

A Functional Analysis of the Questioning Language of the Therapist--A Case Study of Psychotherapeutic Discourse

【作者】 王洁卿

【导师】 杨潮光;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 英语, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 对心理治疗师提问语言的功能主义分析—心理治疗话语的案例研究心理治疗话语是在治疗室发生的由治疗师就咨客的情感问题进行心理治疗的话语,它具有特定的形式和规则,研究这类话语可以使我们更好地理解日常交流。对于心理治疗话语的现有研究多从社会语言学或批评话语分析的角度出发,强调话语的社会实践性,对于体现这种社会实践性的语符本身研究不够,本论文试从功能主义语言学的角度出发,对一心理治疗案例中治疗师的提问语言进行了研究。研究方法上,将提问部分语篇按主题的不同分成四个小语篇,分别从功能语言学三大元功能之人际、概念、语篇功能的角度加以研究。综合来看,较有特点的功能主义特征是:人际功能方面,提问语言中包含人际隐喻—语气隐喻;提问中的命题部分情态功能词较少见;提问中,治疗师注意了转换提问对象使本案例中的咨客—丈夫和妻子—有同等发言的机会。概念功能方面,很多提问意在激活语境因素,把抽象词汇置于具体语境中去理解。提问小句中还包含两层投射型复句。并列或从属关系的复句的使用使提问与前一轮答语在逻辑上联系紧密。语篇功能方面,所有衔接手段如指代,省略,连词以及词汇组织的运用,在各个小语篇中虽侧重点不同,却从整体上起了帮助构造完整语篇的作用。提问语言的总体特征是:结构性,中性和具体性。本论文还试从治疗师提问的角度对心理治疗话语进行了解释。

【Abstract】 Psychotherapeutic discourse is a particular kind of discourse that takes place in a therapy room between a therapist and client around the latter’s emotional problems. It takes place within a well-defined setting and framework of rules. By studying this kind of discourse, we can better understand everyday communication. Present studies of psychotherapeutic discourse mainly take the approach of either sociolinguistics or critical discourse analysis, which emphasizes the side of social practice in discourse. However, as to the semiotics through which this practice can be realized, there seems little attention or even study. This thesis attempts to take a functional approach to the analysis of the questioning language of the therapist in a psychotherapeutic case. The research method involved dividing the text of a transcript of a session of psychotherapeutic discourse into four subtexts according to the difference of topics. Each subtext was analyzed from the perspective of the three metafunctions of language: interpersonal, ideational and textual. The general characteristics of the questioning language are structure, neutrality, and specificity. This thesis also attempts to give an explanation of psychotherapeutic discourse from the point of view of the therapist’s questioning.

  • 【分类号】B849
  • 【下载频次】293