

【作者】 于洪飞

【导师】 刘园;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着金融自由化和金融放松管制进程的不断深化,在世界范围内,金融机构多元化经营发展趋势日益明显。金融控股公司,作为一种组织创新,以“集团混业,经营分业”为特征,突破了美国的分业体制,充分显示了它在多元化经营和风险防范方面的优越性。对于仍然实行“分业经营,分业监管”的中国而言,加入世贸组织后,在金融领域必将面临发达国家全能银行和金融控股公司的竞争。因此,我们必须结合中国的实际情况,寻找适合中国现状的控股公司运行和监管模式,以迎接来自发达国家的挑战。本文对有关金融控股公司的理论和西方发达国家金融控股公司组织形式、运行方式、监管问题加以分析,从而提出适合中国金融控股公司发展的策略。相关的概念和理论本文首先探讨有关分业、混业和金融控股公司的概念和理论问题。“分业”的概念是美国在"1933年银行法"成立以后才逐渐形成的。现在一般意义上的金融“分业”是指的银行与其它金融机构及商业部门相互分离的体制。与“分业”相对应的"混业"有两层意义:第一层含义是金融业务的混合、交叉经营,即业务的混业,典型的代表是德国的全能银行制;"混业"的第二层含义是金融控股权的混业,即在金融控股公司里有多个法人子公司,它们统一被控制在一个母公司之下,但彼此之间实行"分业经营,分业管理"。金融控股公司就是这种混业的典型模式,它主要从事金融业务,并且至少明显地从事银行、证券、保险中的两种或两种以上的经营活动,受两个或两个以上行业监管当局监管。金融控股模式是提供多元化金融服务的一种组织结构。在多元化金融服务的组织模式中,金融控股模式是取其"中",即介于全能银行模式和分业经营模式之间。在金融控股模式下,子公司仍然是"分业"的,或者说是专业化的,而集团是"全能"的,从而在一定程度上兼顾了安全和效率。金融控股公司与专业银行相比,具有几方面的优势,如信息优势,规模经济,范围经济,风险递减以及通过合并报表合理避税等优势。金融控股公司在享有这些优势的同时,也不可避免地在某些方面存在较高的风险。首先,金融控股公司由于占有金融资源过大,所以面临的系统风险的危害是非常大的;其次,金融控股公司的各子公司之间进行关联交易,使得集团内各子公司的经营状况相互影响,这就增大了金融控股公司的内幕交易和利益冲突的风险;第三,金融控股公司以外来资本拨付给子公司的资本金,在总公司和子公司的资产负债表中都同时反映出来,这可能会使整个集团的实际财务杠杆比率过高,影响到集团的金融安全。美国、英国、德国的多元化金融服务考察美国的金融体制的历史不难发现,美国的金融体制经历了“混业—分业——混业”的发展脉络。由于立法者认为商业银行的证券业务是导致股市崩溃和大萧条的主要原因之一,因此制定了《1933年银行法》,在商业银行与投资银行<WP=3>之间设立了一道业务分离的“防火墙”。由于严格的分业体制不利于金融企业增强竞争力,所以实务界一直在寻求通过控股公司的方式突破这一政策限制。1998年由花旗银行和旅行者集团合并而成的花旗集团,就是通过不同的子公司提供多元化金融服务的金融控股公司。英国目前实行的混业金融体制是在80年代“大爆炸”改革之后形成的,德国则是一直奉行全能银行制。这种体制与金融控股公司相比,更利于发挥多元化经营的优势,同时也面临更大的风险。该体制下需要金融机构自身的风险管理机制非常完善,能够自觉地对不同业务部门的内部交易等活动进行监控和风险防范。对于我国而言,这或许可以成为金融经营体制和监管体制改革的长期目标,但是短期内我国还不具备实行的条件。金融控股公司的组织和运行金融控股公司拥有银行和证券等金融业务子公司,在各种金融业务之间建立防火墙,限制商业银行与证券等业务部门的一体化程度。不同的子公司从事不同种类的金融业务,每一个子公司都有自己独立的资本金、管理队伍、会计标准等。这种模式一般限制了信息、人力资源或其它投入要素在集团内的流动,因此降低了规模经济和范围经济效应,削弱了银行开发和利用信息优势获得协同效应的能力。然而,在金融控股公司内部,金融业务之间的联系是非常复杂的,不同子公司可以通过资金、业务、机构上的联合增强整体的竞争优势。这种模式减少了不同业务部门之间的利益冲突,扩展了证券部门的安全网,在市场和分销网落上可能实现协同效应。金融控股公司需防范的问题由于金融控股公司的子公司在同一控制权下,不可避免地会出现利益冲突的问题。如为支持投资银行承销的证券价格,商业银行可能向第三方不谨慎地发放贷款,并要求第三方购买该种证券。商业银行有可能通过银行证券部门承销新的证券弥补不良贷款损失。在一个金融控股公司内部,集团的董事长有时会同时在集团子公司的董事会任职,这对于子公司经营政策和风险防范的独立性会产生影响。由于金融控股公司内部存在着复杂的利益冲突关系,因此如何建立有效的利益冲突协调机制就成为金融控股公司成功的关键因素之一。解决的方式有监管方式和市场方式两种。监管方式的优点在于,它为集团内部的商业银行、投资银行,以?

