

【作者】 于冬青

【导师】 姚伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文立足于当前幼儿园课程改革的实际,在深入分析研究当前幼儿园课程存在的弊端,以及世界幼儿园课程改革浪潮等的基础上,以幼儿园课程存在的病理现象为切入点,运用理论研究法和课程行动研究法,以实践——理论——实践为主线,对幼儿园生成课程理论和实施策略进行深层的理论思考和实践研究,其目的主要有:一是发展和完善幼儿园生成课程理论;二是为我国当前幼儿园生成课程的理念塑造提供新的思路。 论文的基本结构如下: 第一章:提出幼儿园生成课程的内涵及特征:从我国现存幼儿园课程的弊端出发,结合国内外有关研究成果,尝试地提出了幼儿园生成课程的内涵及特征。 第二章:分析幼儿园生成课程的理论基础:根据幼儿园生成课程产生的主客观因素,从哲学、心理学和文化学三方面探讨了幼儿园生成课程存在的理论基础。 第三章:提出幼儿园生成课程的实施策略:通过本人在长春市两所幼儿园为期半年的生成课程理念的实验与研究,提出了四个切实可行的策略,主要有:宏观把握目标的策略;生成主题的策略;运用多种活动方式的策略;创设物质环境的策略。 第四章:探索策略运用过程中的相关条件:从主要影响策略运用的因素角度提出四个条件,一是教师具有正确的教育观和儿童观:二是师幼共同成为课程的决策者;三是建立平等、对话的师幼关系;四是幼儿园、家庭和社区密切合作。

【Abstract】 The thesis is based on the current status of the kindergarten curriculum reform. While thoroughly analyzing the trend of the kindergarten curriculum reform worldwide and the defect, limitation of kindergarten curriculum, the paper concentrates its effort on the deeper level of the theoretical and practical study on the kindergarten curriculum theory and its implementation strategy. The jumping-off point is the disadvantage of present curriculum. The main clue of the thesis is practice-theory-practice, and the author makes a full new view of research for the domain of the emergent curriculum with theoretical research and curriculum action research. The thesis has two aims. One is to develop and perfect the theory of kindergarten emergent curriculum; the other is to provide a new train of thoughts to the realization of kindergarten emergent curriculum ideal. The frame of the thesis is the following:Part one the author tries to clarify the present typical cases of the problems on kindergarten curriculum. With the result of concerned research, the author expounds the theory of emergent curriculum.Part two proceed from the two emergent curriculum subjectivity and objectivity point of view, the author probes into the base of emergent curriculum theory, which is philosophy, psychology, culture.Part three the author provides some of effective tactics after objectively analyzing the experimental result. Including macroscopically grasping aims, building subject, exerting many of activities, founding circumstance.Part four provides the key of conditions from the effects of curriculum implement point of view. Including four major aspects, teachers possess ideas of education and children perspective. Teacher and children become to curriculum decision-makers. The relation between teachers and children is equality and dialogue. Kindergarten, family and community should work together.

  • 【分类号】G612.3
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1189