

【作者】 杨华

【导师】 王景英;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以反思现行教育为基础,以现代教学论和素质教育理论为指导,站在时代的高度,就中小学如何开展个性教育在理论上进行了探讨,并联系实际,重点研究了中小学开展个性教育的原则与途径。在理论上,阐述了个性教育的重要意义。认为学生的个性发展是培养适应新世纪要求具有创新精神人才的基础,没有个性就没有创造。只有个性得到充分发展,学生潜能得到充分的挖掘或发挥,探索求知的欲望得到调动和满足,才可能发现新问题,才能孕育出真正的创造性。在实践上,研究探讨了中小学开展个性教育的途径和方法,对如何面向全体学生、发挥学生的主体性,尊重学生的人格,关注个性差异,满足不同学生的学习需要,促进学生健康和谐全面发展做了较深入的研究和探讨。还探索性的提出了“个性评价的多维性原则”和“改革评价办法,激励学生个性发展”等几个原则与途径,对中小学开展个性教育的教学体系和评价体系进行了初步探讨。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the related theoretical issues on executing personality education in primary and middle schools in new century are discussed on the basis of evaluation and rethinking on current education under theories of modern education and quality education. At the same time, the principal regulations and guidelines for executing personality education in practice are studied.The theoretical importance and practical significance of carrying out the characteristic education are illustrated. It has been recognized that the training of character development is the fundamental of bringing up creative talents in the new century. There is no creativity without personality. Only by fully developing personality, potentials of students can be completely motivated, the desire for gaining new knowledge is mobilized, the students could actively try to find new problems and the real creativity of students can be displayed. The methodologies and ways on how to develop the personality aie presented for practical applications. As an importance aspect, the detailed issues which may occur in practice are examined, e.g., how to fulfill various needs of all students, how to fully stimulate the initiative of the students, how to protect and respect the character of students, how to take care the differences of individual characters, in order to make students bring up healthily and in an all aspects. Also emphases in the thesis are made on several theories and procedures such as "all-round principle of characteristic evaluation", "Reform of the evaluation ways and encouragement of developing personality," and et al. Tentatively approaches for improving the teaching system of characteristic education and evaluating system in primary and/or middle schools are included in the thesis.

【关键词】 个性教育创新
【Key words】 personalityeducationcreativity
  • 【分类号】G630
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】205