

Filling and Feeding Application Study of KW Seiyatsu Molding Line of The First Tractor Co.Ltd

【作者】 赵治国

【导师】 魏兵; 吴绍亮;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 机械工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在综述铸铁件的浇注和补缩理论的基础上,结合一拖KW静压线浇注和补缩的生产实际,利用铸铁件均衡凝固浇注和补缩技术,建立了一拖KW静压线浇注和补缩一体化设计工艺文件。 在对一拖KW静压线工艺参数进行统计分析的基础上,推荐了一拖KW静压线不同生产条件下流量系数表、浇注时间公式、浇注系统截面的形状和尺寸表;研究浇注系统充填设计的数学模型,对一拖KW静压线常用的浇注系统类型进行分析和归类,建立了浇注系统充填设计技术文件,可用于一拖KW静压线铸件的工艺评估和重新设计。 对一拖KW静压线补缩系统的工艺参数、补缩结构类型、冒口类型以及铸件模数、铸件热节模数与相应的浇注系统模数、冒口模数、冒口颈漠数的关系等进行了统计分析,在此基础上,推荐了一拖KW静压线铸铁件冒口尺寸序列表;对均衡凝固技术中所提出的铸铁件收缩时间分数和补缩率计算公式进行了一拖KW静压线的应用验证;研究一拖KW静压线的浇注系统当冒口补缩设计的数学模型,针对浇注系统流通效应对补缩的影响,推荐了浇注系统流通效应因数,提出浇注 西安理工大学硕士学位论文系统补缩设计方法,建立了一拖KW静压线浇注和补缩一体化设计文件。 进行一拖KWffe线浇注和补缩设计技术文件的生产验证,12(K3710传动箱壳体、主减速器壳体、4lDDto%端盖3 g生产结果表明,所提出的一拖KW静压线充填设计、浇注和补缩一体化设计文件可用于指导生产。

【Abstract】 On the basis of summarizing iron castings filling and feeding theory, combining with the filling and feeding production practice in the First Tractor Co. Ltd KW SEIYATSU molding line, using iron casting proportwrial-solidificatiori filling and feeding technology, documents of iron castings integration design for filling and feeding of the First Tractor Co. Ltd KW SEIYATSU molding line was establishedAuthor recommended coefficient table of flow under various production conditions, calculation formulae of filling time, section dimension tables of filling system, types of riser system, proportion-method design table of riser system of the First Tractor Co. Ltd KW SEIYATSU molding line. Through studying mathematics model of filling design of filling system of the First Tractor Ox Ltd KW SEIYATSU molding line, classifying and analyzing filling systems, author established docinnent of fillirg design of rilling systern of the First Tractor Co. Ltd KW SEIYATSU molding line mat could be appUed to production practice.Classifying and analyzing technical parameters of feeding system ,types of feeding system types of riser and etc ,dimension tables of riser had been got.calculation formulae of shrinkage time and feeding reduced by iron casting rproportionall-solidification technology was validated on the First TractorIIICo. Ltd KW SEIYATSU molding line. Studying mathematics model of feeding of filling system of the First Tractor Co. Ltd KW SEIYATSU molding line, analyzing effect of flow-effect on feeding of filling system and recommending flow-effect coefficient, author brought forward design documents of feeding design of filling system being regard as riser. Finally, author deduced filling and feeding integration design documents of the First Tractor Co. Ltd KW SEIYATSU molding line.Author took production test of this documents of and outcome informed that these documents could be applied to production practice.

  • 【分类号】TG244
  • 【被引频次】1
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