

【作者】 贺辉

【导师】 迟泽英; 陈文建;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 光学工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 生活在当代的人们,相信都能深切感受到信息爆炸带给大家的惊喜与“恐惧”。所能把握的信息量的大小成为谋事成功与否的关键。科技民生如此,政治经济更是如此。人们对信息的需求达到了前所未有的渴求程度。网络的概念已早也成为人们熟悉的话题。面对主干网10G传输速率的应用,宽带接入网的发展成为必然的趋势。基于异步传输模式的无源光网络(APON)结合了ATM的多业务多比特率支持能力和PON的透明宽带传送能力,以其经济性和灵活性成为21世纪理想的光纤接入方案。 本论文主要是研究APON系统中光网络终端设计研制的实现方案与关键技术。课题源于江苏省高技术项目,项目名称为基于异步传输模式的无源光网络系统(APON)中光网络终端的研制,项目代号:BG2001046。 论文分为如下三大部分: 1.APON系统介绍,简要介绍了APON系统的两大基础技术支持—光接入网知识和ATM网络知识,在此之后,分析了APON系统的网络分层结构、网络规范及其设计实现的关键技术。 2.光网络终端(ONT)的设计说明,介绍了ONT在APON系统中的位置及作用,针对ONT的功能要求和APON的网络分层结构,我们提出了ONT分层开发的设计构想,并进一步细化为可行性的设计方案,给出了各层实现的途径以及所需要的硬件支持。ONT设计的一个重要环节是TC层核心芯片的设计,文中给出了芯片设计的功能模块图,并逐个模块说明了实现途径和实际设计过程。 3.系统测试,分别就芯片的测试及整个ONT的测试给出了两套测试方案。文章附录中是设计中所涉及的一些技术参数,设计详细流程及芯片的部分测试结果。 本论文的创新之处在于,提出了APON系统中ONT的总体设计方案并且独立开发出具有自主知识产权的TC层核心芯片,其中包括了十多项功能模块的电路设计,文中对本次设计的整个过程及各模块的实现进行了详细的说明。

【Abstract】 Information you are holding is the key to success. Everybody living in the present age was deeply affected by trepidation and exultancy the information bring to us. It is relate to the people living and the science developing and more intimately relate to economy and politics. People’s requirement for information is more exigent than any times before. Network is known well for everyone. Along with the lOGbit/s technology used in trunk network, the developing of access network is go without saying. The Passive Optical Network based on Asynchronous Transfer Mode (APON) present the broadband access technique for 21 century because of agility and saving. This paper described studying of ONT (Optic Network Terminal) in the APON system. This project originated form the high-tech project of jiansu province. TITLE: STUDYING AND EXPLOITATION TO THE ONT OF OAN. CODE: BG2001046.The whole paper make up of six chapter and three parts. 1. Introduce to APON system; 2. Explain for the designing of ONT; 3. Testing to the system. The first part of paper introduced the knowledge of OAN and ATM. After that, paper analyzed the layered structure and criterion of APON system and the key technology for realization.The second part of paper introduced the location and function of ONT. Towards to requirement of function and the layered structure, we conceived layered designing and more giving the feasible scheme of realization and the method for each layer and the hardware requiring in design course. Design for the chip of TC layer is keystone to the realization of ONT. This paper provided the function block of the TC layer chip, and explained the method and process of design for each block.The third part of paper gave two set scheme for testing the system. The appendix included some parameter using in the design and the detailed flow chart of design and a part of testing result.

【关键词】 异步传输模式无源光网络光网络终端
【Key words】 ATMPONONT
  • 【分类号】TN915.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】119