

【作者】 梁茵

【导师】 刘强;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 目前有关学校德育实效性不高的问题,已经成为不争的事实。尽管多年来德育教师在学校德育工作中付出了很多心血,取得了一些成绩,总结了不少经验。但由于多方面的原因,导致德育工作存在一些薄弱环节。德育是塑造人的心灵和思想的工作,而德育教师试图以“独白”式的授课方式,即直接的知识传授来实现此目的,并不关注学生原有的“道德框架”及思想品德形成的规律,从而导致德育实践中“人”的迷失。如何使迷失的“人”回归成为提高德育工作实效的瓶颈。然而遗憾的是,真正从分析德育过程中的基本矛盾入手,从受教育者品德形成的内在规律深入的相关论述并不多。所以本文试图以此为基础,在德育实践中开辟一条新的思路。 本文主要包括四个部分。第一部分,分析了导致目前德育中“人”的迷失的主要原因;第二部分剖析了德育问题产生的实质,即它是一种灌输教育,是一种无“人”的教育,它只能使学生说什么,不说什么,做什么,不做什么,却不能从根本上改变学生的观念,塑造人的心灵和思想;第三部分从分析德育过程中的基本矛盾入手,论述了德育过程中基本矛盾转化的两个阶段:内化阶段与外化阶段;第四部分以德育过程中的基本矛盾及其转化的理论为基础,以实践是德育的本质为依据,构建了一种新的德育模式——活动德育模式,并提出在实践中切实可行的几种活动形式。 总之,本文在理论与实践相结合的基础上,试图探索出一条符合受教育者品德形成规律的有效的德育模式,从而为新时期德育建设尽一份绵薄之力,这也是本文撰著的宗旨所在。

【Abstract】 At present, it is a fact that the actual effect of moral education is not satisfactory .It’ s true that teachers of moral education have made great efforts concerning the teaching of moral education for many years, gained many achievements and received a lot of experience. Because of various reasons, weak links have appeared in moral education. Moral education is a kind of work molding people’s spirit, thoughts and ideas. However, teachers of moral education try to reach the goal through directly passing on moral knowledge, neglecting the original "moral frame" and formed rules of thoughts and morality. This results in the loss of "people" in the practice of moral education. How to put the lost "people" back into the practice of moral education has become the key point of improving the actual effect of moral education. However, the related exposition that starts from analyzing the basic contradiction of moral education and inherent law of the formality of thoughts and morality is not common. Based on the above, the paper introduces a new way of thinking in the practice of moral education.This article is composed of four parts. The first part analyses the main reason of "people’s" loss in moral education; The second part expounds the essence of the problems about moral education, it’s a kind of inculcating education; The third part elaborates the basic contradiction in the process of moral education, and shows two phases of settling it; The fourth part constructs a new kind of moral education pattern_ moral education in activity, and puts forward several workable activities in the practice of moral education.hi a word, with the combination with theory and practice, the paper explores a kind of effective formality of moral education in order to contribute what I can do to the construction of moral education. That’s also the purpose of writing this article.

【关键词】 德育“人”迷失回归
【Key words】 moral education"people"losereturn
  • 【分类号】G41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】300