

【作者】 冯兰珍

【导师】 李本高;

【作者基本信息】 石油化工科学研究院 , 应用化学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界水资源短缺加剧、水污染日益严重,对工业水处理技术的要求不断提高,促进了水处理剂的迅速发展。当前,新型、高效、不含磷的环保型缓蚀剂已成为人们研究开发的热点。 无机硅酸钠是重要的非磷缓蚀剂之一。它具有效果较好、无污染、易操作等优点,但存在容易形成硅垢的不足,使它的应用受到限制。将无机硅酸盐有机化,既能保持无机硅的缓蚀能力,又克服无机硅易结垢的缺点。 以甲基三乙氧基硅烷、乙烯基三乙氧基硅烷、γ-胺丙基三乙氧基硅烷为主要原料,在40℃~50℃,氢氧化钠水溶液中水解2小时,分别得到甲基硅酸钠、乙烯基硅酸钠、γ-胺丙基硅酸钠。 以γ-胺丙基三乙氧基硅烷和二氯聚醚为主要原料,在120℃,氮气保护下反应4小时,得到聚醚二硅烷。聚醚二硅烷再在温度为70~80℃,氢氧化钠水溶液中水解2小时,得到最终产物——聚醚有机二硅酸钠。 用核磁共振方法对合成的目标化合物进行结构分析。C13NMR结果表明,得到的化合物与所设计化合物的结构相符。 用旋转挂片法对上述四种有机硅化合物的缓蚀性能进行评定。结果表明,有机硅酸盐有一定的缓蚀性能,其中,胺丙基硅酸钠和聚醚有机二硅酸钠的缓蚀效果比硅酸钠好。当50mg/L的聚醚有机二硅酸钠与4mg/L的锌盐复配,复合剂的缓蚀率可达95.5%,远远大于相同条件下无机硅酸盐的缓蚀效果。 用静态阻垢实验方法对所合成的有机硅酸盐的结垢性能进行评价,结果表明有机硅酸盐自身形成的硅酸盐垢比无机硅酸盐自身形成的硅酸盐垢量小,其中聚醚有机H硅酸盐的结垢率最小,仅为4.36趴而相同条件下的硅酸钠为 13.4%。 用电化学方法对所合成的有机硅化合物的缓蚀机理进行研究,极化曲线显示,有机硅酸盐与无机硅酸盐相同,为典型的抑制阳极型的”缓蚀剂。

【Abstract】 In view of excessive exploration of world wide water resource, serious water pollution and extension of industrial apparatus operating period, cooling water treatment technology is facing a challenge to develop chemicals having high effect against scale and corrosion for cooling water treatment. Accordingly, the goal of this thesis is to synthesize new-functional water treatment chemicals without phosphorus.Sodium silicate, as a kind of important no-phosphorus corrosion inhibitors, has many advantages such as having no-pollution and not-nutritious for water, easy-operation and so on. But its liable to precipitating to silicon-fouling. In order to overcome this, its necessary to synthesize organ silicones as good corrosion inhibitors.First, synthesize three compounds: methyl sodium silicate, vinyl sodium silicate, v -aminopropyl sodium silicate. The conditions: soda hydroxide as catalyst; temperature:40-500C; concentration of agent is: O.70-O.8OmolIL; concentration of soda hydroxide is: 1.1O-I.2Omol LSecond, synthesize polv ether-bearing organ di-silane.Conditions:temperature:120 0C;proportionofy-aininopropyl-triethoxy silane and dichloro-polyether: 3:1; reaction time: four hours; protection with nitrogen. Under the temperature 70-800C, hydrolyzed to poly ether-bearing organ di-sodiurn silicate.All the products were characterized by C13NMR.Weight-losing corrosion test proved that the new-typed organ silicate showed good effect as corrosion inhibitors. The effect of v -arninopropyl sodium silicate and poly ether-bearing organ di-sodium silicate is better than sodium silicate. Double crossing with 4mg11 Zinc salt, the corrosion-inhibiting rate of poly ether-bearing organ di-sodium silicate in the concentration of SOmg/L is 95. 5%.By static scale inhibition test, the effect of depositing to silicon-fouling of organ silicate is lower than sodium silicate, poly ether-bearing organ di-sodium silicate is 4. 36%, while sodium silicate is 13.4%.Preliminary exploration of mechanism proved that, sodium silicate is cathode-controlling corrosion inhibitor; organ silicate is anode-controlling corrosion inhibitor.

  • 【分类号】TQ085.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】593