

【作者】 钱益春

【导师】 吴楚材;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 生态学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 旅游业广泛的产业关联效应和乘数效应,已日益显示出旅游业在区域经济发展中的重大贡献作用,因此越来越多的地方政府已从战略上作出调整,将旅游业确定为本地区新的经济增长点。无疑,旅游开发已成为当前区域开发的一大热点。然而区域旅游开发是一项投资大、风险高的系统工程,它必须依赖缜密的可行性论证以及科学系统的旅游规划。 我国的旅游规划事业随着旅游业的发展,逐步经历了资源导向、市场导向和综合导向三个阶段,旅游规划研究与实践工作取得了可喜的成绩。然而由于旅游业是一门涉及社会、文化、经济、自然、建筑等诸多学科的综合性学科,任何个人和学科领域都难以对规划涉及的诸多方面进行完整理解和正确把握,这就要求规划小组应该由多学科专家组成。然而在实际规划中,规划项目的人员组成通常是以项目负责人所在单位或其所在学科方面的专家为主,很少有其它相关学科的专家参与,从而造成规划的整体水平不高。另外,由于我国旅游规划还是一个新兴领域,旅游规划实践的理论总结也明显滞后,没有形成一套完整的规划体系。 目前中国旅游规划中各级区域旅游规划最为薄弱,现行的区域旅游规划多数过于单一,缺乏综合性,在理论上缺乏完整性,在实践中缺乏可操作性,对相应的下一级尺度的旅游规划缺乏指导性,从而导致各级旅游市场供给和需求的宏观失衡。鉴于规划的复杂性,笔者根据近年来参加旅游规划的实践,对区域旅游规划的模式作了一些的探讨,在总结其他专家、学者理论和经验的基础上,提出了区域旅游规划的“31323”模式,即“进行三个基本分析;确定一个发展目标;做好三个规划;构建两个体系;评估三个影响”。并将其运用于湖南永州市旅游发展规划中,对旅游规划理论与实践相结合进行了大胆的尝试。

【Abstract】 Because of its greatly relative-effect and multiple-effect, tourism industry has increasingly been showing its contribution to regional economy. So more and more local governments have adjusted their development strategies and made tourism industry a new economic growgh-point. Undoubtedly tourism exploitation has become a hot point at present. However, regional tourism exploitation is a systematic work with big investment and high venture. It depends on practicable reasoning, scientific and systematic tourism planning.In china, tourism planning has undergone three stages: resourse-orientied, market-orientied and integration-orientied. Tourism planning research and practice have gained great achievements. However, because tourism industry is a systhetic discpline refering to society, culture, economics, nature, architecture and so on, no one and no one discpline can understand integrally and master accurately tourism planning which requires a planning team be consisted of many experts with different subjects backgrounds. Yet in practice, planning people mainly come from the unit or the subject to which project responsor belongs, and rarely experts coming from other relevant subjects attend the tourism planning, so the planning level is not high. In addition, as tourism planning is a new field, theory always falls behind practice and an integrated planning theory system has not been established.Now regional tourism planning is a weakness in Chinese tourism market. Most regional tourism plannings are too simple without integrity in theory, praticability and guidance to subscale tourism planning, therefore supplyment and requirement are out of balance in tourism market. Due to planning complexity, the author deeply probes regional tourism planning pattern based on his planning practice and other experts’ theories, then puts forward "31323" planning theory model i which was used in the pattern of Yongzhou city, in Hunan province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】F592.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】982