

Study on Relations Among Students’ Personality Trait, Self-efficiency, Study strategies, Motive and School Achievement in th

【作者】 王永跃

【导师】 王有智;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪50年代以来自我调控学习已成为教育心理学研究的一个热点问题,从已提出的研究框架来看自我调控学习的研究几乎涉及到影响学生学习的各种因素。本研究在前人研究基础之上选取了对学生学习有影响的人格、自我效能、学习策略和学习动机等因素对中学生学习活动与学业成绩关系进行探讨。以期对正在深化的教育教学改革提出有益的建议。人格是一个人区别于他人的特有的、稳定的心理品质。它是人的行为的深层动力,在个人的发展中起着举足轻重的作用。自我效能是指人们对自己实现特定领域行为目标所需能力的信心或信念,它影响到个体在执行某一活动的动力心理过程。学习策略是指学习者为了提高学习的效果和效率,有目的、有意识地制定有关学习过程的复杂的方案。它的使用与否影响到学生学习的效果。动机是指激发和维持个体的内部动力,它是个体的行为的基本动力。研究人格、自我效能、学习策略动机与学业成绩之间的关系,对于培养学生健全的人格,提高学生的自我效能和激发学生学习动机从而来提高教育教学的效果都具有重大的理论和现实意义。 本研究采用卡特尔16PF、自我效能量表、学习策略量表及动机水平量表对357名中学生行了问卷调查。其中男生179名,女生178名,城市重点中学104名,农村重点中学82名,城市普通中学86名,农村晋通中学85名。经过对调查的结果分析,得出如下结论: 1.女中学生在人格特质的乐群性、兴奋性、敢为性、敏感性、怀疑性、幻想性、独立性和自律性方面存在显著性差异。除了独立性和怀疑性两个因素男生显著高于女生外,其它6个因素女生均高于男生。这其中的原因可能有二个,一是因为此时期男、女生的生理成熟水平的差异所导致的;另一个原因可能是在后天的教育过程中对男、女生实施不同的性别教育所导致的。男、女中学生在自我效能水平、学习策略的使用及动机的各个维度上均不存在显著性差异,即男、女生的发展水平一致,因此可以认为性别不是导致成绩分化的主要原因。不同类型学校的学生的自我效能水平,学习策略中的深层加工策略的使用、学习的非组织性水平和动机因素中的学习的坚持性水平上存在显著性差异。除非组织性水平外,总体表现为重点中学高于普通中学,城市中学高于农村中学。父亲的文化程度影响学生学习的非组织性水平。 2.学习策略中深加工策略与学业成绩呈显著正相关,非组织水平与学业成绩呈显著负相关;自我效能与学业成绩呈显著正相关;动机固素的坚持性维度与学业成绩也呈显著正相关。人格特质中的乐群性、幻想性、忧虑性、实验性和独立性与学生学业成绩显著相关。 3.不同学业成绩在深层加工策略的使用和学习的非组织性方面存在显著性差异;动机方面,在坚持性维度上不同学业成绩的学生存在显著性差异。不同学业成绩学生的自我效能上存在显著差异,表现为学业成绩越好,自我效能越高;不同学业成绩学生在人格特质的稳定性、恃强性、有恒性、忧虑性、实验性、紧张性等6个方面存在显著差异,其中对学习可能有积极作用的稳定性、有恒性和实验性3个维度上学业优良生显著的高于学业不良生;在其它的可能对学习有消极作用的维度上,学业不良生显著的高于学业优良生。本文推断这种诸困素水平之间的差异是导致学生学业成绩分化的主要原因。 4.回归分析表明,自我效能、深层加工策略、学习的坚持性和非组织性等因素对学业成绩有显著的回归效应,人格特质通过影响以上困素来间接影响学生的学业成绩,根据回归分析的结果,本文构建了人格特质、自我效能、学习策略与动机因素对学业成绩的路径模型。

【Abstract】 The study rested on 16PF,self-efficiency scale, study strategy scale and motive level scale is to try a test paper for 357 students in the middle schools. By analyzing the outcome of the investigation, it can be concluded in the following respects.First, schoolgirls’ general development level of 16 sides is higher than schoolboys’ concerning personality trait, in which there are probably two reasons: one is the difference of physical mature level between schoolboys and schoolgirls in this stage, and another is schoolboys and schoolgirls carried out differently sexual distinction education in the process of education.Second, there is no obvious difference between schoolboys and schoolgirls in each side of self-efficiency level, study strategy practice and motive. Namely, their development levels are showing no difference. Therefore, we can say that sexual distinction is not the main reason resulting in achievement differentiation. Self-efficiency level, practice of deep processing strategy in study strategies, study non-organization level and persistence level in the factor of motive are markedly different in different types of schools. Except for organization level, in general, key middle schools’ conditions are higher than that of middle schools, city middle schools higher than rural middle schools. Father’s education degree has an influence on student’s study non-organization level.Third, pleasance, imagination, anxiety, experiment and independence are associated with students’ achievements. Deep processing strategies in study strategies is connected with school achievement positively. Non-organization level is connected with school achievement negatively. Relation between self-efficiency and school achievement is pointedly positive. Relation between persistence dimension in the factor ofmotivation and school achievement shows noticeably positive too.Fourth, students who have various school work achievements show markedly different in the following respects as to personality trait, such as: stability, using strengthen, permanence, anxiety, experiment and tense. In three sides stability, permanence and experiment that play an active role to one’s study, the number of excellent students is higher than others. In other inactive sides, the former is not higher than later. The better school work achievements, the higher self-efficiency. Various school achievements in the usage of deep processing strategies and study non-organization are different. In the respect of motive, students who have different school results express distinctly on the side of permanence. The thesis concludes that the differences among the levels of these factors leads to students’ achievements differentiation.Finally, regression analysis indicates that these factors, self-efficiency, deep processing strategy and study permanence and non-organization, etc. have noticeable regression effect. By affecting those factors, personality trait has an influence on students’ achievements indirectly. According to the results of the regression analysis, the thesis builds a path model of influences of personality trait, self-efficiency, study strategy and motive on student’s achievements.

【关键词】 自我效能学习策略动机学业成绩
【Key words】 self-efficiencystudy strategymotiveachievement
  • 【分类号】G444
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】2610