

【作者】 张艳华

【导师】 吴海宽;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 从近代开始,我国学校体育经过了一次又一次的蜕变,完成了它的历史进程。本文通过对中国学校体育思想流变的梳理,把握中国学校体育发展的基本脉络;通过考察与近代中国变革几乎同时而生的大学体育课程的演进过程,反观学校体育思想对人才教育和培养的影响。进而从历史的角度,探寻中国学校体育思想的源与流,以及对学校体育发展的作用与局限,为研究中国学校体育未来的发展提供基础和参照。本文提出,学校体育思想是社会思潮的综合反映,它与社会的政治、经济、文化、教育密切相关,特别是受到社会政治、经济制度的制约;从历史的角度看,学校体育的内容和形式正在逐渐走向多样化;普通大学体育课程改革目前仍面临许多新问题,其中把握好制约课程设置的社会需求、学科体系与学生发展等三大要素,找到恰当的平衡点,处理好理论知识性内容、技能性内容和操作性内容,是一直没有解决好而又必须解决的问题;从普通大学体育课程改革的方向看,人作为个体的价值和地位将越来越会受到高度重视,今后将更加强调课程实施中的多边互动性、价值取向上的个体性、教育目标上的全面性和教学方法的综合性。

【Abstract】 School PE(Physical Education)of our country has finished its historical process since the beginning of modern times after experiencing constant decline. The article begins with analysing the change of Chinese school PE thought to grasp the basic process of developing Chinese school PE; it looks back at the influence of school PE thought on personnel education and development by checking the evolution process of college PE courses which took place almost at the same time when the innovation of modern China did to explore the source and stream of Chinese school PE thought and the function and limitation of developing school PE, which serves as basis and reference for developing Chinese school PE in the future. The article advances that school PE thought is the comprehensive response to the thinking stream of society and it is closely linked to social politics, economy, culture and education, and especially restricted by social politics and economic system. From historical angle, both the contents and the forms of school PE is making for variety. The PE course of common college and universities are faced with many new problems, most important of all. It hasn’t been solved well and needs to be solved well to grasp the three big elements of the social need which restricts course devising, subject system and the development of student, find out the proper point of balance and deal well with the contents of theoretical knowledge, the contents of techniques and the contents of operation. From the direction of reforming common college PE courses, human beings will be attached more and more importance to as individual value and position. In the future, multi-lateral interaction? individual value direction. All round educational objective and comprehensive teaching methods should be emphasized further in course devising.

  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】788