

Research on Customer Relationship Management Application System of the Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise-Oriented Supply Chain Management Platform

【作者】 黄彬

【导师】 唐任仲;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的飞速发展和日益激烈的市场竞争,人们越来越强烈地感觉到客户资源将是企业获胜最重要的资源之一。在这种情况下,客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)思想应运而生。客户关系管理是一种以客户为中心的经营策略,它以信息技术为手段,对业务功能进行重新设计,并对工作流程进行重组,以达到留住老客户、吸引新客户的目的。本文结合科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目——面向制造企业供应链管理系统集成平台,对客户关系管理的基本理论、应用及相关的若干关键技术进行了分析讨论,以促使客户关系管理理论和技术在我国得到更好的发展和实施应用。 第一章讨论回顾了客户关系管理产生的背景、概念及内涵,对国内外典型的客户关系管理系统的发展现状进行了综述。研究提出了本文研究工作的目的、意义及研究内容。 第二章分析讨论了面向制造企业供应链管理系统集成平台的总体结构及其对客户关系管理系统的要求,建立了面向制造企业供应链管理系统集成平台中客户关系管理系统功能模型,提出了相应的实现方案和若干关键技术。 第三章针对客户关系管理系统对Web数据库技术的需求,对目前常用的几种Web数据库开发技术进行了分析比较,提出了Web数据库技术在客户关系管理系统中的应用实施方案。 第四章针对客户关系管理系统对数据仓库技术的需求,研究了客户关系管理系统中数据仓库的数据建模技术,提出了数据仓库技术在客户关系管理系统中的应用实施方案。 第五章针对面向制造企业供应链管理系统集成平台中客户关系管理系统的Web数据库技术应用实施方案完成了具体的软件开发实现工作。 第六章对全文的研究开发工作进行了总结,提出了今后需要进一步深入开展的研究开发工作。

【Abstract】 Owing to more and more competitive market, customer becomes one of the most important resources for enterprise, which results in the development of Customer Relationship Management. Customer Relationship Management is a management philosophy focusing on customer. Through utilizing IT technology, redesigning the business function and reengineering the work flow, new customers are acquired and the existing ones retained. Combined with the project support by the Technology Innovation Fund for SMEs (small and medium- sized enterprises) - Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise-Oriented Supply Chain Management Platform, the concepts, application and related key techniques of Customer Relationship Management are analyzed and discussed in order to promote the development and implementation of the concept and technique of Customer Relationship Management in China.In chapter one, the background, concept and connotation of Customer Relationship Management is discussed, the development status of typical Customer Relationship Management System is reviewed. The research objectives, significance and contents of the paper are presented.In chapter two, focusing on the analysis and discussion of the general framework of the Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise-Oriented Supply Chain Management Platform and its demands for the customer relationship management system, the customer relationship management system function model is built, the related implementing schemes and key technologies are developed.In Chapter three, according to the demands of customer relationship management system for Web database, the Web database development techniques are analyzed and compared, the Web database-based solutions to the customer relationship management system of the Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise-Oriented Supply Chain Management Platform are developed.In Chapter four, according to the demands of customer relationship management system for Data Warehouse, the data modeling technique for the customer relationship management system in Data Warehouse are discussed. A Data Warehouse-based solution to the customer relationship management system is provided.In Chapter five, based on the above Web database solution to the customer relationship management system, the software system is developed.In chapter six, the achievements of the paper are summarized and the future research work is sketched out.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】347