

【作者】 王建芬

【导师】 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 业务流程再造自90年代初迈克尔(哈默和詹姆斯(钱皮首先提出后,作为一种新的管理思想,象一股风潮席卷了整个美国和其他工业化国家,并大有风靡世界之势。随着社会信息化、全球一体化的到来,基于专业分工的管理模式开始变得日益迟钝,企业越来越难以适应以“顾客(customer)、竞争(Competition)、变化(Change)”为特征的现代企业经营环境。业务流程再造是适应于现实需求的管理思想,是一种管理上的创新,它不再遵循传统分工的原则,而是"对企业的业务流程(Process)进行根本性(Fundamental)地再思考和彻底性(Radical)地再设计,从而获得在成本、质量、服务和速度等方面业绩的戏剧性地(Dramatic)改善"。业务流程再造顺应潮流,具有高效益、高回报性,但也具有高风险性。坚持业务流程再造的核心原则和操作性原则,运用科学的流程和方法,采用先进的信息管理技术,对于业务流程再造的正确实施具有重要意义。北京飞机维修工程有限公司是一家中国国际航空公司和德国汉莎航空公司合资经营的航空维修企业。面对不断发展的国内、国际航空维修市场,面对日益激烈的竞争,北京飞机维修工程有限公司决定打入国际市场,争取更多的国际客户。但同国内其他维修企业一样,北京飞机维修工程有限公司的经营管理同样存在投入多、产出少、成本高、效率低的问题。针对北京飞机维修工程有限公司飞机大修流程中存在的停场周期长、客户意识薄弱、生产成本高等问题,本文提议进行飞机大修流程再造。改变过去“科层制”的管理方式,对飞机大修实行项目管理,将每次飞机大修看成一个独立的项目,生产流程的所有环节全部由一个团队的成员完成,并实行计算机管理,从生产计划、生产实施到成本核算完全集成统一在一个系统平台,互相影响和监督。为确保飞机大修流程再造的正确实施,本文提议领导主抓,重塑公司企业文化,重视再造过程中的人员组织和管理,并把公司建成为学习型组织。

【Abstract】 Business Process Reengineering (BPR) was introduced by Michael Hammer and James Champy at the beginning of 1990s. As a new management thinking, it has been swept across America and other industry countries, and it has trends becoming fashionable in the world.Following the coming of information society and globalization, the management model based on division labor has been becoming obtuse, and it has been harder and harder for enterprise adapting the modern operation environment characterized by "customer", "Competition", and "Change". BPR is the management philosophy that meets the reality demands, is kind of management innovation and break through the traditional corporate principles. It is " the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed". BPR goes with the stream, which brings high benefits, high requite but also high risky. It is significant for successful BPR implementation that obedience of the core and operational principles of BPR, using scientific process and methodology, adopting advanced information technology. Beijing Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Co., Ltd (AMECO) is joint ventured between air China and Lufthansa Airlines of Germany. Confronting the developing aviation maintenance market and increasing competition, Ameco decides to enter international market and gain more customers aboard. But Ameco also has the same management problems such as more input, less output, high cost and low benefits as other domestic maintenance organizations. It is recommended to implement BPR to the aircraft overhaul in Ameco to solve problems such as long total around time, poor customer conscious and high cost. Transforming the traditional management manner to project management, taking each aircraft overhaul as an individual project, carrying out team work, integrating product planning, implementing and cost <WP=5>accounting on one system platform by computerizing. It is also recommended leadership taking full responsibility, rebuilding organizational culture, valuing personnel structure and management and setting up learning organization.

【关键词】 业务流程再造飞机大修组织结构
  • 【分类号】F426.5
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