

【作者】 周化启

【导师】 郑长龙;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 科学探究是新基础教育课程改革的突破口,是培养创新型人才的重要教与学方式。化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,化学实验在激发兴趣、形成化学概念、培养能力和养成科学素养等方面,具有独特的作用。实验探究是科学探究的一种重要表现形式,探究性实验能更充分地体现学生在教学中的积极性、主动性和创造性,是中学化学教学中培养学生创新精神和实践能力的重要手段和基本途径。本文对中学化学实验探究教学模式的构建与实施问题进行了较为深入地探讨。 一是从理论上阐述了中学化学实验探究教学模式的构建,即中学化学实验探究教学模式构建的理论依据(包括:科学探究的含义、教学模式理论、心理学基础等)、指导思想、基本操作程序以及该模式所具有的基本特点。 二是从实践上论证了中学化学实验探究教学模式的实施。结合教学内容的特点、学生的实际和具体的化学教学实践,总结、概括和提升了有效实施该模式的教学策略,并通过具体的教学案例验证了实验探究教学模式的实施效果。 该模式的构建与实施,有利于全面提高学生的科学素质,也为中学化学实验教学提供了新的改革方向和思路。

【Abstract】 Scientific inquiry is a gap of the new elementary education curriculum reform. It is an important teaching and learning method to cultivate innovative personnel. Chemistry is a subject that bases on experiments, and chemistry experiments play an important part in stimulating students’ interest, forming and understanding chemical concepts and developing abilities. Experiment inquiry is an important manifestation of science inquiry, and exploratory experiment can completely reflect students’ enthusiasm, initiative and creativity in teaching practice. It is an important gateway to cultivate the students’ innovative spirit and practical ability in middle school chemistry education. This thesis deeply studies the problem on how to construct and perform the teaching model for chemistry experiment inquiry.Firstly, in theory, how to construct the teaching model for experiment inquiry in middle school chemistry teaching is set forth in this thesis, namely the theoretical basis for constructing the teaching model (containing the meaning of science inquiry, the theory of teaching model and the basic of psychology etc.), the guiding ideology, the capital operation sequence and the basic characteristics of this model.Secondly, in teaching practice , how to perform the teaching model for experiment inquiry in middle school chemistry education is demonstrated in this thesis. According to the characteristics of the contents of chemistry teaching, the students actual situation and the concrete chemistry teachingpractice, how to carry out the education strategies of this model effectively is summarized and promoted, and the implementation effects of this model are also tested by concrete teaching practice.Constructing and implementing this model will help to improve students’ scientific quality. It can also provide a new direction and a new thought for middle school experiment teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】611