

【作者】 傅迎春

【导师】 童水光;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 化工过程机械, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着越来越多的数字信息输入计算机,产品数据成为企业生产赖以正常运转的依据,同时这些数据的查询和共享变得异常困难。采用CAD/CAE/CAM技术后,大多数企业迫切需要将信息化进程引向深层次,努力探索提高产品设计质量和效率的有效方法力图使产品开发人员在设计的初始阶段就能考虑到产品的工艺、装配、制造等下游阶段,从而提高设计质量,降低成本,即所谓并行设计思想。人们普遍认为,产品数据管理(PDM)是企业信息系统集成,实现并行工程理想的集成框架体系。 分布式数据管理和协同的过程管理是实现PDM系统关键的两个方面。有鉴于此,论文着重在这两个方面做了工作,对协同过程管理和分布式数据管理概念、原理与实现机制进行了较全面的研究,结合企业实际建立面向并行工程的信息模型,最后使用面向对象软件开发技术实现了功能。 论文阐述了产品数据管理基本概念、总结了国内外研究现状,介绍了PDM系统体系结构和主要功能。重点介绍了电子仓库和文档管理、工作流管理、产品结构和配置管理功能。接着论文阐述了并行工程基本概念,指出实施并行工程关键的两个方面:基于专家小组(Team Work)的并行管理方法和计算机支持的并行设计方法。 在研究基本数据库理论基础上,论文提出了实现分布式数据管理的客户机/服务器网络模式及实现原理。重点研究了数据管理实现技术,提出分布数据管理实现机制,针对网络不同级别用户提出了数据分级模型,详细研究了不同用户的数据存取权限及其动态变化过程。最后提出数据加锁技术可以实现分布式数据的并发控制。 论文讨论了与过程有关的组织结构和人员管理。为实现并行过程,必须在计算机支持下组成集成开发团队协同工作,为此论文讨论了不同含义但又相互关联的几个概念:用户、账号、成员、角色、小组。接着论文提出并行过程嵌套模型,在此基础上建立以任务为中心,协调人员、过程、资源的流程管理模型,并研究了过程转换发生的条件及具体过程。 论文使用面向对象分析与设计方法,建立了分布式数据管理和过程管理对象模型,研究了对象间静态层次关系,给出无锡机床股份有限公司XIJI-PDM系统实例。

【Abstract】 Digital information has become the basis on which enterprise’s operation depends, with more and more products data, including drawings, specifications and E-mails, are stored in computer. Searching and sharing in such enormous data has become very difficult. After application of CAD/CAE/CAM technology, most enterprises are making efforts to find a way to improve their product design; reduce time to market and lower manufacturing costs. It is required that designer should consider assembly, manufacturing on the early stage of product development. It is so-called "Concurrent Engineering". Product data management (PDM) is considered to be the ideal platform to implement concurrent engineering. It is also a power tool in integrating enterprise’s various information systems.Distributed data management and cooperative workflow management are the key points in a PDM implementation. This paper mainly focuses on these two aspects, and has done global research work about them, which concerns concept, principle and realization. Paper also builds information model in terms of idea of concurrent engineering, and points out the way to realize the functions discussed using object-oriented software development technology.This paper expatiates on the PDM definition and its scope; discusses its structure and main functions. Meanwhile, thesis focuses on PDM detailed functions like data vault & document management, workflow management, and product structure & configuration management. Then paper explains the idea of concurrent engineering, points out two key technologies in the implementation of concurrent engineering: concurrent management method based on teamwork and concurrent design method supported by networked computer systems.The paper discusses basic theory of database; then discusses server/client network computing model which distributed data management relies on. Paper also proposes a layered data storage structure according to different users’ level on network. Finally the paper gives an approach called X-locks to solve the conflicts occurring in database concurrent access.Enterprises’ organization structure and team management are discussed also. Then the paper explains many concepts, which related with each other but have different meanings: user, account, member, role, and team. An embedded model of concurrent workflow is put forward. The paper builds an information model of workflow management; studies the procedure transformation conditions.Thesis applies object-oriented analysis in the development of PDM system; studies relationship between these objects. As a result of theory discussed above, an instance, XIJI-PDM system, which was developed for Wuxi Machine Tools Plant in 1996 is given.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP311.12
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】636