

Study on Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Euphorbia Pulcherrima Willd

【作者】 焦海华

【导师】 周吉源;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 植物学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以一品红(Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd)为材料,以幼嫩茎、叶片为外植体,以MS为基本培养基附加不同浓度和比例的细胞生长素、细胞分裂素,进行了愈伤组织的诱导、芽的分化、根的分化、芽的增殖及芽苗生根及以休眠芽为外植体快繁等的一些基本规律进行了研究;初步探讨了固体培养条件下,不同光质、不同糖及浓度对愈伤组织的形成、芽分化的影响,以期为一品红的快速繁殖提供一些基础资料,为我国优质一品红种苗的专业化生产提供可能性。 实验结果如下: 不同种类、不同浓度的激素及其组合对愈伤组织的诱导效果均不相同,愈伤组织的质量及再分化的能力也有较大的差别:不同的外植体在相同的生长素、相同浓度下,愈伤组织的诱导率、质量有明显差异。本文根据实验得出:以幼嫩茎段作为外植体,诱导愈伤组织时,单因子以MS+NAA。0.5mg.L—l组合因子以MS+ZT0.5;,a·:—l-4-NAA~.i—:.。+、—l为培养基效果最好:MS+6-BA^:o,e●L/l+NAA¨—o’2。mgL—1次之。诱导愈伤组织以叶片为外植体,单因子以MS+NAA.;—I.o,t.d.—I组合因子以MS牛6-BA,.o—。~·,—l+NAAo.5—:.。16·+—I 效果最好。在附加有NAA、2,4—D、IAA的培养基中,愈伤组织疏松、湿润、乳白色或白绿色、透明状或半透明状;在附加有IBA、KT的培养基上,愈伤组织致密、干燥、白绿色、易褐化;在低浓度(小于1.0mg·L—1)的ZT培养基上愈伤组织疏松、湿润、乳白色、容易分化:在高浓度(大于等于1.0mg·L—1)的ZT培养基上,愈伤组织致密、绿色、瘤状;在附加有6—BA的培养基上,最初切口处形成白色、致密、小晶体状的愈伤组织,随后逐渐转变为致密、绿色、瘤状的愈伤组织。 芽分化最佳培养基配方为MS+ZT:.o—:.。Ie·:)1+NAA¨叫。i,e·:—l 和MS+ZT0.5,e·、—l效果最好;MS+6-BA:.0—2:0。.e●L—l +NAAo.:刁.i,e·:—l 效果次之。并且在MS+ZT、MS+ZT+NAA的培养基中培养过程中容易形成胚性细胞团。开始时在愈伤组织表面,长出许多淡黄色、小颗粒状构成的球形细胞团、质地较坚硬,很容易从原愈伤组织上脱离下来,生长迅速,容易分化成苗。 不同糖类及糖浓度对一品红培养过程中愈伤组织的诱导率、愈伤组织的芽分化率具有显著影响;相比较而言,蔗糖效果比葡萄糖好,蔗糖的最适浓度范!Zg霎自。】硕十堂付N玄\、GkW \lASTER S了HESIS一 围为30一叨g·*’,葡萄糖的最适范围为3卜SO g·厂’:同时还可知,高 浓度的蔗糖对愈伤组织的芽分化有明显的抑制作用,高浓度的葡萄糖对愈伤组 织的芽分化的抑制作用不显著。 根分化最佳培养基配方为皿+IBAO。;。。。‘+N恤.;、。。。’和m+N讪。;。 叩厂‘效果最佳;MSHu儿.*。*厂‘效果次之。在MSHBA州AA培养上,形成 根数量多、白色、粗壮、多根毛、生长迅速,能产生次级根,但容易再愈伤组 织化;在MS叶AA培养基上分化出的根,乳黄色、直而细、根毛少、不愈伤组 织化。 芽的增殖培养基的最佳配方为MS+ZTM.外‘+NMi;。厂’和MS+ZT闪.吓 -’+6-BA。。。。‘+Ni*。L-‘效果次之。从芽的增殖培养中发现 ZT与 6-BA组 合在一起时,对于愈伤组织的形成、芽的分化均没有显著的促进作用,这一点 与前人在仙客来、泡桐等组织培养中的应用结果不太一致。在 MS + ZT*。厂’十 NAAo;T厂‘培养基上芽的增殖培养过程中,形成的芽粗壮、叶片生长正常。 试管苗生根培养基为MS十IAAM叩厂‘,MS +NAA。*、幻.厂‘效果最好,MSH丸.; 呵·。州地。冈.*‘效果次之。 以日光为对照,在红、绿、蓝、黄四种不同光质条件下,愈伤组织的诱导 率均有所提高,红光下愈伤组织诱导率最高。各种光质对愈伤组织芽的分化均 投有显著的促进作用,相比较而言,绿光比较有利。

