

Comparison Research on Infringement and Protection of Patent

【作者】 冷慧宇

【导师】 王嵩山; 李冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 专利作为知识产权中的“重头戏”,在经济发展中起着极其重要的作用。由于专利本身所具有的无形性、地域性、专有性等的特点,在实际生活中很容易发生侵权现象。随着科技的进步与经济的发展,其侵权的手段多种多样,侵权的案件有不断上升的趋势,因此,建立起统一、准确的专利侵权认定标准,对于社会的发展具有十分重要的作用。 并且随着国际贸易的增多,专利的国际保护问题,也备受人们的关注。世界各国,在不断完善本国专利法的同时,也在不断探索专利的国际保护的法律途径,使各国的专利权人都能够得到有效的保护。 本文在分析了我国及一些主要发达国家专利保护状况的基础上,针对我国法律界对专利侵权的认定标准不一的情况,就专利的侵权的认定问题提出了及点司法建议,希望通过汲取发达国家专利制度中的精华来不断补充和完善我国的专利制度。

【Abstract】 Patent as keystone of intellectual property has been playing important role in economic development. Because of patent itself possessing immateriality, regionality and appropriateness, infringing cases often occur in the practice. With the advancement of science and technology and the development of economy, the means of infringement becomes diversification and the case of infringing has going up trend. Therefore, it is very important to establish unitive and veracious cognizing standard of patent infringement for development of society.With the progress of international tradition, the problem of international patent protection has being paid more and more attention. Many countries in the world have been searching new law path of international patent protection to efficient native Patent Law.This paper, on the basis of studies on the patent protection status of our country and some developed western countries, in view of the situation of disunity for cognizing standard of patent infringement in law field of our country, points out some constructive legislative proposals. The aim is to absorb the virtue of patent system in developed western countries to enrich and perfect patent system of our country.

【关键词】 专利专利权侵权
【Key words】 PatentPatent rightInfringement
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】345