

【作者】 王红艳

【导师】 王永胜;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在对前人的研究进行理论分析、总结和对事实调查研究的基础上,初步系统地探索了初中生物学课程对学生心理发展的影响。试图使人们全面而深刻地认识初中生物学课程价值,并为初中生物学课程改革提供心理学方面的理论依据。 本文的研究方法主要有文献法、谈话法和问卷调查法。笔者用问卷法调查了初中学生生物学学习兴趣的发展。主要内容包括:1、学生对生物学课程的兴趣。2、学生对生物学知识的兴趣。3、学生对生物学作业的兴趣。4、学生对生物学课外实践活动的兴趣。5、学生对生物学实验的兴趣。本文将调查结果统计成表,并给予分析和研究。结果表明,学生学习生物学的兴趣有一定差异,初二阶段比初一、初三阶段高,初三男生比女生高。本文还在正文的第四部分,提出了促进学生学习兴趣发展的建议。 经研究,笔者认为:初中生物学课程未能很好地促进学生的心理发展。生物学课程脱离学生的实际,不能满足学生心理发展的需要,一定程度上限制了学生的心理发展。最后笔者提出了旨在促进学生心理发展的初中生物学课程实施方面的建议。

【Abstract】 Based on the theoretical analysis and summary of previous studies and investigation and study of facts, the article explores the influence of biology curriculum for junior high schools on psychological development of junior high school students preliminarily and systematically. The article is an attempt to make people recognize the value of biology curriculum for junior high schools fully and deeply. It also provides the theoretical basis on psychology for biology curriculum reform for junior high schools.The methods are references, conversations and inquiring books. By method of inquiring books the author investigates the development of junior high school students’ interest in biology study. The main substance includes: students’ interest in biology curriculum, students’ interest in biology knowledge, students’ interest in biology homework, students’ interest in biological extracurricular practical activities, students’ interest in biology experiments. The results of investigation are made into statistics tables and a statistics curve in order to be given analysis and studies. The results show that there is a difference between students in interest in biology study. It means that in junior high schools, the second grade students’ interest level is higher than the students’ in grade one and three, and the third grade boys’ interest level is higher than girls’. In the fourth part the author gives some suggestions to promote the student’s development of interest in biology study.Through studies the author considers that biology curriculum for junior high schools has not promoted psychological development of junior high school students as well as it should. However biology curriculum has departed from students’ actual state and hasn’t satisfied the needs of students’ psychological development and has limited the development to some degree. Finally the author gives suggestions on biology curriculum implementation for junior high schools to promote student’s psychological development.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【下载频次】132