

【作者】 徐丹冰

【导师】 马春光;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 摘    要随着改革的深化,为了强化投资风险约束机制,要求房地产项目业主对项目建设的全过程负责,承担投资风险。中国正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO),国际房地产企业集团必然会进军中国房地产业市场,而我国现有的大多数房地产企业存在着管理差、规模小、资金少、服务差等方面的劣势,缺乏竞争力。目前大量的国有房地产企业正处于转制过程中,企业制度还不健全,与国际市场的要求不相适应。这是我国房地产企业共同面对的挑战,现代房地产企业必须适应这种挑战。本文以京东方科技集团房地产开发为例,对房地产政策及房地产企业现行项目管理模式进行了研究,针对房地产项目具体实行过程中出现的一些问题进行了剖析,探寻使房地产项目满意完成的方法。房地产业作为国民经济的一个重要组成部分,其效益的高低直接影响国民经济的发展。通过房地产企业项目管理的优化来提高房地产业的竞争力和效益,是本文的目的。

【Abstract】 Abstract<WP=4>With deepening of reform, estate proprietors are required to take charge of all processes of project constructing and undertake the investment risk. After China’s entry into WTO, international estate enterprises are bound to enter Chinese market. Unfortunately, at present majority of Chinese estate enterprises are less competitive and characterized by bad management, small scale, insufficient capital, bad services, etc. Now many Chinese estate corporations are in the transitional period in which their inadequate mechanisons don’t accommodate international competition. All Chinese estate companies must adapt to the same challenge. Using BOE (Beijing Orient Electronic Company) estate project development as an example, the author studies Chinese estate policy and estate project management mode,analysises the problems during estate project developing process and tries to find out a method of completing a project satisfactorily.As a part of Chinese national economy, estate business has an important effect on the economic development of our country. It is the purpose of this paper to raise the competitiveness and efficiency of estate companies with optimizing their management mode.

【关键词】 市场模式分析优化
【Key words】 MarketModeAnalysisOptimize
  • 【分类号】F299.233
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】489