

Study on Layout of Industrialization Producing Area of "Million Tons" Citrus in Chongqing

【作者】 李振轮

【导师】 谢德体;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 土壤学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 柑橘类果树的个体发育和系统发育,是植株内部因素和外部环境条件,在遗传基因的控制下,相互作用、相互适应的结果。因此,柑橘产业化生产基地布局涉及到自然、人文、社会、经济、技术等方方面面的问题,布局时既要考虑自然条件的适宜性、人文因素的接纳性,还要考虑社会因素的需求性,同时考虑经济技术的可能性。也就是说,它是综合的多因子全方位起作用的一个复杂问题,需要多学科配合才能将生产基地更合理地布局。 本研究在广泛吸取国内外相关研究成果的基础上,运用四种紫色土理化性质的分析结果和已有的各种相关资料,以可持续发展理论、生态经济学理论、比较优势理论、规模经济理论和岩土植物大系统理论为指导,就重庆市柑橘产业化生产基地布局的一系列问题进行了系统而有益的研究: (1)分析了重庆市柑橘产业化生产基地的现状、问题及原因:不利的异常气候影响柑橘产量:总面积大、但分布零星;柑橘园土层浅薄,土壤中岩块多,熟化度低;柑橘园土壤CaCO3含量多、pH值高;柑橘园土壤水土保持力较差,水土流失严重;果园管理粗放、投产迟、单产低;品种结构不够合理,成熟期过于集中,优质果品率低;指导思想有误,柑橘建园基础条件差。 (2)根据可持续发展等一系列理论确立了柑橘产业化生产基地布局的指导思想:气候、土壤、岩石、生物、人等综合协调作用的岩土植物大生态系统观;生态与经济相统一的生态经济学观;发展经济与保护环境并重要的可持续发展观;集中发展与科技进步相结合的规模经济观;优势发展、劣势避免的比较优势观;基地建设与发展应坚持深度与广度相结合,以深度发展为主的观点。 (3)明确了柑橘产业化生产基地布局的原则:可持续发展的原则;组织创新与规模经济的原则;集中与分散相结合的原则;统一规划的全局性原则;合理布局、适地适种的最适生态性原则;突出优势性原则;统筹兼顾性原则;最佳效益性原则;农业科技进步性原则。 (4)根据重庆市“百万吨”柑橘产业化工程的目的与要求,进一步提出生产基地应布局在海拔450m以下、坡度5度—17度、年均温不小于18℃、成片集中面积大于140hm2、水源供应有保证、远离工业“三废”污染的沙溪庙组紫色母岩发育的灰棕紫泥土上等具体的布局指标。 (5)应用指导思想、原则及指标对规划布局区十个区(市)县进行适应性评价。 MMW MMedM MMI\WteAs/=--MMJBWM进而提出重庆市“百万吨” 柑橘产业化工程生产基地布局方案:在长寿区的长寿湖和大洪湖湖内岛及湖周边的乡镇发展1刀6万hnJ的夏橙基地,改建夏橙园 1350 hln;在江津市、渝北区御临河流域、涪陵区及长寿区的适宜地新建锦橙生产基地6333.3 hm‘和哈姆林甜橙园 5733.3 hmhm,改建锦橙园 5333.3 hln‘。 (6)结合农业产业化的要求,根据柑橘生产的特点探索了基地建设的模式:股份合作制型、合同制型(公司+中介组织+农户型X联合经营型、农村专业大户和私营经济型。 (7)为保障柑橘产业化生产基地建设的顺利进行,促进百万吨柑橘产业化生产基地建设持续、快速、健康发展,本文探索了建设和完善与柑橘产业化生产基地建设相适应的土地流转、资金投入、科技进步、政策法规、利益分配等政策保障机制与措施。 总体来说,本研究通过对柑橘产业化基地有弓的理论与技术的探讨,旨在探索柑橘产业化生产基地的合理布局,实现柑橘生产的优质、高产、低成本的目标,为深加工提供品质优良、数量稳定的原料,从而确保“百万吨”工程的顺利实现。该项目的成功进行将对我市乃至我国柑橘业提高生产水平具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Individual and systemic development of citrus tree is the result of interaction and adaptation each other between the interior factors of plant and the exterior conditions. Therefore, layout of producing area of citrus industrialization comes down to the problems of nature, humanity, society, economy and technology etc. We should consider not only the natural adaptation and the humanity admitting, but also the social demand and the economical and technological possibility. In a word, the complex problem is synthetically influenced by many factors. So, it requires cooperation of many subjects to arrange the bases reasonably.Based on the former research results, appling all kinds of interrelated data and the analysis results of the physical and chemical property of four purple soils, under the guidance of the Sustainable Development theory ^ Relatively Superiority’ theory x Eco-Economics theo^ Scale Economics theory and the theory of Large-scale System of Rock-Soil-Plant, this paper deeply studied a series of problems about producing area layout of citrus industrialization in Chongqing.The present situation, problems and cause of producing area in Chongqing are analyzed in this paper. (1) Citrus yield is reduced by the adverse climate. (2) Total area distribution of citrus is big but sporadic. (3) There are many blocks and CaCOs, thin soil layer and high pH in the orchard soil. (4) Weak capacity of keeping water and soil in the orchards leads to serious loss of them. (5) There are late producing and low yielding for the inefficient management in orchards. (6) Too concentrated collecting time is caused by unreasonable makeup of varieties, and the ratio of high quality fruit is very low. (7) The basic conditions of citrus orchards are feeble for the guidance of error thought.According to a series of theories of sustainable development, the paper established guidance thoughts of producing area layout of citrus industrialization. (1) It is the Large-scale System of Rock-Soil-Plant that the harmonious interaction between climate, soil, rock,3biology and human being. (2) We should establish the Eco-Economics view that zoology and economy is uniform. (3) We should erect the opinion of sustainable development that developing economy is as important as the protecting environment. (4) We should build up the relatively superiority view of expanding superiority and avoiding inferiority. (5) We should persist in combining depth development with scope development, and give priority to depth.And the paper brought forward the principles of producing area layout in the citrus industrialization. We should maitain the principle of sustainable development, the principle of innovating organization and scale economy, the principle of combining centralization with decentralization and the overall principle of unifying layout. We should persist in the most suitable ecological principle, the standing out superiority principle, making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration, the principle of the best efficiency and agriculture science and technology advancement.And according to the aim and requirement of citrus industrialization of the "million tons" in Chongqing, the paper put forward the concrete criterion of layout: an altitude of below 450 meters^ gradient at 5?-17?-. average temperature no less than 18癈 every yean mass area more than 140hm2 -. a sufficient supply of wate^ far from industrial pollution^ weathered from saximiao purple parent rock.Applied the guidance thought > principle and criterion, the paper appraised the adaptation of ten counties hi coastwise of Three Gorges reservoir. Sequentially, the paper built the layout blueprint of the "million tons" project in Chongqing. 10600 hectare Valencia orange bases are arranged in the villages and towns round the lake of changshou and dahong in changshou, and 1350 hectare Valencia orange bases are rebuilt. 6333.3 hectare Jinchen and 5733.3 hectare harnlin orange are distributed in the adaptation area of jiangjin, drainage area of yulin rive

【关键词】 柑橘产业化生产基地布局
【Key words】 CitrusIndustrializationProducing areaLayout
  • 【分类号】S666.1;F326.13
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】322