

Research of Load Balancing of the Service Control Point in the Intelligent Network

【作者】 张炯

【导师】 周玉钦;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 智能网是一个能快速、方便、灵活、经济、有效地生成和实现各种新业务与修改原有业务的体系结构,它是一个业务控制体系结构,是开放式、分布式、与业务无关的通信通用平台。业务控制点和业务交换点是智能网的主要构成部分,它们通过No.7信令进行通信。业务控制点接收业务交换点的请求并进行分析和处理,最后返回给业务交换点请求的响应。 在智能网中,业务控制点是由多个模块构成的分布式处理系统,用户数据分布在各个模块中,由于用户数据流量的差异导致各个模块间负载的不同。因此,必须平衡各个模块的负载,提高模块的利用率,进而提高整个系统的效率。已有的负载平衡方法——记录迁移方法,它是以记录为单位将用户数据从负载高的模块迁移到负载低的模块来达到平衡模块间负载的效果。但是它不能够动态平衡负载,这种方法主要存在以下两个缺陷: 1.记录迁移时系统开销问题; 2.记录迁移循环问题。 本论文针对上述两个问题,提出一种改进的负载平衡方法,通过对用户数据流量随时间变化的仿真,比较了记录迁移方法改进前后每一模块的流量变化与所有模块平均流量变化的趋近程度,同时还对几个重要参数:模块数量缩减率、负载不平衡比和单位时间内记录迁移数量,它们之间的关系进行讨论,得出改进后的记录迁移方法能够达到动态平衡负载的效果。

【Abstract】 The IN (Intelligent Network), which is being investigated as a future communication network, facilitates both rapid introduction of new services and easy modification of existing services. The SCP (Service Control Point) and the SSP (Service Switch Point) are IN components that connected by SS7 (Signaling System No.7). The SCP fields query from the SSP, parse them and perform real-time database query processing, and provides the appropriate responses.The SCP allocates data for customers among multiple modules. In the SCP, load can vary among the modules due to dispersion in the amount of traffic for each customer. It is therefore important to balance out this load variation and raise the utilization of each module in order to achieve an efficient distributed processing system. There is a method for balancing the load among modules by transferring customer data in units of records from high-load modules to low-load modules. But the method can not balance load dynamically. There are two limitations in this method:1. Processor overhead for transferring record2. Circulation for transferring recordThen, based on the above limitations, this paper proposes a dynamic Load Balancing method. Through the simulation of the change over time of the traffic of customer data, it draws a comparison in the deviation of the change over time of the traffic in a certain SDM (Service Data Module) with respect to that of the average traffic of all modules between old method and new method. The load imbalance ratio, the number of records transferred per unit time and the reduction of number of modules are evaluated. And the relationship among them is also evaluated. Therefore, the dynamic transferring of records is an effective scheme for balancing load among modules in the service control point of the IN.

  • 【分类号】TN915.5
  • 【下载频次】47