【Abstract】 This paper reported the research of Euphorbia Pulcherrima Willd used young sterm and young leaves as explants. The MS media was the basic media,given different concentration and ratio auxin or cytokinins. Studied callus induce,endosperm differentiation and reproduce,root differentiation and young plant rootage.Also studied the basic law of reproduction of dormant bud:the effect of different light qualituy and sucrose different concentration.Hope to offer some to the industrialization of Euphorbia Pulcherrima Willd.Different hormone,different concentration could induce different callus.If given same factors,different explants had different callus ratio.If young endosperm was used as explants,the media MS+ZTo.2-i.omg.i_-i(follow as it)+NAAo.s-i.o was the best media.The mediaMS+6-BAi.o-2.o+NAAo.5-2.o seconded to it.If young leaves was used as explants,the mediaMS+6BAi.0-2 o+NAAo.5-2.o was the best media.The media MS+6-BAi.o seconded to it.If the media was given NAA,2,4-D,IAA,callus was loose,moist,milk white or white-green ,transparent or semi- transparent.If the media was given IBA,KT,callus was density,dry,white-green and easy to brown.Callus cultured hi low concentration^l.Omg.L"1) was better than that in high concentration(> 1 .Omg.L"1).The media MS+ZTi.o-2.o+NAAo. 1-0.5 was the best media media for endosperm differentiation.The media MS+6-BAi o-2.o+NAAo.i-o5 seconded to it.Callus cultured in media MS+ZT+NAA was easy to regenerate particulate embryonic callus.On the suffice of callus,there was some cell group,and easy to regenerate plant.Different concentration sugar had different effect to callus.The effect of media with sucrose was better than that with glucan.The concentration of sucrose from 30-40g.L’{ was suitable to callus,the concentration of glucan fromSO-SOg.L"1 was also suitable to callus.At the same time,high concentration sugar inhibited callus induction,but high concentration glucan did not inhibited callus induction.The effect of media MS+IBAoa-i.o+NAAo.i-o.s was best to root differentiation,and media MS+IAAo2-os seconded to it.If media was given IBA,NAA,the root was white,more stronger and grew more quickly,had more root rip,but it would come out callus again.If media was given IAA,root was yellow,slim,less root rip and couldnot come to callus again.The optimum media for amplification was MS+ZTi.o+NAAoj.The mediaMS+ZTi.o+6-BA2.o+NAAo.iseconded to it,but the media MS+6-BA couldnot promote callus induce or differention.Endospenn cultured in media MS+ZTi.0 was strong and its leaves were normal.The optimum media for root regeneration was MS+IAAi.o,and the media MS+IBAo.2+NAAo.5 seconded to it.Contrasted to sun light,callus ratio in red,blue,green and white light was higher,callus ratio in red light was the highest. Light quality had no obvious effect to endosperm differentiation,but green light had a little effect.

【关键词】 一品红愈伤组织植株再生
【Key words】 Euphorbia Pulcherrima willdcallusplant regeneration
  • 【分类号】S685.23
  • 【被引频次】1
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