【Abstract】 Following the trend of liberalization and deregulation in the financial industry, the combination of banking, securities and insurance become more prevalent in many countries. The financial holding company, which can provide a combination of financial services in the group level, has broke up the separation regulation in the U.S. China, which adopts the separation policy of banking, securities and insurance in terms of operation and supervision, will meet strong challenges from universal banks and financial holding companies from abroad following China’s accession into the WTO. After examining the theories and practices of western financial holding companies, this paper seeks to highlight some important measures to ensure the development of financial holding companies in China.Relevant Concepts and TheoriesChapter 1 introduces the concepts of financial separation, combination and financial holding companies. The "separation system", which came into being after the "Glass-Steagall Act", represents the separation of commercial banking, investment banking and insurance services. The "combination system", which is just the opposite concept, has two meanings. One relates to the combination of financial services in the same legal person, while the other relates to the combination of shareholding rights of several subsidiaries providing difference services. The financial holding company is the product of the second meaning.The financial holding company has some theoretical and practical advantages and disadvantages versus specialized financial intermediaries. The disputes over the extent of incremental benefits and risks brought by the financial holding company affect the policy-making of supervising bodies.The Combination System in the Western CountriesChapter 2 reviews the development of the modern financial systems in the U. S., Britain and Germany. In the U. S., the separation of commercial banking and investment banking was set down in the "Glass-Steagall Act" following the economic crisis in 1929-1933. In 1998, Citibank and Travelers Group merged into Citigroup, which then became a financial holding company providing all kinds of financial services through its subsidiaries. The "Financial Services Act of 1999" repeals the "Glass-Steagall Act" prohibitions on banks affiliating with securities firms, permitting holding companies to engage in securities underwriting and dealing, without limitation, as well as sponsoring and distributing mutual funds. It creates a framework that will permit the banking, securities, and insurance industries to compete more efficiently and effectively while improving consumer access to financial services, protecting investors, and ensuring a safe and sound banking system.<WP=6>In Britain and Germany, the universal banking system is adopted. Such a system provides more facility for financial institutions to provide diversified financial services, while at the same time, the risks within the institutions will be more than those in the specialized institutions.The Operations of The Holding CompanyChapter 3 and 4 discuss the operations of the financial holding company. In the Group’s organizational structure, the subsidiaries have their respective licenses to conduct specific business, while they can also actively co-operate to achieve synergies for the Group. The conflicts of interests among subsidiaries are a challenge, so effective harmonization practices become vital for the smooth running of the holding company.Supervision ProblemsChapter 5 discusses the challenges that the financial regulators of both developed and developing nations now face as a result of financial innovation and changes in the strategy of financial intermediaries. Generally speaking, the need for commercial banks to enter new businesses, given the decreasing importance of traditional financial intermediation, has led to a review of the means for regulating bank activity. This review has affected the separation of the classic financial intermediation activity from other activities, primarily

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