

【作者】 刘涛

【导师】 魏建华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车大梁液压机是汽车加工中的重要设备。本论文以50000KN整体式汽车大梁液压机为研究对象,重点研究了它的冲裁缓冲和多缸同步调平两个子系统。在论文中不仅阐述了两个系统的工作原理、工作特点,而且提出几种方案对比分析,对最终采用的方案进行了比较详细的分析论证,最后还对该设备进行了测试实验。 第一章先简要介绍了液压机的工作原理及特点,然后对汽车大梁及其液压机加工的特点、目前的技术水平给予了介绍,并给出了本论文所研究的液压机的技术要求,及本论文的主要研究内容。 第二章首先确定了50000KN汽车大梁液压机中动力机构的主体结构和主要的参数,然后给出了冲裁缓冲和多缸同步两个系统的液压原理图,并对其工作原理及特点给予了解释说明。 第三章着重分析研究了冲裁缓冲系统。讲述了冲裁的原理,缓冲的重要性。然后针对50000KN汽车大梁液压机的缓冲系统,分别从静态和动态两个方面进行了分析计算。通过分析计算确定了各个要素对冲裁缓冲效果的影响,找出了改善缓冲系统性能的途径。 第四章着重分析研究了多缸同步调平系统。首先对单个液压缸的运动进行了分析,找出了影响运动的一些因素;然后对汽车大梁液压机调平的几种方案进行了对比分析。最后,对50000KN汽车大梁液压机同步调平系统的静态和动态特性分别进行了计算、分析。 第五章介绍了对50000KN汽车大梁液压机所作的测试试验,这些试验数据证明了前面章节中计算分析的正确性。 第六章对本课题所做的工作做出了归纳总结。

【Abstract】 The Hydraulic Press for Side Rails of Automotive Frame (HPSRAF) is one of the key equipment for automotive industries. This thesis, using one 50000KN HPSRAF as an example, researched its hydraulic damping and hydraulic parallelism systems. This paper not only introduced its theory, features, but gave several schemes. The schemes were analyzed and compared. The schemes that were adopted in the 50000KN HPSRAF were discussed deeply and experiments were made to demonstrate their lightness.In the first chapter, the theory and feature of normal hydraulic press were introduced. Then the features of HPSRAF and its current technical situation were summarized. In the end, the technical requirement of the 50000KN HPSRAF and the main contents of this paper were presented.In the chapter 2, the power mechanism and main structure of the 50000KN HPSRAF were designed first. Then the schemes of hydraulic damping and parallelism control systems were given. And their theories and characteristics were explained.The chapter 3 focused on the hydraulic damping system. First, its theory and importance were expatiated. Then the static and dynamic performance of the 50000KN HPSRAF was calculated and analyzed. Some of the relationship between the performance and some factors of the hydraulic damping system was found out according to the calculation and analysis. Then certain ways to improve the performance of the damping system were pointed out.The chapter 4 focused on multi-cylinder parallelism control system. Thetransmission of single cylinder was analyzed and some factors which affectedthe performance were pointed out at first. Then several schemes ofmulti-cylinder parallelism system were compared and analyzed. In the last thestatic and dynamic performance of the 50000KN HPSRAF was calculated andanalyzed.The chapter 5 presented the data of the experiments on the 50000KN HPSRAF.The data showed the righmess of the calculation and the analysis in the formerchapters.The chapter 6 summed up the total work of this thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TG385;TH137
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】585