实现汽车维修企业的实时控制管理、定量化管理和物资储备定额与库存决策。最后将测试和调试好的应用程序编译成可执行文件,并制作成应用程序软件包。本课题是在综合其他研究人员经验的基础上,结合自己的一些想法和观点,在如何实现利用计算机科学管理汽车维修企业方面所做出的有益探讨。

【Abstract】 With the automobile industry developing, China’s automobile maintaining industry is becoming sound and thriving step by step. In general, supply of China’s automobile maintaining industry has approached saturation. This means that China’s automobile maintaining industry is coming into the phase of quality competition, and the competition of automobile maintaining market tend to impetuosity. The market competition i s not only the competition of technology and quality but also the comprehensive competition of idea, popular image, Corporation culture, management and service of the company. So, the modern automobile maintaining enterprise that has modern concept, technology and management must replace traditional automobile maintaining enterprise \vhose produce mode and management fashion has failed to adapt to modern society.At present, because computer technology is developing at very fast speed, it is becoming a new study of automobile maintaining how to make use of computer to manage automobile maintaining enterprise. The thesis bases on investigating some enterprises, referring to abundant references. It takes practicability, easy use, reliability and security as principle, and makes a target of designing and using information management system to replace the former management model.The thesis firstly utilizes prototyping approach method to analyze the data requirements and the elementary function requirements, and then designs the concept structure of database, logic structure of database and physics structure of database in turn. According to the elementary function requirements and the collectivity target of system design, it will design the overall frame of system and the frame of every subsystem. Then in term of the designed system frame, it uses the selected hardware and software environment of exploiting system to design ali kinds of the visible objects and the application. In the course of designing, the application lays emphasis on resolving these problems including how to achieve real-time control, quantiry management and storage decision-making by computer. Finally, after the application completed, an executable version must be created and the application must be packaged for distribution.hi conclusion, the thesis integrale my own view with others view, and discuss how to scientifically manage automobile maintaining enterprise by computer.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】505