

International Protection of Well-known Trademark and China’s Countermeasures Research

【作者】 刘灵芝

【导师】 王嵩山; 李冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文就驰名商标的国际保护及我国应采取的对策进行论述。 首先,论述驰名商标的一般理论问题,包括驰名商标的概念、法律特征,驰名商标的分类与认定及保护驰名商标的意义等,对有争议的问题提出了自己的观点。 其次,通过引证、分析相关资料,论述了驰名商标国际保护的现状和发展趋势;并简要阐述了发达国家保护驰名商标的有益经验;阐明了对国际公约有关规定的认识。 最后,通过对我国保护驰名商标的立法与实践现状的分析,指出与国际公约规定的差距和不足之处,提出了我国建立和完善驰名商标法律保护制度在立法与实践方面应采取的若干对策。

【Abstract】 This thesis expounds on the international protection of well-known trademarks and the countermeasures that China should adopt.The thesis expresses the general theoretic problems on well-known trademarks, including the concepts, the legal characteristics, the categories and the identification, and the significance of the well-known trademark protection as well as the author’s opinion on some contentious points.By the introduction and the analysis of relative cases, this part expresses the present situation and the tendency of the international protection to the well-known trademarks and gives a brief explanation of some helpful experiences of developed countries in well-known trademark protection and then expresses the understanding of the stipulations in international treaties.Though the analysis of the legislation and the present situation of China’s protection of well-known trademarks, the thesis points out the gap between and stipulations in the international treaties and those in China’s legislation, and puts forward several practical countermeasures in the establishment and the improvement of China’s legal protection of well-known trademarks

  • 【分类号】D997.1;D923.43
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】466