

The Study on Novel Monitor System of Marine Engine Room Lab

【作者】 初忠

【导师】 郭晨;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 轮机工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文结合作者参加的青岛远洋船员学院自动化机舱实验室监测系统的改造,对该监测系统的数据采集系统工作原理、CAT型微机检测系统、新建监控系统的组成及功能、网络控制层与网络管理层的设计原理和系统自检与故障排除等部分进行了比较详细地论述。 这次改造在保留原系统的基础上,建造了一套能达到九十年代末船舶机舱监视报警系统先进水平的新系统。新系统拥有友好的用户界面,操作管理方便,工作可靠,符合教学训练要求。新系统在开发中,充分应用了目前计算机信息领域的网络技术,数据库技术,面向对象编程,INTERNET技术,以及PLC技术和DDE等新技术,使新建系统具有下列主要技术优点: 1.系统具有典型模块化结构。监控系统不再是与设备一一对应的配套关系,而是独立于被控设备的通用系统。 2.监控功能主要依靠软件实现,可以方便地增加或改变监控功能。 3.系统软硬件具有通用性和互换性,升级产品对前代产品具有兼容性。 4.能方便地提供多重冗余控制。提高了系统的可靠性。 5.便于实现全船操作控制管理中心的建立。

【Abstract】 In conjunction with the reform in the automated engine room laboratory monitoring system of Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariners College in which the writer participated, this paper describes the monitoring system in detail, including the working principle of the data sampling system, CAT computer monitoring system, the components and function of the newly-established monitoring system, the design principle of the network control level and management level as well as the self-detecting and trouble-shooting of the system.Based on the original one, a new system has been set up during this reform which is as advanced as the engine room monitor and alarm system in the late 90’s. The new system has many advantages, such as friendly interface, convenient in operation, reliable and catering to the need of training. During the development of the new system, a lot of advanced techniques were adopted covering network, database, object-oriented programming, internet, PLC and DDE etc.. Therefore the new system possesses the following major technological advantages:1 .The system has a typical module structure. The monitoring system is no longer an ancillary to the equipment and is independent of the controlled unit.2.The monitoring function is affected mainly by means of software so that it can be increased or altered conveniently.3.Hardwares and softwares are adaptable and interchangeable. The upgraded is compatible with the old one.4.Redundancy control can be readily provided and reliability is increased.5.It facilitates the establishment of the management center for controlling the whole ship.

  • 【分类号】U665.26
  • 【被引频次】5
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