

Design and Application of the Automatically Measuring System on Laser scattering

【作者】 李传宝

【导师】 吴振森;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 无线电物理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 激光散斑雷达的研制属于总武装部国防科技重点实验室基金项目——导弹目标激光散射特性研究的部分工作。这些研究为目标特征的提取及识别技术,隐身与反隐身技术,红外光学制导等方面提供技术依据。对国防现代化和国民经济的发展具有重要意义。 本文主要介绍激光散射自动测量系统的建立过程,对系统的软件部分进行改进设计。利用该系统对一些样片进行测量并分析。参考上述激光散射测量方面的工作,采用最新的测量技术,初步建立了激光散斑雷达自动测量系统。并利用该系统测量特殊样片,从理论上进行了分析。其主要工作包括以下几个方面: 1、基于粗糙面散射理论研究,从理论上论证了实验系统的可行性。 2、参考国外最新的激光散射测量的理论模型,结合最新的零差式干涉仪探测技术设计了测量系统光路结构。 3、结合现有的实验条件设计并安装系统的机械结构,设计了系统接口卡的原理图和PCB图,制作电路板并调试通过。 4、设计开发系统的驱动和数据采集软件,并设计开发了系统性能和精度测试软件。 5、对实验系统进行调试,检验了系统性能指标。测量了某些特殊材料的样片,进行了比较分析。并提出了数据处理的初步方案。

【Abstract】 The automatically scaling system on laser speckle radar is part of key laboratory fund item from chief arming ministry - the study of missile target laser scattering characteristics. It is intended to provide technical basis for stealth and antistealth technology, the extraction of target characteristics and the recognition of target, infrared guiding technology , etc. The work is of great importance to the modernization of national defense and the development of national economy.This paper mainly introduces the established process of the automatically measuring system on laser scattering, and mends the design of the system’s software, and some samples are measured and analyzed in theory. We adopts the up to date scaling technology , elementarily develops the automatically scaling system on laser speckle radar as a reference to the former work in scaling laser scattering. Some samples are measured and analyzed in theory. This paper mostly includes the following aspects:1. Based on the theoretical study of rough surface scattering, The experiment system is demonstrated to be feasible.2. As a reference to the overseas up-to-the -minute academic model on scaling laser scattering, we make use of the technology of the homodyne interferometer detection and design the light route framework of the experiment system.3. Combined with the existing experiment condition ,we design and install the machinery of the system., design the circuit and PCB diagram of the controlling card , make out the circuit board to debug and pass .4. The software is designed and exploited to drive motors and collect data, and a testingsoftware is exploited to check up the capability and precision of the system.5. We debugged the experiment system, and test its capability, and put forward to the element scheme on data. processing. Some samples are scaled and comparatively analyzed.

  • 【分类号】TN247
  • 【被引频次】4