

【作者】 汪彦国

【导师】 王丽娟;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 我国船舶工业是关系国防安全及国民经济发展的战略性产业。经过改革开放后二十多年的快速发展,船舶工业已成为我国为数不多的几个具备了较强国际竞争能力的外向型产业之一,出口支柱产业的地位和作用日渐突出。伴随着新世纪的来临,知识经济已初现端倪,国际竞争的核心逐步从资源比较优势的竞争演变为科技实力和水平的竞争。作为中国造船骨干力量的中国船舶工业集团公司(简称中船集团公司),将自己的发展目标定位于2005年造船产量进入世界造船集团前五名,2010年进入世界前三名。影响中船集团公司目标实现的因素很多,其中产品的研究开发是一个重要因素之一,尤其是集团公司主导产品——船型开发对集团的发展至关重要。面对新世纪发展的机遇和面临的挑战,中船集团如何扬长避短,在主导产品上继续保持国内领先,并追赶上世界先进造船企业集团,使中船集团公司成为主业突出、综合竞争力强的大型企业,是中船集团在发展道路上必须解决的问题。通过对船型技术发展趋势分析,船型市场需求和世界各国在主要船型建造上的优势分析,考虑竞争对手现有状况以及中船集团现有条件等因素,明确了集团公司现阶段船型技术创新的主攻方向应集中在两个方面,其一是促进现有产品的升级换代,加强常规产品的优化,推出品牌船型,为集团公司在世界造船市场上以“量”取胜打下基础;其二是加大高技术高附加值船的开发力度,提高该类船舶在造船总量中的比重,为集团公司以“技”取胜奠定技术优势。为此,列出了需要重点发展的6类23种船型。通过对这些重点产品的研发,掌握核心关键技术,重点突破一批高技术、高附加值船舶的设计、建造和修理的关键技术,缩小与世界先进造船国家和集团的技术差距,带动集团公司和船舶行业整体水平和能力的提高。并针对中船集团的实际情况,提出了措施和实施方案。

【Abstract】 The Chinese shipbuilding industry is the strategy industry which involves the defence safety and the development of country economy. With the twenty years’ reforming and opening policy, the shipbuilding industry in China develops fast, which has been one of the key export industry.To acclerate the domestic shipbuilding industry, in July 1999, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) was established, At present, CSSC is the largest shipbuilding group in China, and CSSC made developing target, it is: in 2005,the shipbuilding output is in the fifth position in the world and third position in 2010.As a large shipbuilding group targeting to the world, there are many factors to influence it, but the product is one of the key factors. So the design and research of ships play a very important role in the group development.Faceing the opportunity and challenge in the new century, CSS must deal with the problems such as how to keep the advantage status in the dometic market,how to catch up with the modern shipbuilding group. With the quick development in shipbuilding industry and varity in international trade, the product of ship is also developing quickly, the trendance is pollution-free, high speed, automatic, large, and specialization. The product development of CSSC must be along with the main line.From the view of marketing demand, trendance of the ship, existing faculity, CSSC must concentrate the focus on two sides: the first is to make the present products more better, and finally let the normal ships become the Chinese famous brand in the world shipbuilding market, increasing the marketing shares. The second is to focus on r&d of new hi-tech ships, enhanceing the technology level of CSSC. So there lists 6 items of ship product and 23 ship types to be developed in the next few years. If the task is finished, it will increase CSSC capability. In oeder to accomplish the task, actual measures must be taken.

【关键词】 科技船舶产品开发战略
  • 【分类号】F426.474
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】349